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  1. The Glide Project

    Glide is a dynamic visual language that originated in the context of Slattery's novel, The Maze Game. The materials available on the website use a strategy of multimodal means of self-presentation: narration, animation, translation, divination, game design, and appropriation of theoretical ideas that suit its purposes. Glide, at play on mutable media, modestly conceals the extravagance of its evolutionary intentions behind thin veils of noetic license.

    There are several interactive sections of the website:
    1) a full lexicon;
    2) The Glide oracle, called The Wine of the Lilies, contains a suite of auxiliary Glide language tools: two libraries of interpretations of combinations of glyphs, one static and one dynamic, (over 2000 entries); and a rich library of graphics and music compositions;
    3) the Collabyrinth, a full Glide language glyph editor. The Collabyrinth invites the user to experiment with the language by arranging glyphs, seeing how they can be linked and nested, changing their properties such as size, color, orientation, and creating animated glyphs by morphing between one glyph and another.

    (Source: 2002 State of the Arts gallery)

    Scott Rettberg - 13.12.2012 - 16:30

  2. The Wedding Celebration of Gunter and Gwen

    Exploring connections between surveillance and interference in the lives of artists, "The Wedding Celebration of Gunter and Gwen" is a hyperlibretto where the experience of a wedding celebration is created with words, graphic icons, and glockenspiel intermezzi. 

    Artist Statement

    "The Wedding Celebration of Gunter and Gwen" is informed by a strategy of following signs and signifiers that point to ancient systems of control of people's lives. It is a device used by Dan Brown in Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code, although actually it was through the performance artist's strategy of looking at hypertextual connections in my own eventful life that "Celebration" took on this aspect. 

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 16:29

  3. Skindoscope

    Web-art work that focus on the poetics of alterity – the game of identity and alterity. Based on interactors’ data (skin color, name, city, country, gender, height and weight) the work creates different visual kaleidoscopes intending to cause reflection about people’s differences and similarities.

    (Source: Artist's site)

    The artist also produced a version of the work for Second Life, where the kaleidoscope is formed by the leaves of a tree. Each avatar who interacts creates a leaf with his/her skin color and each 10 leaves created causes the tree to produce a coin of L$ 1,00, which can be taken by any avatar who touches it.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.01.2013 - 00:14

  4. 4 Square

    4 square is an artwork that creates random juxtapositions of four different elements. Tap each square to change the images. Drag the squares to change their positions.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.01.2013 - 12:58

  5. The Winter House

    This multimedia narrative shortlisted for the 2010 New Media Writing Prize combines a variety of genres and forms to tell an engaging story. This murder mystery brings the protagonist back to a mansion and boarding school to investigate her father’s untimely demise. The narrative and graphic design of this linear hypertext borrows heavily from the detective board game Clue (aka Cluedo), yet its treatment of the material using videogame interfaces, e-poetic deployment of its language, and smartly integrated multimedia keeps it from seeming cliché. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.02.2013 - 13:42

  6. Lollipop Noose

    This video poem created in Flash is a meditation on the word game Hangman. The Western banjo rock music— a clip from Modest Mouse’s “3 Inch Horses, Two Faced Monsters“— evokes the American “wild west,” reminding us of its improvised deadly justice system that often resulted in hanging. This cultural backdrop enhances the poem’s ruminations on what would otherwise seem like an innocent little word game. Its scheduled presentation of language appropriately conforms to the game mechanics, placing blanks and filling in all of one letter at a time until the complete phrase is readable. The animation centered on the letter “O” is a pictorial analysis that cleverly leads to the poem’s title. Its use of color is not only a reminder of the imaginary stakes in the game, but also shapes the reading in some of the poem’s stanzas. As you watch and read this short e-poem and appreciate its deconstruction of the game, consider what it has to say about the real and imagined human body and that of language.

    (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 07.05.2013 - 15:49

  7. Metamorphoses

    Metamorphoses is a game about transformation and aspiration, set somewhere between our own reality and the world of forms. An exercise in simulationist IF, it offers multiple solutions to most puzzles and attempts to model interactions between objects of different sizes, shapes, and materials in a realistic way, including burning and the breakage of fragile objects.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 29.06.2013 - 09:46

  8. Wop Art

    Wop art id op art accesed via cell phones. 

    Scott Rettberg - 09.07.2013 - 15:05

  9. Beyond Manzanar

    Within an enclosed darkened room, the image of Beyond Manzanar's 3-dimensional space is projected onto a large, wall-sized screen. The life-sized image fills your field of view and gives you a feeling of immersion within the virtual space. A joystick mounted on a pedestal in the middle of the room allows you to move your viewpoint at will through the virtual space. Speakers mounted on either side of the screen provide stereo sound. Although only one person at a time can control movement in the space, others can watch and share the experience. We have combined techniques of computer games and theater design to create a highly symbolic, often surreal environment with a poetic reality stronger than photorealism. The mountain panorama that defines the Manzanar site forms a constant backdrop for shifting layers of superimposed context. Open doors lead viewers through spaces that react to their presence, shifting between home and prison, between paradise and wasteland, to investigate Manzanar as a layering of contradictory and complementary images and emotions for two groups of immigrants.

    Anders Fagerjord - 20.08.2013 - 11:19

  10. I-Text

    I –TEXT (2007) Sergej Timofeev and Edmund Jasons combines elements of game as well as structural elements of text analysis . The game envisions interactive reading of poetry done with an air of playfulness, nostalgia and irony. Nostalgic component lies in immitation of the computer games of the 90’s, ironic for it contains a mix of prose, drama and poetry from all over the world starting from Hamlet to Alice in Wonderland, Broken Pines by Painis as if to aspire to create a text with seemingly universal appeal (Teksts=Attels Catalogue (KIM, Riga, Latvia (2012)

    Natalia Fedorova - 04.09.2013 - 22:24
