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  1. One or More Disfigurements in the Home

    One or More Disfigurements in the Home is a hypertextual fiction involving the memory and disfigurement of a narrator within the home. The text comes from an excerpt of an original work of fiction. Because sections of text are chosen quasi-randomly, you will not experience the entire source text in one sitting.

    (Source: Author's descripiton for ELO_AI)

    Click and drag horizontally or vertically to scroll, and, after some time has passed, clickable grey links will appear. There is something similar to an ending; a full(ish) reading will take at least 10 minutes. If you see it moving itself, it is simply waiting for you to start interacting.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.04.2013 - 23:39

  2. Attempting Ziggurats 4

    Attempting Ziggurats 4 is an installation based on a story by John Barth entitled "Glossolalia," which is made up of a set of oblique and somewhat desperate words that have a familiar ring to them. As each section of the spoken text of the story unfolds, underlying sounds of social activities are gradually folded into its rhythm.

    The various versions of Attempting Ziggurats find their basis in the story of the Tower of Babel and its ongoing reverberations in American culture. The pivotal moment of the story, the instant that language becomes noise, is one that is forever enshrined in American society through its incorporation of cultural difference as a central component of the concept and fabric of the nation. Here, that babble of noise repeatedly coalesces into the rhythms of the Lord's Prayer, a text which, prior to 1962, was recited daily in United States public school classrooms.

    (Source: Artist's description, ELO_AI)

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 00:01

  3. Ethereal Landscapes

    Ethereal Landscapes is an interactive computer artwork that employs language in the form of barcodes as the interface between a physical object and a virtual space. The user is immersed in a generative video and audio database synchronized in real-time through scanning the barcodes on each page of the photographic artists’ book. This collaborative piece challenges traditional notions of the book-object (as static and non-aural), and of video/audio (as passive and linear) by integrating the interactivity of turning a book’s pages with projected moving images and sound.

    Mirroring the interconnectedness of the formal level, Ethereal Landscapes investigates the relations between life as seen on a biological level and our quotidian human experience. The images from the book are referenced throughout the video; their combination with found and created sounds entwine together in a poetic arc around the processes of life, the passage of time and our un-deniable mortality.

    (Source: Artists' description for ELO_AI)

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 10:43

  4. Descants

    On the occasion of the ELO 2010 conference celebrating Robert Coover, I have devised a 24-channel sound installation/performance.  Given the theme of the conference (Archive & Innovate), I chose to investigate the sonic literary archive, utilizing recordings of Robert Coover in the reading his own work as a framework for this composition.  Through a computational process of spectral analysis, editing, and re-synthesis, solo speech is transformed into a chorus of diffused instrumental timbres.  Time is stretched, allowing the ebb and flow of the original readings to be heard very slowly - creating an ambient, electro-acoustic arena.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 10:57

  5. Feed

    Our deeply ingrained need to trust language enables Feed to generate an endless simulacrum of social commentary cum mythopoeic narrative spontaneously from largely random associations of charged words. It presents cultural observation through the blind eye of chance. The blank passing moment becomes the creator of mythos. It allows us the opportunity to turn ambiguity into poetry, absurdity into satire, unexpected fortuitous alignments into insight. Feed chronicles the mechanisms of the chronicle rather than its subjects. It removes “realism” from the equation, flirting with the meaningless and parading arbitrary associations before the reader under the banners of archetype and metaphor. Feed historicizes, editorializes, moralizes, sings, dances, and wears funny hats, all in the name of “analyzing” its own inventions.

    (Source: Author's description for ELO_AI Conference)

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 11:04

  6. TILT

    TILT is database movie inspired by the pinball game in Robert Coover’s famous short story, The Babysitter. An abstraction of the traditional arcade game, TILT uses the random kinetics of a ball in a bounded area to organize its narrative, which is spatial rather than temporal.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 11:55

  7. Big Swing

    Big Swing is a semi-non-linear, online narrative that mixes text, photography, sound design, video and interactivity. The story is designed to be explored rather than read. Delivered in semi-non-linear modules, the piece attempts to introduce and resolve tension in the manner of a traditional narrative, while still providing the user some degree of choice and control.

    Exploring the story: Click on the small squares and words to reveal story fragments. Yellow words connect to the next chapter.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:18

  8. Sphiros

    Sphiros presents the fictional tale of what happens when a timequake creates a world that really is open source. It is staged in a modified version of the WithinSpace interface (created by net artist Jason Nelson) for the Adobe Flash platform.

    This is an exercise in arrangement -- most of its elements are ripped and remixed from a variety of sources both print and web; some are original.

    Each layer of Sphiros can be populated by any content -- text, image, video, sound, Flash animation, webpage, etc. These layers are then stacked on top of each other. A combination of scaling and transparency allows the user to move through the piece.

    Initially, Sphiros was presented in a web-distributed, mouse-driven format. For the installation at AI.ELO, the piece makes use of low-cost headtracking techniques. Users don a pair of infrared LED glasses and stand in front of a screen where a Nintendo WiiMote acts as an infrared camera. A combination of open-source and custom software translates the position of a user in realspace into a position inside of Sphiros.

    This version of Sphiros is set to 'Se Izst' by Icelandic wunderband, Sigur Rós.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:30

  9. The 24-Hr. Micro-Elit Project

    The 24-Hr. Micro-Elit Project experiments with microfiction, or flash fiction, a genre of literature that generally entails narratives of only 300-1000 words. Inspired by Richard Brautigan’s pithy “The Scarlatti Tilt”, a story of only 34 words published in 1971, my work involves 24 stories of 140 characters or less about life in an American city in the 21st C. delivered––or “tweeted”––on Twitter over a 24 hr. period.

    The launch date was Friday, August 21, beginning 12 a.m. PST. Each hour until 11 p.m., I posted a story, and followers of my twitter site were encouraged to tweet their own. After followers tweeted their stories, I cut and pasted them to the Project Blog. An archive of all of the stories can be found there.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:39

  10. (private reading device)

    The Mandel.brot Project (, in French) has existed online since 1999. From the beginning, we dedicated our project to an experimentation with the aesthetics of the ephemeral and the flow; we thus refuse any archiving of the source files of our creations. The creations remain on the web for a few months. Then they are removed forever. And even when they are online, they permanently face extinction: the instability of the digital device is integrated as a fundamental aesthetic principle in all our works (see « Flux »: the movement of the words was supposed to be calm and relaxing; but on powerful computers, the flow is transformed into a wild torrent). Each creation on Mandel.brot thematizes this instability in a specific way.The Mandel.brot Project is a dialogue (we invite you to compare for example « Soleil Amer » and « Inexorable »), which sometimes becomes animated, and sometimes stops for a long time. None of the creations on Mandel.brot can be separated from their context: the website and the device, which remains deliberately unstable.

    (Source: Authors' description for ELO_AI)

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:49
