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  1. The Internet Unconscious: On the Subject of Electronic Literature

    There is electronic literature that consists of works, and the authors and communities and practices around such works. This is not a book about that electronic literature. It is not a book that charts histories or genres of this emerging field, not a book setting out methods of reading and understanding. The Internet Unconscious is a book on the poetics of net writing, or more precisely on the subject of writing the net. By 'writing the net', Sandy Baldwin proposes three ways of analysis: 1) an understanding of the net as a loosely linked collocation of inscriptions, of writing practices and materials ranging from fundamental TCP/IP protocols to CAPTCHA and Facebook; 2) as a discursive field that codifies and organizes these practices and materials into text (and into textual practices of reading, archiving, etc.), and into an aesthetic institution of 'electronic literature'; and 3) as a project engaged by a subject, a commitment of the writers' body to the work of the net.

    Hannah Ackermans - 26.08.2015 - 16:53

  2. Kid E-lit elektronisk litterature for barn og ungdom

    This is the booklet for the Kid E-lit exhibition affiliated with ELO 2015 at Bergen Public Library.

    Hannah Ackermans - 31.08.2015 - 13:18

  3. ELO 2015 Conference Program and Festival Catalog

    This is the paperback version of the ELO 2015 The End(s) of Electronic Literature Conference Program and Festival Catalog. It includes abstracts to all workshops, roundtable discussions, lightning talks, research papers and panels, readings, performances and screenings, and exhibitions that are part of ELO 2015. For more information, see the individual elements of the programme.

    Hannah Ackermans - 02.09.2015 - 10:10

  4. ELO 2015 Conference Program and Festival Catalog (e-Pub)

    This is the e-Pub version of the ELO 2015 The End(s) of Electronic Literature Conference Program and Festival Catalog. It includes abstracts to all workshops, roundtable discussions, lightning talks, research papers and panels, readings, performances and screenings, and exhibitions that are part of ELO 2015. For more information, see the individual elements of the programme.

    Hannah Ackermans - 02.09.2015 - 10:17

  5. ELO 2015 Conference Program and Festival Catalog (PDF)

    This is the PDF version of the ELO 2015 The End(s) of Electronic Literature Conference Program and Festival Catalog. It includes abstracts to all workshops, roundtable discussions, lightning talks, research papers and panels, readings, performances and screenings, and exhibitions that are part of ELO 2015. For more information, see the individual elements of the programme.

    Hannah Ackermans - 02.09.2015 - 10:22

  6. The Digital Diasthima: Time-Lapse Reading Digital Poetry

    In moving texts, such as digital kinetic poetry, the reader-user might no longer control the duration of their reading, unlike the traditional and static nature of printed texts. The user deals with readable time versus executable time, the human time-line versus the machine time-line. By having an imposed and fixed number of milliseconds to perceive the text on the screen, the user might find themselves completing or imagining the unread text, following the dynamic forms with an imposed dynamic content. Yet, to understand the shifting reading patterns of digital poems, one has to consider another methods or tools that may complement traditional models. Therefore, performing a critical approach solely based in close reading methods might not accomplish a fully comprehensible reading of digital poetry. In this sense, following upon methods taken from other areas, e.g. time-lapse photography and R.

    Alvaro Seica - 03.09.2015 - 22:02

  7. Autorschaft und digitale Literatur: Geschichte, Medienpraxis und Theoriebildung

    Autorschaft und digitale Literatur widmet sich dem Phänomen der Neukonfiguration der Trias Autor, Leser und Text in Literatur, die den Computer als ästhetisches Ausdrucksmedium nutzt. Dabei beantwortet der Band die als beängstigend attribuierte Frage nach dem Autor dieses "neuen Etwas", indem erstmals ein systematisches Beschreibungsverfahren für das Zusammenspiel aller an der Textproduktion und -rezeption Beteiligten vorgestellt wird. Mit dem Entwurf des theoretischen Modells des Textuellen Handlungsraums überbrückt Zimmermann auch die bisher angenommene strukturelle Distanz zwischen gedruckter und digitaler Literatur. Der detaillierten Analyse exemplarischer kanonischer Werke der englischsprachigen digitalen Literatur ist ein grundlegender komparatistischer Überblick über die Entwicklung dieser Literaturform vorangestellt, die in ihren definierenden Eigenschaften gleichsam als Fortsetzung einer viel älteren Literaturgeschichte aufgefasst wird. Auch die Geschichte von Autorschaft und der Reflexion über Autorschaft wird von Zimmermann ausführlich nachgezeichnet.

    Heiko Zimmermann - 30.10.2015 - 22:08

  8. Intermediality and Electronic Literature

    The 2015 ELO Conference’s call for papers states that "[e]lectronic literature is situated as an intermedial field of practice, between literature, computation, visual and performance art. The conference will seek to develop a better understanding of electronic literature’s boundaries and relations with other academic disciplines and artistic practices."

    This roundtable discussion, led by both established and emerging e-lit scholars and artists, will explore the idea of electronic literature as an intermedial practice, looking at the topic from a wide range of forms including literature, performance, sound, computation, visual art, and physical computing. Drawing upon artistic work they have produced or studied, each panelist will provide a five-minute statement that touches on qualities related to intermediality like hybridity, syncretism, and collaboration. Following this series of brief presentations, the panelists, then, encourage engagement in a wider conversation with the audience.

    Hannah Ackermans - 31.10.2015 - 10:36

  9. Archiving Roundtable

    Listed as one of the main themes of the Bergen 2015 ELO conference is the following question: is “electronic literature” a transitional term that will become obsolete as literary uses of computational media and devices become ubiquitous? If so, what comes after electronic literature?

    The notion of obsolescence has been a recurring issue in electronic literature since at least 2002, the date of the ELO Conference at UCLA. At that time, archiving became a general concern in the field. ELO responded with documents such as Born-Again Bits, Acid-Free Bits, and the ELC 1 and 2 Collections. Since that time, with the continual evolution of computational media and devices, the problems of archiving have continued to grow more complicated. The panel proposes to address issues of Archiving based on this re-wording of the conference theme: is electronic literature a transitional practice that will become obsolete as the multiplication of forms of both computational media and devices make literary artifacts more and more difficult to preserve?

    Hannah Ackermans - 31.10.2015 - 10:54

  10. CELL ROUNDTABLE - The Consortium for Electronic Literature

    For the ELO 2015 conference, we propose a roundtable discussion about the CELL Project. The Consortium for Electronic Literature (CELL) is a partnership founded by the Electronic Literature Organization that joins together nine research centers worldwide, all developing online database projects devoted to research in electronic literature (e-lit). The project is currently funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, enabling development of an online index, search engine, and other tools for researching bibliographical and critical material on e-lit. (source: ELO 2015 conference catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 31.10.2015 - 11:19
