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  1. Arte Cibernética - Coleção Itaú Cultural

    Arte Cibernética - Coleção Itaú Cultural de 3 de outubro a 25 de novembro. O Instituto Itaú Cultural motiva a produção de conteúdo que concilie a tecnologia, a cultura e a arte desde sua criação. Para isto, o instituto se uniu a Estação Cabo Branco, em João Pessoa, para lançar a exposição Arte Cibernética - Coleção Itaú Cultural, que ocorrerá a partir do dia 3 de outubro até 25 de novembro. A exposição consiste na exibição de oito obras da coleção presente no instituto, que também mantém a Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural de Arte e Tecnologia como incentivo ao conteúdo desta produção artística.

    (Fonte:Itaú Cultural)

    Luciana Gattass - 24.10.2012 - 17:11

  2. p0es1s. Digitale Poesie

    Die Ausstellung p0es1s. Digitale Poesie wird vom 13. Februar bis 4. April 2004 von der literaturWERKstatt berlin in Kooperation mit der Stiftung Brückner-Kühner (Kassel) in den Sonderausstellungshallen am Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz, Berlin gezeigt.

    Über 40 Künstler aus 12 Ländern zeigen verschiedene Positionen zur Sprachkunst mit Computer und Internet.

    Johannes Auer - 06.11.2012 - 13:02

  3. Art on Air - Radiokunst im Wandel

    Radiokunst bewegt sich in einem künstlerisch interdisziplinären Zwischen­bereich der bildenden Kunst, der experimentellen Literatur und der Neuen Musik. Dementsprechend wird die Radiokunst in der Ausstellung in ihren visuellen, akustischen und dokumentarischen Kontexten dargestellt. So entsteht ein repräsentativer Einblick und Überblick vor dem Hintergrund der technischen Entwicklung und mit Bezügen zur aktuellen Medienkunst. Repräsentativ sind auch die vorgestellten Künstlerinnen und Künstler, die verschiedenen Generationen angehören und aus jeweils unterschiedlichen musikalischen, literarischen oder bildkünstlerischen Kontexten heraus arbeiten: Johannes Auer, die Künstlergruppe Ligna, Michaela Melian, Christina Kubisch, Felix Kubin und Carsten Nicolai sowie Franz Mon, Ferdinand Kriwet, Mauricio Kagel, Wolf Vostell, Carlfriedrich Claus und John Cage. Sie vermitteln durch ihr Werk eine Vorstellung von der 'Tradition' der Radiokunst in Deutschland.

    Johannes Auer - 07.11.2012 - 15:24

  4. CYNETart 2000 - internationales Festival für computergestützte Kunst

    CYNETart 2000 - internationales Festival für computergestützte Kunst

    Johannes Auer - 07.11.2012 - 16:44

  5. prog: ME

    prog: ME, the first large event of new medias in Rio de Janeiro.
    The event presents video installations, interactive arts, net arts, cd-rom, games arts, urban intervention e electronic music concerts, besides lectures given by theorists and artists.

    Johannes Auer - 07.11.2012 - 16:56

  6. Dichter am Apparat - Literatur begegnet Film, Radio und Internet

    "Dichter am Apparat" will keine lückenlose Geschichte der Begegnung zwischen Literatur und neuen Medien erzählen, sondern an ausgewählten Beispielen die in dieser Begegnung möglich werdende kreative Erneuerung der literarischen Sprache aufzeigen.
    Sie verzichtet auf Originalexponate zugunsten einer multimedialen und interaktiven Präsentation von Hörstationen, Filmprojektionen und Computerarbeitsplätzen. Als Leitinformationssystem dienen acht eigens für die Ausstellung produzierte Kurzfilme, in denen Expertinnen und Experten über ihre Arbeit zwischen Literatur und neuen Medien berichten.

    Johannes Auer - 07.11.2012 - 17:31

  7. III Mostra 3M de Arte Digital

    Technophagies is the central concept of the III 3M Digital Art Show, accomplished at Instituto Tomie Ohtake, in São Paulo, from August 15 to September 16, 2012. The exhibition has gathered artists who stand out for the creative and critical use of technologies and media. In their approaches, they manifest a combination between high- and low-tech, and the new accommodations among immemorial and last-generation knowledges. In a phrase, the relationships between cutting-edge science and garage science.

    (Curatorial statement)

    Luciana Gattass - 02.12.2012 - 21:33

  8. Grand Text Auto Exhibition at the Krannert Art Museum

    Many blogs have spawned books over the last few years, but is the first to become an art exhibition. This blog about computer mediated and computer generated works of many forms—including, hypertext fiction, and computer games—is collaboratively written by Mary Flanagan, Michael Mateas, Nick Montfort, Scott Rettberg, Andrew Stern, and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. In this exhibition, the bloggers put their ideas into practice by displaying a variety of cutting edge works of digital art of their own creation.

    (Source: Krannert Art Museum)

    Scott Rettberg - 06.12.2012 - 13:01

  9. Grand Text Auto Exhibition at the Beall Center for Art and Technology

    What happens when a popular blog crashes into a gallery exhibition? Jump in as the drivers of Grand Text Auto careen toward new fictional forms and modes of play. Grand Text Auto presents six artists wheeling their way to the forefront of digital games and narrative. The artists include Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Mary Flanagan, Michael Mateas, Andrew Stern, Nick Montfort, and Scott Rettberg.

    With collaboration and support from the GVU Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts at the University of California, San Diego.

    (Source: Exhibition announcement from the Beall Center)

    Scott Rettberg - 06.12.2012 - 16:10

  10. Avenues of Access: An Exhibit & Online Archive of New 'Born Digital' Literature at the MLA 2013 Convention

    "Avenues of Access: An Exhibit & Online Archive of New 'Born Digital' Literature" is a media art exhibit that will be held in conjunction with the MLA 2013 Convention and feature new works of born digital literature. Multimodal Narrative, Multimodal Poetry, Literary Games, E-Essay, and Mobile/Locative Works are featured at the show. To gain a better understanding of the way this exhibit will be organized, visit last year's exhibit website.

    Exhibit Location and Time

    "Avenues of Access: An Exhibit & Online Archive of New 'Born Digital' Literature" takes place in Boston, MA, and will be situated in room 310 in the Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center. Exhibit times are:

    Thursday, 3 January, 12 Noon to 7:00 p.m.
    Friday, 4 January, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
    Saturday, 5 January, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

    The exhibit closes on Saturday afternoon. It will not be open on Sunday.

    Friday Night Performances

    Scott Rettberg - 19.12.2012 - 14:55
