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  1. Electronic Literature as a Means to Overcome the Supremacy of the Author Function

    In his seminal essay “What Is an Author?” Michel Foucault maintains that we can only accept literary discourses if they carry an author’s name. Every text of poetry or fiction is obliged to state its author, and if, by accident or design, the text is presented anonymously, we can only accept this as a puzzle to be solved, or, one could add, as an exceptional experiment about authorship that is verifying the rule. This was in 1969. In the meantime, a profound change of all forms of social interaction has been taking place. Amongst them are works of electronic literature that use the computer in an aesthetic way to create combinatory, interactive, intermedial and performative art. One could argue, of course, that electronic literature as new media art often only is a proof of a concept addressed to the few tech-savvy select. However, these purportedly avant-garde pieces break the ground for developments that might happen barely noticed, and by this serve an important political, ideological, aesthetic and commercial purpose. Amongst these developments is a change of the seemingly irrevocable rule of the author in literary discourses.

    Hannah Ackermans - 16.11.2015 - 10:07

  2. Abandoned and Recycled Electronic Literature: Jean-Pierre Balpe’s La Disparition du Général Proust

    his presentation addresses the fate of 1990s pioneering programs of electronic literature during the 2000s. What happened to 1990s electronic literature aesthetic theories and programs once its distribution shifted from floppy disks and CD-ROMs to the Internet? How did early authors of electronic literature revisit their work in light of the ubiquity of the Internet as a form of writing?

    Hannah Ackermans - 16.11.2015 - 10:13

  3. Boolean Poetics: The Search String as Post-Literary Technique

    Over the past decade, expanding access to Big Data has produced a number of innovations in electronic literature and digital culture more broadly, ranging from Twitter bots, media art and generative poetry utilizing social data to vernacular creative writing, journalism and fictocriticism on platforms such as Tumblr and BuzzFeed. These divergent modes of expression all rely on the ability to find and sort high-volume, real-time, multimodal digital data – for example tweets, Instagram photos, animated GIFs, YouTube videos, SoundCloud audio tracks and more – and recombine them in novel works of bricolage. Yet despite the increasing prominence of these writing practices, they have received scant scholarly attention.

    Hannah Ackermans - 16.11.2015 - 10:16

  4. The Generative Literature Project & 21st Century Literacies

    In Fall 2014 I taught a “special” version of my “Writing Electronic Literature” course. Throughout this class my students received an overview of established and emerging forms of Electronic Literature including hypertext fiction, network fiction, interactive works, and digital poetry. Students read, analyzed, and composed a variety of emerging genres of Electronic Literature. Yet what was unique to this particular iteration of my E-Lit class was that my students contributed to a transmodal generative novel to be published in late 2015 by the academic journal Hybrid Pedagogy. The idea of a generative novel is one that can be traced to the OuliPo group (Ouvroir delittérature potentielle) in France. According to the OuliPo website, the generative writer is “un rat qui construit lui-même le labyrinthe dont il se propose de sortir” (trans. “a rat who builds the maze he wishes to escape”). In this understanding of art and literature, the idea of creation, especially literary creation, is one of wordplay and gameplay. Therefore, the generative novel is, in itself, a game – one of interplay between people, cultures, and institutions.

    Hannah Ackermans - 16.11.2015 - 10:21

  5. Bringing Scandinavian E-Lit in from the Edges

    For centuries, Scandinavia comprised the “ends of the Earth” to continental Europeans. As A. E. Nordenskiöld’s 1889 Facsimile-Atlas notes, “Until the middle of the 16th century…geographers took no notice of what was situated beyond lat 63° N….” (54). Today’s e-lit map might look similar. Although Scandinavia produces many creative e-lit works, a relatively small number of critics have investigated them. It is likely that Scandinavian e-lit eludes most e-lit scholars because Scandinavian languages are less familiar than English, French, German, or Spanish. However, there are also a number of excellent works of Scandinavian e-lit in English. This talk will highlight some of these, such as Anders Bojen and Kristoffer Ørum’s Radiant Copenhagen. Radiant Copenhagen is a closed-loop work that plays brilliantly with multiple timelines, incorporating visual and textual elements. The reader navigates a geomap of Copenhagen to read a multiplicity of articles about the capital city.

    Hannah Ackermans - 16.11.2015 - 10:25

  6. Archiving Electronic Literature Beyond its End: Archiving Nordic Works at an Academic Library, a Presentation of a Collaboration in Progress within the University of Bergen

    How reliable are archives and databases of born-digital works of electronic literature when their digitally driven platforms are endangered by digital obsolescence and technological challenges, hacks, and by a lack of long-term maintenance after a funding period’s end?

    Some of the databases within the field of electronic literature are no longer accessible due to one of the reasons mentioned above: the Cyberfiction Database (directed by Beat Suter) that featured German works that were published between 1996-2003 is down after a move from one server to another; ELINOR: Electronic Literature in the Nordic Region (directed by Jill Walker Rettberg, 2004-06) was terminated after the project’s funding ended, and the ELO’s wiki-based archive-it database that was set up in 2007 for allocating works for archiving was hacked. The risks are also there for the (still accessible) Drupal-based Electronic Literature Knowledge Base, no longer funded as part of the ELMCIP project (Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice, 2010-2013).

    Hannah Ackermans - 16.11.2015 - 10:31

  7. Renderings: An E-Lit Translation Project

    We report on Renderings, which focuses on translating highly computational literature into English. This has involved (1) locating literature of this sort that is written in other languages, (2) applying techniques that are typical of literary translation, (3) using programming and other Web development work to port and reimplement older works that are not easily accessed today, and (4) bringing literary and computational thinking together when the interaction of language and computing demand it. All four of these reveal cultural aspects of computational literature, including the one related to typical translation practices. The need to think in literary and computational terms as seen in (4) is particularly interesting, as is the search described in (1). Translators do not usually frame their search for work to translate as part of the translation task, but this is an explicit part of Renderings, which involves culturally specific investigations and considerations of different communities of practice.

    Hannah Ackermans - 16.11.2015 - 10:38

  8. Literary Experiments with Automatic Translation: A Case Study of a Creative Experiment Involving King Ubu and Google Translate

    The habitus of the translator is in many ways different from that of the author, the translator being sometimes viewed rather as a background figure, and translation having the double status of both an art and a craft requiring specific competence. Thus, it would seem, the consideration of “electronic translation” or experiments involving translation within the digital field would require a specific approach. Alongside the fascinating question of the translation of electronic literature, another subject worth exploring are the relations between automatic translation, or technology-aided translation, and creative literary activity. The question posed in the paper is how such connections can prove fruitful for new ways of thinking about translation and literary activities. The 1994 Encyclopaedia of Mathematics entry on automatic translation informs us that “automatic translation of literature and fiction is both unrealistic and unnecessary.” This seems to be a frequent view, accompanied by a certain anxiety among translation professionals as to the threat of automatic translation “stealing their job” within their lifetime.

    Hannah Ackermans - 16.11.2015 - 10:42

  9. Translating E-poetry: Still Avant-Garde

    The American poetry critic Marjorie Perloff undertook the task of rendering a solid theoretical framework to understand the evolution of the art of poetry after Modernism. Furthermore, she traced the evolution of “Postmodern” poetry, analyzing the most radical experiments including the digital poetry of the present. Based on Perloff’s perspective, this paper will observe the evolution of translation as part of the poetics of the American poet Ezra Pound and Brazilian poet Haroldo de Campos. Following its transformation as a writing strategy, they understood translation as a process adjacent to poetry, though the incorporation of translation as part of their own work would be observed as unethical for many critics. Therefore, Haroldo de Campos coined the term “Transcreation” in order to refer his translations as an original work. Interestingly enough, the paradigm for this sort of writing is the Irish writer James Joyce, whose controversial piece Finnegans Wake introduced not only linguistic but also metaphorical and historical translation.

    Hannah Ackermans - 16.11.2015 - 10:46

  10. Digitising Ariadne’s Thread: Feminism, Excryption, and the Unfolding of Memory in Digital Spaces

    Our contemporary digital age relies on the ontology of the hyperlink with its capacity to conflate time-space, which allows us immediate access to information in its varying forms of organization. The hyperlink brings texts, images, documents and modes of accessing information directly to our computer and mobile media screens, bypassing the old materialities and technologies for storage of cultural artifacts. Providing us with the fast convergence of information and cultural artifacts, it radically alters the manner in which we extend ourselves in time and space. Sybille Kramer argues that these changes are wrought through digital technologies that operate at the level of the subhuman and sub-perceptible level of the operation of digital code.

    Hannah Ackermans - 16.11.2015 - 10:49
