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  1. Logan K. Young

    Logan K. Young

    Lucila Mayol Pohl - 08.10.2020 - 16:12

  2. Tolu Adeyeye

    Tolu Adeyeye

    Lucila Mayol Pohl - 09.10.2020 - 12:06

  3. Dan Melling

    Dan Melling is a poet and writer of creative non-fiction originally from the UK. He is currently an MFA candidate in poetry at VT.

    Lucila Mayol Pohl - 17.10.2020 - 13:13

  4. Christopher Wilson

    Christopher Wilson is an MFA candidate in poetry at Virginia Tech whose writing can be found on bar tabs and library marginalia.

    Lucila Mayol Pohl - 17.10.2020 - 13:15

  5. Tali Cohen

    Tali Cohen has many hometowns. She is a poet and current MFA candidate at Virginia Tech. She hold a BA in Philosophy from the University of Tampa. Her writing can be found in Bridge Eight, Forklift OH, and elsewhere.

    Lucila Mayol Pohl - 17.10.2020 - 13:32

  6. Devin Koch

    Devin Koch is an MFA candidate in poetry at Virginia Tech; a queer poet from Nebraska and former managing editor of the minnesota review. His poetry has appeared in Laurusand is the winner of the Marjorie Stover and Vreeland award.

    Lucila Mayol Pohl - 17.10.2020 - 13:34

  7. Lotte Mitchell Reford

    Lotte Mitchell Reford is an MFA candidate in Poetry at Virginia Tech. She has an MLitt in Fiction from the University of Glasgow, and prefers the term 'multi-genre' to 'indecisive'. Lotte has had work (of various genres) published in MISO Magazine, National Collective, Far off Places and The Cadaverine. She ran From Glasgow to Saturnfor two years, and worked as Editorial and Production Manager for Luath Press, Edinburgh. She enjoys drinking, hand-rolled cigarettes, vegetarian pho, and long walks on icy beaches.

    Lucila Mayol Pohl - 17.10.2020 - 14:26

  8. Mirri Glasson-Darling

    Mirri Glasson-Darling is an MFA candidate at Virginia Tech in Fiction. Short stories and poetry of hers has appeared in Willow Springs, Crab Orachard Review, Passages North, South Dakota Review, the Dr. TJ Eckleburg Review, Switchback, and Bosque Literary Magazine. She has also received an honorable mention from Glimmertrain.

    Lucila Mayol Pohl - 17.10.2020 - 14:27

  9. Majenneh Dukuly

    Majenneh Dukuly

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 19.11.2020 - 10:39

  10. Erkki Huhtamo

    Erkki Huhtamo

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 26.11.2020 - 07:32
