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  1. Oulipoems

    Oulipoems is a series of six interactive poetry Flash works, ranging from electronic poems, to games, to a tool for generating and writing poetry using the vocabulary of a variety of poets. The pieces are loosely based on the Oulipo movement in French literature, which focused on texts based on constraints (for instance, Perec's famous novel A Void, a lipogram in which the letter e does not appear) and also on mixtures of literature and mathematics.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 08.11.2011 - 16:25

  2. Urbanalities

    A mash-up of Dadaist technique and VJ stylings, this Flash movie is the product of an "antagonist remix" by babel vs. escha. Seven scenes provide enigmatic observations on the nature of contemporary life, on seeing and being seen, understanding and miscommunication, destruction and creation. The texts in the piece are generated randomly as the piece runs, so the reader's experience of the piece is never exactly the same twice. 

    (Description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 08.11.2011 - 16:38

  3. Inanimate Alice, Episode 1: China

    Inanimate Alice depicts the life of a young girl growing up in the early years of the 21st century through her blog and episodic multimedia adventures that span her life from childhood through to her twenties. It has been created to help draw attention to the issue of electro-sensitivity and the potentially harmful pollution resulting from wireless communications.

    (Source: Author's description from ELC, vol. 1)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.11.2011 - 10:21

  4. Mar de Sophia

    Mar de Sophia é um conjunto de poemas virtuais apresentados em formato hipermédia, nos quais o texto animado na tela é gerado automaticamente a partir do léxico da poeta Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen, previamente estudado em termos de frequência. Esse léxico-base, que (re)constitui a obra de Sophia, e a classifica e mapeia na rede, está indexado em listas codificadas em linguagem XML, acessíveis ao leitor de vários modos, o qual as pode alterar ou adicionar novos vocábulos ou unidades de sentido. A animação do texto está ainda inscrita na componente sonora das variações combinatórias que deste processo resultam. Sempre que uma palavra se altera, o poema activa uma busca em bases de dados de som, com leituras do texto-base de que se aproveitou a sintaxe e a estrutura formal. Desse modo, o leitor pode recriar, no eixo combinatório da linguagem, um poema de Sophia, adaptando-o ao seu gosto, bem como enviar algumas das suas realizações, tanto sonoras quanto verbais, para um servidor PHP instalado num servidor da Internet. Aí, ficam arquivadas as várias versões de todos os leitores que participam na (re)leitura do poema.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:03

  5. Poemário - Blog de poesia combinatória

    Community of readers that use the text-generator software Poemário. This software allows for real-time publication of several user-generated poems by the readers of Rui Torres' works.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:14

  6. Getting Started in the Digital Humanities with DHCommons

    Digital methodologies and new media are changing the landscape of research and teaching in modern languages and literatures. Scholars can now computationally analyze entire corpora of texts or preserve and share materials through digital archives. Students can engage in authentic applied research linking text to place, or study Shakespeare in a virtual Globe Theater. In the face of all the digital humanities buzz--from the MLA to the New York Times to Twitter--where can scholars interested in the field turn to get started? This three-hour preconvention workshop welcomes language and literature scholars who wish to learn about, start, or join digital scholarly projects for research and/or teaching. Representatives of major digital humanities projects and initiatives will share their expertise on project design, available resources and opportunities, lead small-group training sessions on technologies and skills to help participants get started, and be available for follow-up one-on-one consultations later in the day.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 17.01.2012 - 11:06

  7. Making Art Online

    Conceived and produced by Judy Malloy, Making Art Online, a work of computer-mediated  Information art/narrative, is created with artists statements about making art in early telecommunications systems.

    Making Art Online includes words by Scot Art, John Coate, Anna Couey and  Lucia Grossberger Morales, Pavel Curtis, Robert Edgar, Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz, Carolyn Guyer,  Michael Joyce, Roger Malina, Jeff Mann, Pauline Oliveros, Tim Perkis, John Quarterman, Howard Rheingold, Jim Rosenberg, Randy Ross, Sonya Rapoport, Fred Truck, and others.

    As musician/composer Tim Perkis wrote  about "The Hub",  (created in 1986 with fellow composer John Bischoff)  "..The result is a really new kind of collective composition, a new social way of making music that didn't exist before. We have a good time." -

    Judy Malloy - 18.01.2012 - 04:42

  8. R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX - selected works

    R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX (remixworx) - selected works:

    an online journal of digital art and writing - 2006 to 2012

    R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX (remixworx) is a space for the remixing of digital media, including visual poetry (vispo), electronic poetry (flashpo), playable media, animation, music, spoken word, texts and more. It began as a blog in November 2006 and has grown to number over 500 individual works of media. The source material is made available and all media is freely given to be remixed. Each new work is remixed, literally or conceptually, from other works on the blog. Then, the new work is linked to the blog post(s) that contain the component parts, thus the blog 'talks to itself' - "I link therefore I am" (Mark Amerika). The project promotes no single 'author', and we keep dogma chained outside the gate. It is not a tame place, though, and artful innuendo is evident.

    Christine Wilks - 19.01.2012 - 16:08

  9. The Torrent

    Based on a damaged BitTorrent file of Jean Rollin's erotic horror film The Night of the Hunted (1980), The Torrent translates cross-cultural file error into new narrative configuration. It has appeared in book, installation, internet, and performance incarnations.  Unauthorized versions include: Le Torrent: La Fiancee de Wittgenstein Par Jo Maludies, by John Roland; The Torrent {by Joe Milutis} by Roxanne Carter; I Wrote the Torrent by L. J. Housley; The Torrent Milutis by Giardia Fuemte Jones; Doubts and Obscenities. "Electron is practically inexhaustible" V. I. Lenin ANARCHY IS LIFE by A.O.; The Night of Deception by Joe Milutis translated by Danny Snelson

    Joe Milutis - 21.01.2012 - 04:17

  10. Errand Upon Which We Came

    In "Errand," animation is used to establish links and disjunctions between images of moving objects in the natural world (e.g. frogs and butterflies) and the lexical and figural dynamics of the poem. These visual-kinetic images heighten the tensions among the meaning—mobilizing acts of "seeing an image," "watching a movement," and "reading a word." The work also employs cursor-activated elements, such as "touching" and "reading." "Errand" reflects on the nature of language and of reading, and these self-reflexive elements are embedded in considerations of how protocols of reading shape our consciousness.

    (Source: Electronic Literature Directory entry by Patricia Tomaszek)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 26.01.2012 - 12:20
