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  1. David M. Berry

    David M. Berry, born 1972, is a Lecturer in Media and Communication in the Department of Political and Cultural Studies at Swansea University. He has published on intellectual property rights, ‘copyleft’ and open-source software, Art and creativity, and the politics of code. His book Copy, Rip, Burn: The Politics of Copyleft and Open Source was published by Pluto Press in 2008. His next monograph is titled Philosophy of Software: Code and Mediation in the Digital Age and will be published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2011.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 12.09.2010 - 18:29

  2. Anders Sundnes Løvlie

    Anders Sundnes Løvlie is a Research Fellow and a PhD Student at the University of Oslo. His research focuses on locative literature and user participation. The 'textopia' project investigates the relationship between literary texts and places, through a system which makes it possible to place literary texts on a map and let users walk through the city and listen to texts which talk about the places they walk by. Løvlie has also published research on the rhetoric and aesthetics of computer games.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 12.09.2010 - 18:35

  3. Eric Dean Rasmussen

    Eric Dean Rasmussen is associate professor of English literature in the Department of Cultural Studies and Languages at the University of Stavanger, where he teaches in the English section and the program in Literacy Studies. He is also senior editor for the journal ebr (Electronic Book Review). 

    From 2010-12, Eric was a researcher in Digital Culture at the University of Bergen (UiB), where he served as the first editor of the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base. Eric has served as a research associate for the Electronic Literature Organization, an institution he's been affiliated with since its founding in Chicago in the late 1990s. He first came to UiB as a visiting førsteamanuensis in Humanistic Informatics. Rasmussen's interests include aesthetics and ideology in 20th and 21st-century literature and the impact of new media technologies on the literary arts and (digital) humanities. 

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 12.09.2010 - 18:40

  4. Giovanna Di Rosario

    Giovanna Di Rosario (MA-M.P.S.-MSSc.- PhD in Digital Culture,) is a researcher at the University of Barcelona. Her PhD thesis was one of the two finalists of the prestigious Finnish Agora Doctoral Dissertation Award. During the last 11 years she has been teaching and doing research in different universities in Europe (University of Siena, Geneva, Jyväskylä-Finland, and the IN3-Spain). Since 2008 she has been a researcher member of the Hermeneia research group, University of Barcelona. In 2011 she co-organized in Naples the first Italian conference and exhibition of Electronic Literature at the Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli – PAM museum.  Her research interests include literature and informatics; digital culture, semiotics of the text, and 20th century avant-garde movements.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 12.09.2010 - 18:45

  5. Jeremy Welsh

    Jeremy Welsh is currently professor/MA course leader at Bergen Academy of Art. Formerly professor of Intermedia at Trondheim Academy of Art. Artist working with a combination of electronic media, photography & installation. Formerly director of Film & Video Umbrella, London and exhibitions coordinator for London Video Arts.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 12.09.2010 - 18:47

  6. Jill Walker Rettberg

    Jill Walker Rettberg is professor of Digital Culture at the University of Bergen, and co-director of the Center for Digital Narrative. Her research focus is on how we tell stories online, and she has a particular interest in social media and personal narratives. She has published several articles on early hypertext fiction, electronic literature, digital art and social media, as well as the book Blogging (Polity Press, 2008). She also co-edited an anthology of scholarship on World of Warcraft (Digital Culture, Play, and Identity, MIT Press, 2008). Jill has been blogging at for two decades, and tweets as @jilltxt.

    Note: Works published before 2007 under name Jill Walker.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 12.09.2010 - 18:54

  7. Laura Borràs Castanyer

    Laura Borràs Castanyer, Ph.D. in Romance Philology (1997) from the UB, has attained the qualification of European Doctor (1997) and has been awarded the Special Ph.D. Prize (1998) in Social Sciences at the same university. Is an associate professor on Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University of Barcelona. She devoted the last 12 years to develop the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) on the literary field –mainly on Comparative Literature and Digital Literature as well. Member of the Literary Advisory Board of the ELO, from 2000, she directs and is the main investigator of the International Research Group HERMENEIA, made up of professors and investigators from various European and American universities, whose mission is to study connections between Literary Studies and Digital Technologies. Academic Director of the M.A. Programme on Literature in the Digital Age at the University of Barcelona. She has organized the e-poetry festival 2009 in Barcelona. With Rita Raley, Brian Kim Stefans and Talan Memmott, she has been editor of the Electronic Literature Collection, vol. II (2008-2010).

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 12.09.2010 - 18:58

  8. Philippe Bootz

    Phillipe Bootz has PhDs in Physics (1985) and Information and Communication (2001). Assistant Professor at the University Paris8, Laboratory Paragraphe. Member of the Laboratoire Musique et Informatique de Marseille (MIM), publisher since 1989 of the electronic review on digital poetry alire. Cofounder in 1988 of the digital-poetry group L.A.I.R.E. and, in 2003 of the digital-poetry group Transitoire Observable. Member of the management committee of e-poetry. Coordinator of the seminar poésie: numérique. Advisory-board member of the Canadian online review of French-language digital poetry BleuOrange.


    Elisabeth Nesheim - 12.09.2010 - 19:04

  9. Serge Bouchardon

    Serge Bouchardon is Professor at the University of Technology of Compiegne (France), where he teaches interactive writing. His research focuses on digital creation, in particular digital literature.

    As an author, he is interested in the way the gestures specific to the Digital contribute to the construction of meaning. His creations have been exhibited in many venues in Europe, America, Africa and the Middle East. They have been selected in various online reviews (bleuOrange, Hyperrhiz, SpringGun, The New River). The creation Loss of Grasp ( won the New Media Writing Prize 2011.


    Elisabeth Nesheim - 12.09.2010 - 19:11

  10. Simon Biggs

    Simon Biggs is a visual artist born in Australia, 1957. He moved to the UK in 1986. Since 1978 Biggs has been working with digital and interactive systems in installation, networked and other media. Venues presenting his work include Tate Modern, Whitechapel, Institute of Contemporary Arts (London), Ikon (Birmingham), Centre de Georges Pompidou, Academy de Kunste and Kulturforum (Berlin), Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Macau Arts Museum, Cameraworks (San Francisco), Walker Art Center, Paco des Artes (Sao Paulo), Museo OI (Rio De Janeiro), McDougall Art Gallery (Christchurch), Experimental Art Foundation (Adelaide) and the Art Gallery of New South Wales. He has been keynote at numerous international conferences, most recently at Cornell University's 2010 annual Society for the Humanities Conference. Publications include Autopoeisis (with James Leach, Artwords, 2004), Halo (Film and Video Umbrella, 1998), Magnet (McDougall Art Gallery, 1997) and CD-ROM's Book of Shadows and Great Wall of China (Ellipsis, 1996 and 1999). He is Professor at Edinburgh College of Art. (author-submitted bio).

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 12.09.2010 - 19:13
