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  1. Nachtkrabbel


    yra van dijk - 18.02.2011 - 01:03

  2. Deep Surface

    Deep Surface is the monstrous progeny of a strange romance between a reading machine and a free-diving simulator. Literature at crush depth. Hypertext gets wet. Generically, it is yet another instrument: one of those things you can play (or play with), without playing a game. There are rules here, and procedures, and (as in Real Life) a more or less invisible scoring system; so astute players may be able to invent clever and even elegant strategies. But if you're not feeling astute, you can plunge in and have a dip, immersing yourself in what signs and symptoms may present themselves as you pass by, dreaming perhaps of meaning... till robot voices wake you, and you drown.

    (Source: Author's description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume Two)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 20.02.2011 - 14:26

  3. Separation / Séparation

    Author description: This text was written during a stay in the hospital in 2001. Computer workers often neglect their bodies and by doing so they risk the development of a Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The visitors of Separation / Séparation are compelled to click slowly (as someone recovering from RSI) in order to see how words appear, one by one. Every now and then an exercise for an RSI patient is proposed and all interaction with the computer is postponed. The text seems to be about a separation between human beings, but the last two phrases reveal that it is about a separation between a human being and a computer. The exercises in this piece are based on the exercises in WorkPace, a software tool that assists in the recovery and prevention of RSI. (Author's abstract.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.02.2011 - 11:10

  4. Toucher

    It may seem paradoxical to create an online work on touching. One cannot touch directly: in this case touching requires a mediating tool such as a mouse, a microphone or a webcam. This touching experience reveals a lot about the way we touch multimedia content on screen, and maybe also about the way we touch people and objects in everyday life. The internet user has access to five scenes (move, caress, hit, spread, blow), plus a sixth one (brush) dissimulated in the interface. She can thus experience various forms and modalities of touching: the erotic gesture of the caress with the mouse; the brutality of the click, like an aggressive stroke; touching as unveiling, staging the ambiguous relation between touching and being touched; touching as a trace that one can leave, as with a finger dipped in paint; and, touching from a distance with the voice, the eyes, or another part of the body. This supposedly immaterial work thus stages an aesthetics of materiality.
    (Source: Author's description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume Two)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.02.2011 - 14:22

  5. 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be Played with the Left Hand)

    Author description: 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be played with the Left Hand) is an interactive, non-linear piece that explores the life and philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein through a series of animated vignettes created in Flash. Each of the 88 sections corresponds to one of the 88 constellations in the night sky. Each constellation becomes a navigation device for the viewer to negotiate the associative relationships between these vignettes. As well, viewers can interact with each collaged animation using their left hand to trigger events from the computer keyboard (in homage to Ludwig Wittgenstein's brother Paul (a concert pianist who lost his right arm in WWI but continued his career performing piano works composed for the Left Hand). This work considers questions that Ludwig Wittgenstein pondered in his career as a philosopher: logic, language, the nature of thinking, and the limits of knowledge -- all in relation to our contemporary digital world.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.02.2011 - 16:02

  6. The Sweet Old Etcetera

    Author description: The Sweet Old Etcetera is an interactive web project based on the poetry of e.e. cummings. e.e. cummings' poetry is highly visual, playful and experimental. "The Sweet Old Etcetera" interprets selected poems for a new media context and introduces additional layers of meaning through the use of motion, graphics, sound and programming. The project hopes to offer a fresh response to the print poetry, aiming to release it from the confines of the physical page and bring it into a digital environment in a playful way.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 15:20

  7. Public Secrets

    The expansion of the prison system is possible because it is a public secret - a secret kept in an unacknowledged but public agreement not to know what imprisonment really means to individuals and their communities. As the number of prisons increases, so does the level of secrecy about what goes on inside them. The secret of the abuses perpetrated by the Criminal Justice System and Prison Industrial Complex can be heard in many stories told by many narrators, but only when they are allowed to speak. After a series of news stories and lawsuits documenting egregious mistreatment of prisoners in 1993, the California Department of Corrections imposed a media ban on all of its facilities. This ongoing ban prohibits journalists from face-to-face interviews, eliminates prisoners' right to confidential correspondence with media representatives, and bars the use of cameras, recording devices, and writing instruments in interviews with media representatives. Women incarcerated in California are allowed visits only from family members and legal representatives. Inmates are not allowed access to computers, cameras, tape recorders or media equipment of any kind.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 15:27

  8. Pieces of Herself

    Pieces of Herself is an exploration of feminine embodiment and identity in relationship to public and private space. Using a drag-and-drop game interface, viewers scroll through familiar environments (e.g., domestic, outdoor, work) to collect metaphorical "pieces" of the self and arrange them in compositions inside the body. As each piece enters the body, it triggers audio clips from interviews with women, music loops, and sound effects, resulting in a layered narrative. The project, which was inspired by Elizabeth Grosz's theories about embodiment, comments on social inscription of the body. The environments are composites of more than 400 photographs; the pieces include 40 vector drawings, and the audio clips include segments from interviews with 10 women.

    (Source: Author's description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume Two)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 17:26

  9. The Fugue Book

    Author description: Written in Catalan, The Fugue Book thematizes the mutability and precarious aspects of personal identity. Using "Facebook Connect," the story draws personal information about the reader and his friends (the main characters) from Facebook itself. The work combines a variety of modes, genres, and platforms: wikis, discussion forums, erotic stories, blogs, and social media. Most texts are actual email messages, which is to say that the real email of the reader is a fundamental component of the text. The multimedia structure is very simple in that it only integrates static images, parts of speech synthesis (adapted to the reader), and text. The languages of programming are ActionScript and PHP.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 17:30

  10. La Casa Sota el Temps

    Author description: La casa sota el temps ('the house under time') is designed and programmed to immerse the reader in a virtual space, that plays off of the structure of conventional narrative in order to create a reading experience that includes a multitude of interactive possibilities. The reader is the main protagonist of a multimedia journey that gives her the freedom to explore and also to build the fictional universe that she desires.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.02.2011 - 15:01
