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  1. Beyond Taxonomy: Digital Poetics and the Problem of Reading

    Beyond Taxonomy: Digital Poetics and the Problem of Reading

    Patricia Tomaszek - 21.09.2010 - 11:57

  2. Reading Moving Letters: Digital Literature in Research and Teaching

    Digital media is increasingly finding its way into the discussions of the humanities classroom. But while we have a number of grand theoretical texts about digital literature we as yet have little in the way of resources for discussing the down-to-earth practices of research, teaching, and curriculum necessary for this work to mature. This book presents contributions by scholars and teachers from different countries and academic environments who articulate their approach to the study and teaching of digital literature and thus give a broader audience an idea of the state-of-the-art of the subject matter also in international comparison.(Source: Publisher's abstract)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 14.01.2011 - 01:39

  3. Connected Memories

    This piece is an exploration of oral histories and the use of technology as a participatory and inviting medium to perform and share stories.

    It is an interactive piece, which consists of a series of extracts from interviews of refugees living in London and the connection between them. They are compiled in a database and linked by common key words. To represent the fractured realities and the formations of connected memories, the viewers need to interact with the piece by clicking on the coloured activated 'common keywords' in order to generate extracts of narrations from the different participating refugees. As an installation the piece includes a microphone to invite the viewers to read aloud and share with other viewers the experience of performing the work through their reading. 

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 25.01.2011 - 18:01

  4. What is and Toward What End Do We Read Digital Literature?

    What is and Toward What End Do We Read Digital Literature?

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 31.01.2011 - 11:39

  5. Reading Network Fiction

    David Ciccoricco establishes the category of "network fiction" as distinguishable from other forms of hypertext and cybertext: network fictions are narrative texts in digitally networked environments that make use of hypertext technology in order to create emergent and recombinant narratives. Though they both pre-date and post-date the World Wide Web, they share with it an aesthetic drive that exploits the networking potential of digital composition and foregrounds notions of narrative recurrence and return.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.02.2011 - 20:31

  6. Electronic Literature: Where Is It?

     Countering Andrew Gallix's suggestion in a Guardian blog essay, "Is e-literature just one big anti-climax," that electronic literature is finished, Dene Grigar proposes that it may not be e-lit, but rather the institution of humanities teaching, that is in a state of crisis. And e-lit, she proposes, could be well placed to revive the teaching of literature in schools and universities.The title of Grigar's essay was adapted by the Electronic Literature Organization 2012 Conference Planning Committee in its call for proposals.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 17:01

  7. Ex-foliations: Reading Machines and the Upgrade Path

    In Ex-foliations, Terry Harpold investigates paradoxes of reading’s backward glances in the theory and literature of the digital field. In original analyses of Vannevar Bush’s Memex and Ted Nelson’s Xanadu, and in innovative readings of early hypertext fictions by Michael Joyce and Shelley Jackson, Harpold asserts that we should return to these landmarks of new media scholarship with newly focused attention on questions of media obsolescence, changing user interface designs, and the mutability of reading. In these reading machines, Harpold proposes, we may detect traits of an unreadable surface—the real limit of the machines’ operations and of the reader’s memories—on which text and image are projected in the late age of print. (Source: Publisher's website.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 24.02.2011 - 09:48

  8. The Readers Project

    Programmatic or computational art is often, although not necessarily, related to art in other media: visual, performative, conceptual, and so on. The art systems of The Readers Project relate to writing and to reading, to our encounters with literary language. This project is an essay in language-driven digital art, in writing digital media. The Readers Project visualizes reading, although it does not do this in the sense of miming conventional human reading. Rather, the project explores and visualizes existing and alternative vectors of reading, vectors that are motivated by the properties and methods of language and language art.

    Scott Rettberg - 06.03.2011 - 11:04

  9. From Papyrus to Hypertext: Toward the Universal Digital Library

    Reflections and predictions of technology's effect on reading and writing In this study, Christian Vandendorpe examines how digital media and the Internet have changed the process of reading and writing, significantly altering our approaches toward research and reading, our assumptions about audience and response, and our theories of memory, legibility, and context. Reflecting on the full history of the written word, Vandendorpe provides a clear overview of how materiality makes a difference in the creation and interpretation of texts. Surveying the conventions of reading and writing that have appeared and disappeared in the Internet's wake, Vandendorpe considers various forms of organization, textual design, the use (and distrust) of illustrations, and styles of reference and annotation. He also examines the novel components of digital texts, including hyperlinks and emoticons, and looks at emergent, collaborative genres such as blogs and wikis, which blur the distinction between author and reader. Looking to the future, reading and writing will continue to evolve based on the current, contested trends of universal digitization and accessibility.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 24.03.2011 - 15:37

  10. The Digital Poem against the Interface Free

    Recent e-literature by Judd Morrissey and Jason Nelson represents a broad movement in e-literature to draw attention to the move toward the so-called “interface free” – or, the interface that seeks to disappear altogether by becoming as “natural” as possible. It is against this troubling attempt to mask the workings of the interface and how it delimits creative production that Judd Morrissey creates “The Jew’s Daughter” – a work in which readers are invited to click on hyperlinks in the narrative text, links which do not lead anywhere so much as they unpredictably change some portion of the text. Likewise working against the clean and transparent interface of the Web, in “game, game, game and again game,” Jason Nelson’s hybrid poem-videogame self-consciously embraces a hand-drawn, hand-written interface while deliberately undoing videogame conventions through nonsensical mechanisms that ensure players never advance past level 121/2. As such, both Morrissey and Nelson intentionally incorporate interfaces that thwart readers’ access to the text so that they are forced to see how such interfaces are not natural so much as they define what and how we read and write.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 05.10.2011 - 09:09
