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  1. Salon Jan 11, 2022: Figurski on the Radio!

    Radio made the hypertext star! and Richard Holeton and John Barber will introduce the radio adaptation of the Famous Figurski at Findhorn on Acid!

    Join us as we merge technologies and adapt to radio and sound in a favorite work.

    About this work:
    What began as a pioneering work of electronic literature is now a radio theatre performance. But it took more than twenty years for this to happen.

    Richard Holeton first published Figurski at Findhorn on Acid in 2001 using Storyspace software. This novel length, comedic hypertext featured thousands of links, three main characters, three significant locations, one (perhaps two) mechanical pigs, and yes, THAT acid. Wild acclaim followed initial publication.

    Hannah Ackermans - 15.02.2022 - 13:21

  2. Digital Commedia

    La Digital Commedia è una riscrittura contemporanea del poema dantesco attraverso la quale il Sommo Poeta, smarrito nella selva oscura dei nuovi media, intraprende un viaggio negli Inferi della società delle piattaforme digitali.
    Il progetto, curato dal Dipartimento di Scienze umane dell’Università LUMSA, si articola in una narrazione transmediale tra web e social network ed è online dal 25 marzo 2021, in concomitanza con la celebrazione dei 700 anni dalla morte di Dante Alighieri.

    Richard Snyder - 27.09.2022 - 19:03
