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  1. Take Gonzo

    Take Gonzo started as a Taroko Gorge remix, and is now the gateway in to an creative exploration through the electronic literature filed.

    Take Gonzo includes a morse code which translates into an English sentence.

    Anders Gaard - 04.10.2016 - 22:43

  2. Tell the Story

    Tell the Story is a study on the misreadings arising from translating among casual speech, print, and digital media, and the not-so-transparent influence of digital media formats. This work is a preliminary inquiry toward future works adding an artistic component to the “After Combat” project of millennial war stories at Texas A&M University.

    As the audience enters the installation space, they will hear spoken “verses” and “choruses,” drawn from historical accounts of war from transcribed interviews. The “verse” sections are read by Elisabeth Blair with audio glitches introduced by custom software, including dropouts, corrupted streams (as with a bad cellphone signal), and “scrubbing” sounds from rewinding/fast forwarding—such a common mode of taking in digital speech, nonlinearly. The chorus sections are read by many voices in heterophony, highlighting the multitude of inflection that readers might interpret as they read the transcriptions aloud.

    Nikol Hejlickova - 19.10.2016 - 17:50

  3. Gerador de Homeóstatos

    Inspirado nos Homeóstatos de José-Alberto Marques, este Gerador de Homeóstatos responde, num primeiro nível, a um motor textual combinatório (10 versões programadas com o poemario.js) e, num segundo nível, 'em cima' de cada variação generativa, pode o leitor gerar indeterminados e variáveis homeóstatos. O Homeóstato N, por sua vez, permite ao leitor inserir o seu próprio texto poético para gerar homeóstatos com o léxico seleccionado.

    Rui Torres - 09.12.2016 - 13:38

  4. Punchlines

    Punchlines is a lyric long poem that probes the poetic tensions in the everyday languages of computer-user collaboration. Within the narrative structure of a Canadian couple’s drive down the West Coast of the United States, the poems set this exploration between the call (poem title) and response (the poem itself) of jokes and punchlines, echoing the input-output (call/response) of modern computer-user cooperation, with the ultimate goal of infusing code with poetry and poetry with code. The first section is the initial trip down the coast while the second section houses poems in response to the return trip. There is little stopping in this long poem.

    Lori Ricigliano - 15.06.2017 - 02:30

  5. Boum!

    Boum! est un récit horizontal pour grands petits hommes, imaginé et illustré par Mikaël Cixous, mis en son par Jean-Jacques Birgé et propulsé par Mathias Franck.

    Première production du genre, Boum! détourne les codes de visualisation classiques et invente une nouvelle façon de s’immerger dans une histoire. Le principe d’une lecture horizontale enrichie par une bande sonore réactive et surprenante, bouscule et enrichi à chaque instant la perception du spectateur.

    Boum! dénote par la simplicité du procédé utilisé et la richesse du rendu. Les Inéditeurs marquent ici un retour aux sources quant au travail d’écriture et de mise en scène visuelle et sonore avec un credo simple : privilégier l’histoire et laisser l’imagination galoper.

    Pål Alvsaker - 07.09.2017 - 16:17

  6. West of Sunset

    West of Sunset

    Ana Castello - 16.10.2017 - 16:07

  7. The Age of the Crisis of Man: Thought and Fiction in America, 1933-1973

    The Age of the Crisis of Man: Thought and Fiction in America, 1933-1973

    Ana Castello - 16.10.2017 - 16:31

  8. A Recollections: 12 vignettes

    Recollections is a collection of 12 vignettes from Lashihai in China designed for iPad and available as a free web app.

    Nina Kolovic - 01.11.2018 - 12:59

  9. Kindred

    Kindred is a project which combines text, video and interactive elements to tell a story inspired by the music of the band.


    Nina Kolovic - 01.11.2018 - 13:32

  10. City Links

    Nina Kolovic - 02.11.2018 - 15:35
