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  1. Moment

    This is a generative poem you can visit for years and continue to find things to surprise and delight. It is structured around a text— aptly named as “a strand” (as in a fiber or rope made of letters or characters)— which is shaped by “aspects,” which are programmed structures that shape and transform the strands through color, animation, scheduling, formatting, and other transformations possible in DHTML. Considering there are 10 “strands” (plus a “user-fed strand”) each of which can be shaped by 36 different “aspects,” each of which can have multiple controls and toggles, you don’t have to do the math to realize that this is a work of staggering generative possibilities. Combined with a few randomization and combinatorial touches, this is a work that will always welcome you with fresh moments, inviting you to play with its structures. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 08.02.2013 - 19:24

  2. Why Some Dolls Are Bad: a generative graphic novel for the iPhone

    Why Some Dolls Are Bad is a generative, permutational graphic novel which engages themes of ethics, fashion, artifice and the self, and presents a re-examination of systems and materials including mohair, contagion, environmental decay, Perspex cabinetry, and false-seeming things in nature such as Venus Flytraps.

    Why Some Dolls Are Bad was originally launched on the Facebook platform but has been adapted for the iPhone and relaunched in 2010. The project collects images from a tag-constrained stream of public Flickr images and combines them with fragments from the original non-linear text. Once the application is downloaded, image and text come together into a frame which is read and then advanced, creating an ongoing dynamic narrative.

    Readers can capture frames and send them to an archive, where each frame becomes a “page” in the novel. The collective archiving of iterative captures from the project means that a version of the book can be read in a linear order.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.04.2013 - 22:49

  3. "A Machine Made of Words by a Machine Made of Numbers"- Authorial Presence in Niemi’s Stud Poetry

    Primary Text: Marko Niemi’s Stud Poetry, a demo of which would run during the presentation.

    The paper opens with a brief discussion of the inherently conservative nature of the ELO’s definition of electronic-literature and the critical tendencies which this encourages. It has a strong focus on those critics who identify the forms which electronic literature has taken as an extension of modernist experimentation in the Twentieth Century, while disregarding the new possibilities which programmable media furnishes the poet with.

    These possibilities are manifest in Niemi’s Stud Poetry, a text which has been consistently overlooked since its publication, perhaps because it presents a challenge to the dominant critical trends. Stud Poetry cannot fully be understood in terms of print-based modernist experimentation, Dada or Burroughs, because it would be impossible to achieve without a computer program. Niemi wrote the code which ‘writes’ each poem/game.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 12:24

  4. Grita

    It is a digital poem that can only be read by screaming to the screen. Once the user screams the verses of the poem appear and when the user stops, the words are not longer seen. It is an interactive sound poem. It can be related to Loss of Grasp by Serge Bouchardon and Vincent Volckaert and Zang Tumb Tumb by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Aburto is a Peruvian poet and professor at the PUCP. Having worked in Communicative Arts has permitted him use different formats for his poetry: oral, written and digital. His Peruvian origin can be seen in the way his work relates to other 2000s writers from Peru: vindication of publication of poetry and interest for combining conceptual, textual and visual aspects. In this work, the use of the screen, the microphone and the appearing and disappearing letters permit a communicative situation between poet and reader, the reader becomes a creator of the poem because his participation is essential for watching the words. The effort of crying out loud that the work demands to the reader increases the effects of the messages of desperation and vindication

    (Source: Maya Zalbidea)

    Maya Zalbidea - 08.01.2016 - 20:28

  5. newscomic

    Newscomic recycles the news, re-mixes it, subverts and distorts it.
    It takes live news feeds (RSS feeds) from major news sources, chops them up at random and puts the resultant text into speech bubbles in a comic. The comic illustrations reflect the current latest news, and are regularly updated to keep up with the news. The result is a disjointed comic, where the words and pictures don't quite fit but make their own story.

    Often the story is quite surreal, but can by chance make sense, and even be quite revealing.
    To make the story more fun, you can contribute by adding your own words and sentences (up to a hundred characters long). These replace the word 'the' and other characters in the speech text. You can use this to perhaps get your own views across, or to manipulate the story so it makes more sense to you. Your word or sentence is stored and seen by the world until the next person comes along, and adds their words, replacing yours.

    Hannah Ackermans - 13.04.2016 - 16:53

  6. samen dichten

    samen dichten is een poëziemachine waarbij mens en computer elkaar kunnen versterken. zo ontstaat er een gedicht dat de gebruiker niet zonder computer en de computer niet zonder deze specifieke gebruiker had kunnen schrijven.
    het idee achter dit project is om poëzie toegankelijk te maken voor een breder publiek. de poëziemachine laat mens en machine samenwerken, maar belangrijker: iedereen kan zo de kracht van taal ontdekken.


    Hannah Ackermans - 13.04.2016 - 17:32

  7. News Wheel

    News Wheel, 2016 is an iOS app that explores the poetics of ever changing news headlines. It begins as a static disk divided into nine sections each representing a different news source. Tapping anywhere on the screen causes the wheel to spin. Another tap stops the wheel and suddenly a headline in one of nine pre-selected colors appears on the screen. This playful interface invites users to start and stop the wheel eventually filling the screen with a collage of current headlines. Individual words can be deleted and repositioned so users can create their own poems from this content. In addition, dragging one's finger across the screen creates an animated chain of fragmented and poetic text derived from today's headline news. News Wheel is a creative and poetic way to view, juxtapose and interpret world events. (Source:

    Hannah Ackermans - 26.06.2016 - 17:03


    [] is an Internet service that blends software art and search tool to visualize participants' interests in prevalent streams of information, encouraging browsing and interaction between users in real time, through time. Utilizing the WordNet lexical reference system from Princeton University, [] introduces concepts of temporality, space, and empathy into a network-oriented search tool. Participants search for words which expand contextually through the use of a lexical database. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into floating synonym "seeds," each representing one underlying lexical concept. When participants "plant" their interests, each becomes a tree that "grows" over time. Each organism's leaves are linked to related streaming RSS feeds, and by interacting with their own and other participants' trees, participants create a contextual timescape in which interests can be seen growing and changing within an environment that endures.

    Cassie Spiral - 03.04.2020 - 19:22
