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  1. Entre Ville

    Entre Ville was commissioned in 2006 by OBORO, an artist-run centre in Montréal, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Conseil des Arts de Montréal. J. R. Carpenter writes: "Although I had lived in Montréal for 15 years at the time of the commission, Entre Ville was my first major work about my adopted city. It took me that long to learn the vocabulary. I don’t mean French, or Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Yiddish or any of the other languages spoken in my neighbourhood. I refer, rather, to a visual, tactile, aural, sensorial vocabulary. My home office window opens into a jumbled intimacy of back balconies, yards, gardens and alleyways. Daily my dog and I walk through this interior city sniffing out stories. Poetry is not hard to find between the long lines of peeling-paint fences plastered with notices, spray painted with bright abstractions and draped with trailing vines.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.02.2011 - 20:09

  2. Interstitial

    David Jhave Johnston’s video-based "Interstitial" is a meditation on terminal anxiety. The title of the piece, which refers generally to that which occupies an “empty interval,” takes on a specific connotation when one considers its popular use in web development contexts for the commercial “pre-loaders” that hawk their wares while one waits for the site to open. The video, which is minimally edited, features three views arranged in triptych form: a cat decomposing in a river, tidal pools, and a bug undergoing metamorphosis. These events, as witnessed by Johnston, are unaltered and unmodified, simply captured where they occurred using handheld equipment. According to an artist’s statement published on Tributaries and Text-fed Streams (, the web presentation of the files was formatted through the process of naming the discrete video, audio, and poetic text files and allowing software to assemble these pieces into an endless loop.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 06.05.2011 - 14:19

  3. Je liegt en je filtert ... (You're lying and you filter ...)

    A dictation exercise. Girls in an educational black & white setting. Sentences (well-pronounced but sloppily) read by a male voice at dictation speed. The reaction of the girl in focus colors the content.

    David Prater - 09.11.2011 - 15:32

  4. The Way North

    "The Way North" is a Digital Literary Art project that works its way through history, myths and motifs with regards to Inuit folkways and the disasters of global climate change.

    Artist Statement
    Edited from an interview with Edward Pirot on "The Way North" . . .

    The challenge of this project, as with several others, was to take an important, if not crucial, subject (in this case, the warming of the Arctic and the destruction of a way of life as symbolic of what's happening, and will happen, globally) and make a piece of Digital Literary Art that would be informative while advancing the medium's aesthetic possibilities

    I always do research for a several months before beginning to write and design a project, so that by the time I began I already had a fairly large notebook from which to draw. But the research continued throughout the one and a half years, and, as usual, lead me in unexpected directions.

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 20:34

  5. OneSmallStep: a MySpace LuvStory

    "OneSmallStep: a MySpace LuvStory" is an unfolding automated jam—a conscious sampling and randomized regurgitation of media archeology wherein desire, fantasy and fetish form a composted feast for the withered and lonely senses in an eternally habitual loop of voyeuristic consumption, spectacular regurgitation, virtual intimacy and identity production/consumption. 

    Artist Statement

    We are not ourselves. We cut and paste as we are cut and pasted. We are the remix of images and sounds that never existed outside of this mediated dream. And we are happy to exist this way. 

    "OneSmallStep: a MySpace LuvStory" is an unfolding automated jam - a conscious sampling and randomized regurgitation of media archeology wherein desire, fantasy and fetish form a composted feast for the withered and lonely senses in an eternally habitual loop of voyeuristic consumption, spectacular regurgitation, virtual intimacy and identity production/consumption. 

    With each launch, "OneSmallStep" runs continuously while randomly remixing content from a database that is periodically updated.

    (Source: 2008 ELO Media Art show)

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 22:40

  6. Kodachrome Blue Syntax

    Kodachrome Blue Syntax" is a digital composition that explores how a sense of one's past is represented and re-inflected through a montage of archival film clips and a chorus of looping, poetic voices transcoded across multiple media formats. 

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2013 - 17:53

  7. Ulysses 101

    Comme son titre l'indique, Ulysses 101 est une adaptation transmédiatique du roman de James Joyce publié en 1922, et dont les événements relatés se déroulent le 16 juin 1904, soit 101 ans avant la mise en ligne de l'oeuvre hypermédiatique. Sur un fond blanc, trois fenêtres carrées sont juxtaposées horizontalement afin de constituer un bandeau. Un nombre est attribué à chacune des fenêtres, la première est identifiée par « one », la seconde par « zero » et la dernière à nouveau par « one », transformant ainsi l’écart initialement noté (101) en nombre binaire (101, c’est-à-dire 5). Ces fenêtres renferment deux types de contenu, soit de courtes séquences filmées et des extraits de texte disposés adroitement. Le triptyque qu’elles constituent est aléatoire. Les séquences filmées offrent tour à tour des images d’une femme interviewée dans un café, d’une chaise berçante juchée sur un meuble en bois, d’un homme attablé dans un café et dessinant sur les pages d’un cahier, d’une porte couverte de graffitis qui s’ouvre en grinçant, de gens marchant la nuit dans les rues de Québec, d’une femme jouant de l’accordéon dans un local, etc.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 26.08.2013 - 10:01