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  1. if-notNow, if-then-when-else

    if-notNow, if-then-when-else is an interactive 3D html5 piece that looks at the theme of climate change as an environmental disruption, through the lens of glitch art and code poetry. The piece opens on a page of movable squares, purposefully reminiscent of digital pixels, but moving and squirming, much like watching people move through a city from above. These boxes can be clicked on to zoom in and back out again, in order to read the coded and glitched poetry.
    Both glitch and code are clear visual examples of what goes on behind the scenes in a digital world, and here this is juxtaposed with real-world human-made disruption. In the artist’s native home country of Australia, where the glitched footage is taken, this constant tug between too little and too much rain is now experienced on a yearly basis, and the poetry within this piece reflects that sense of too little vs. too much through the cause and affect relationship of “if-then statements” – a particular cause and affect coding statement.

    Hannah Ackermans - 05.09.2015 - 10:43

  2. Inanimate Alice Episode 6 : The Last Gas Station

    Alice is nineteen in Episode six. She's at college and working at the gas station on the outskirts of the city, striving to make ends meet. Late in submitting her college work, Alice stumbles from one crisis to another...

    Andy Campbell - 24.06.2016 - 23:39

  3. Thanner Kuhai - 'The Water Cave'

    Thanner Kuhai is a short work of digital poetry, an elemental metaphor about wrestling with depression and finding hope against all odds. The reader/player is transported into an environment where language becomes intertwined with nature in a flooded subterranean world. Navigate tunnels and passageways teeming with strange life and shadows of words. Submerge beneath the water. Or seek escape to the surface. Available in English and Tamil.

    Shanmuga Priya - 15.03.2018 - 07:02

  4. Où est la marche / Where is the step ?

    La question ontologique de l’essence du cinéma, incarnée par Bazin et son « qu’est-ce que le cinéma » se déplace aujourd’hui, sous la poussée de nouvelles formes de consommation des images vers une « relocation » du cinéma, résumée dans cette question : « où est le cinéma ? ». 
    Après avoir investigué le code, le génératif, l’algorithme, le flux, nous pourrions nous demander aussi où est la littérature numérique, avec une sortie de l’écran rendant parfois caduque cette idée d’une littérature principalement électronique. 
    La velléité d“écrire en numérique” semble abandonner les tests et essais de littérature numérique par crainte de voir les pistes possibles de nouvelles formes d’écriture se fermer une à une. 
    Peut-on poser que cette littérature électronique reprenne pied dans un livre en bonne et due forme comme des pierres dans un jardin numérique ouvert ? 
    C’est ce que nous avons questionné avec nos étudiants en design multimédia du DSAA de Boulogne (France) dont quatre créations sont détaillées ci-dessous dans cette proposition. 

    Amirah Mahomed - 26.09.2018 - 15:45

  5. Diamonds in Dystopia: container & tool

    What does a cutting-edge collaboration between music, visual, and literary artists look like and how did it evolve? This ongoing, transdisciplinary collaboration between said types of artists evolves a born digital interactive poetry application for every presentation and exhibition opportunity. Our mission as collaborators is to open up creative workflows for interactive technologies and artists interested in using them to benefit the presentation and experience of the visual, musical, or literary arts. We developed an interactive, live-streaming poetry web app that takes audience response to trigger improvisations, sensory experiences, and create an event-specific poem collectively. The user acts as collaborator by sending word selections that resonate with individual users by tapping text from a born-digital “seed poem” on their mobiles to trigger Markov chain reactions, which enables succinct recombination of massive amounts of language as source material.

    Vian Rasheed - 12.11.2019 - 03:11

  6. Tale of a Great Sham(e Text)

    The date is 1881.

    There are high rents and evictions, there is homelessness. In answer to the extra-ordinary times the Ladies’ Land League is directed by Anna Parnell to organize public meetings and protests. Thirteen women, speak, rally, and inspire female agency. Irish Women realizing their own political potential, moving the struggle away from government to the personal.

    This is an electronic text, which will be using 13 female voices and a computer. The visuals/text of the electronic text will be created using game development software and electroacoustic compositional techniques, presented as an interactive work within a web browser. The 13 female voices will sound original text created using works by Anna Parnell, processed using electroacoustic compositional techniques. Passive resistance is be combined with a constructive creative programme, developing the self-confidence of the audience and encouraging them to participate.

    “The best part of Independence is the independence of the mind.” (Anna Parnell)

    Vian Rasheed - 18.11.2019 - 15:56

  7. Making Games That Makes Stories

    James Wallis uses genre as the fulcrum for balancing game rules and narrative structure in story-telling games, which he differentiates from RPGs through their emphasis on the creation of narrative over character development.

    The source is the essay-review on written by James Wallis.

    Kristina Igliukaite - 11.05.2020 - 22:57

  8. Creating a Meaning-Machine: The Deck of Stories Called Life in the Garden

    Eric Zimmerman describes his interactive paper book as "an inverted exquisite corpse," and although a digital version of the book would be easy to produce, he argues that an electronic edition would not produce as meaningful an experience as the printed volume.

    The source is the essay-review on written by Eric Zimmerman

    Kristina Igliukaite - 11.05.2020 - 22:59
