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  1. Prosthesis

    Prosthesis is a set of live vocal performances addressing complicities inherent in the use of digital technology and emergent artificialities in cognition, language, and the physical body. It consists of nine main sections, including readings augmented by projections and recorded voice, and concludes with a song.

    (Source: Author's site)

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 23:47

  2. Along the Briny Beach

    Along the briny beach a garden grows. With silver bells and cockleshells, cockles and mussels, alive, alive oh. A coral orchard puts forth raucous pink blossoms. A bouquet of sea anemones tosses in the shallows. A crop of cliffs hedges a sand-sown lawn mown twice daily by long green-thumbed waves rowing in rolling rows. The shifting terrain where land and water meet is always neither land nor water and is always both. The sea garden’s paths are fraught with comings and goings. Sea birds in ones and twos. Scissor-beak, Kingfisher, Parrot and Scissor-tail. Changes in the Zoology. Causes of Extinction. From the ship the sea garden seems to glisten and drip with steam. Along a blue sea whose glitter is blurred by a creeping mist, the Walrus and the Carpenter are walking close at hand. A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk along the briny storied waiting in-between space. Wind blooms in the marram dunes. The tide far out, the ocean shrunken. On the bluff a shingled beach house sprouts, the colour of artichoke. On the horizon lines of tankers hang, like Chinese lanterns. Ocean currents collect crazy lawn ornaments. Shoes and shipwrecks, cabbages and kings.

    J. R. Carpenter - 30.05.2011 - 20:53

  3. The Misanthrope of Karlskrona

    A "degenerative discourse generator" dedicated to the city of Karlskrona, Sweden.

    Scott Rettberg - 17.06.2011 - 12:38

  4. Intermission

    Intermission is a performative redadaction of the poetics of cinema. The performance and media platform utilizes René Clair’s short film Entr’acte (1924, a collaboration with Picabia and Erik Satie) as a starting point, reimagining cinema as if the Dadaist vision for the medium had become the prevalent form.

    Talan Memmott - 17.06.2011 - 12:41

  5. The Good Captain

    The Good Captain is an adaptation of Herman Melville’s novella “Benito Cereno.” Melville’s original story relies upon the main character’s first-person perceptions of the events that unfold in front of him. This reliance on P.O.V. is why I chose to distribute the story using the web service Twitter. Twitter limits updates to 140 characters of text, and so this story is broken up into small, 2-3 line paragraphs. The temporal nature of this storytelling method required that the story include frequent reminders of previous events, to help keep readers aware of the context of the events. This was especially important given that the time span of the bulk of the events is about twelve hours, and the length of time that the story ran for was four months.

    The Good Captain began broadcasting over Twitter on November 3, 2007. It concluded on February 29, 2008.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 11.08.2011 - 16:12

  6. Searchsonata 181

    Die SearchSonata 181 ist der letzte Teil der SEARCH TRILOGIE (search lutz!, 2006 - searchSongs, 2008 - searchSonata 181, 2011), die algorithmisch generierte Texte aufführt. Konstante dieser Trilogie ist die Verwendung von Worten, die gerade in Suchmaschinen wie Google & Co. eingegeben werden. Diese Suchworte werden algorithmisch verarbeitet. 
    Im ersten Teil, bei searchLutz!, zu Texten, im zweiten, bei searchSongs, zu Tönen und im letzten, der searchSonata 181, zu Lauten, die ja die akustische Brücke bilden zwischen Text und Ton. Das Webinterface der searchSonata 181 ist nur Mittel zum Zweck. Das Eigentliche entsteht, wenn die algorithmisch generierten Texte live durch eine Sprecherin performt werden. Die Botschaft muss durch den Algorithmus hindurch, ohne dort hängen zu bleiben.

    Beat Suter - 01.10.2011 - 13:46

  7. The Torrent

    Based on a damaged BitTorrent file of Jean Rollin's erotic horror film The Night of the Hunted (1980), The Torrent translates cross-cultural file error into new narrative configuration. It has appeared in book, installation, internet, and performance incarnations.  Unauthorized versions include: Le Torrent: La Fiancee de Wittgenstein Par Jo Maludies, by John Roland; The Torrent {by Joe Milutis} by Roxanne Carter; I Wrote the Torrent by L. J. Housley; The Torrent Milutis by Giardia Fuemte Jones; Doubts and Obscenities. "Electron is practically inexhaustible" V. I. Lenin ANARCHY IS LIFE by A.O.; The Night of Deception by Joe Milutis translated by Danny Snelson

    Joe Milutis - 21.01.2012 - 04:17

  8. The Quiddities

    "Presenting the results of a data search sure to strain the capacities of any computer, Milutis proceeds to give an exceedingly close reading of what he modestly calls 'the fundamental core of all literature.'"

    Joe Milutis - 23.01.2012 - 03:32

  9. The Nowhere Dance

    The Nowhere Dance is a performance that to place in Alan Sondheim's Second Life exhibition The Accidental Artist ( It was performed by Alan Sondheim and Sandy Baldwin February 11th 2009.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 03.02.2012 - 12:18

  10. The Accidental Artist

    The Accidental Artist was an ongoing exhibition in Second Life at Odyssey, June 2008 - January 2009, by Alan Sondheim, with help from Sugar Seville, Azure Carter, Gary Nanes, Sandy Baldwin, and Frances van Scoy at the Virtual Environments Laboratory, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia. The show changed daily and the gave me an opportunity to study the phenomenology of a virtual world in relation to avatar-human objectivity. The following texts were written during the generation of the show.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 03.02.2012 - 13:03
