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  1. Atame: A Angústia do Precário

    Atame: A Angústia do Precário

    Luciana Gattass - 28.11.2012 - 15:27

  2. eye in the making

    Eye in the Making consists of 3 clusters of texts.  The user interacts with image and text, expand the texts to develop readings.

    The user creates contexts and variations in readings depending on how much or little the texts are expanded, from where they are expanded, and the order in which the reader opens up the text.  This is furthered by a tension between the spatial arrangements and chronological expansion of the texts, along with the sounds accompanying the user's interaction with the text.

    Start by clicking on the moving image, and follow the texts, clicking certain words to produce more.  Click on the moving image once more to move on to the next section.

    Source: author's abstract

    Scott Rettberg - 07.01.2013 - 16:05

  3. The Dead

    An animated poem version of Billy Collins' "The Dead".

    Jeneen Naji - 08.01.2013 - 15:20

  4. I didn't know infants in arms until.

    I didn't know infants in arms until.

    Jeneen Naji - 08.01.2013 - 15:25

  5. Hunger


    Jeneen Naji - 08.01.2013 - 16:23

  6. Luz


    Jeneen Naji - 08.01.2013 - 16:26

  7. The Way North

    "The Way North" is a Digital Literary Art project that works its way through history, myths and motifs with regards to Inuit folkways and the disasters of global climate change.

    Artist Statement
    Edited from an interview with Edward Pirot on "The Way North" . . .

    The challenge of this project, as with several others, was to take an important, if not crucial, subject (in this case, the warming of the Arctic and the destruction of a way of life as symbolic of what's happening, and will happen, globally) and make a piece of Digital Literary Art that would be informative while advancing the medium's aesthetic possibilities

    I always do research for a several months before beginning to write and design a project, so that by the time I began I already had a fairly large notebook from which to draw. But the research continued throughout the one and a half years, and, as usual, lead me in unexpected directions.

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 20:34

  8. Jargon Reducer

    "Jargon Reducer" is a software art project which manipulates text.

    Artist Statement
    "Jargon Reducer" is a software art project which manipulates text. It removes or reveals words which might be considered "jargon," specialized language that is not a part of the common vocabulary. The project comes with twelve significant texts ready for filtering demonstration and analysis; and invites the user to input text for jargon filtering.

    With "Jargon Reducer" I am interested in the analysis of language; the systems which require us to be mindful of how we use language; what happens to our thinking when we become aware of how others use language and for what purposes; subverting these system; and ultimately having a laugh.

    (Source: 2008 ELO Media Arts show)

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 20:59

  9. OneSmallStep: a MySpace LuvStory

    "OneSmallStep: a MySpace LuvStory" is an unfolding automated jam—a conscious sampling and randomized regurgitation of media archeology wherein desire, fantasy and fetish form a composted feast for the withered and lonely senses in an eternally habitual loop of voyeuristic consumption, spectacular regurgitation, virtual intimacy and identity production/consumption. 

    Artist Statement

    We are not ourselves. We cut and paste as we are cut and pasted. We are the remix of images and sounds that never existed outside of this mediated dream. And we are happy to exist this way. 

    "OneSmallStep: a MySpace LuvStory" is an unfolding automated jam - a conscious sampling and randomized regurgitation of media archeology wherein desire, fantasy and fetish form a composted feast for the withered and lonely senses in an eternally habitual loop of voyeuristic consumption, spectacular regurgitation, virtual intimacy and identity production/consumption. 

    With each launch, "OneSmallStep" runs continuously while randomly remixing content from a database that is periodically updated.

    (Source: 2008 ELO Media Art show)

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 22:40

  10. Digital Oracles

    According to researches: a) search is the 2nd most used service on the web; b) people are using web search more and more and they trust their results, and c) people rarely read beyond the 2nd page of search results. These facts reflect the enormous power and influence the search engines (like Google, Yahoo, etc.) exert over us. This work intends to cause awareness about the issues related to the use of search engines on the web—many times not known by the search engine users—like privacy, control, data manipulation, source and reliability of data, top 10 dictatorship, among others

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 23:29
