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  1. E-Lit in the Gutter: Applying McCloud's Transition Categories to Interactive Fiction

    Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics has been a staple text in digital media classes for decades. Chapters focusing on topics such as symbolic and iconic representation, relationships between word and image, and the illustration of time provide powerful insights into the creation and interpretation of digital works. McCloud’s analysis of the visual-centric comic medium bears obvious relevance to what we create and see on the screen. For those working in interactive fiction, however, the most useful chapter may be the one dedicated to what cannot be seen. Chapter 3, “Blood in the Gutter”, examines the physical and narrative gaps between frames in a comic strip or book. These gaps, or “gutters” are the visible whitespaces between inked panes and, simultaneously, the conceptual spaces between points in a narrative. McCloud’s examination of these spaces offers valuable insights for both authors and readers of the code-triggered gaps between hyperlinked elements of an interactive fiction. 

    June Hovdenakk - 29.08.2018 - 15:30

  2. Haunting (Narrative) Architecture: The Internet in Skeleton Creek

    Since digital technology began to saturate every part of society, critics have been trying to come to terms with how it has affected our culture, not least literary texts. Young adult fiction was an early responder to digital technology. Internet novels such as ttyl (2005) by Lauren Myracle, Click Here: To Find out How I Survived Seventh Grade (2006) by Denise Vega, and Tweet Heart (2010) by Elizabeth Rudnick revolve around Internet culture thematically as well as structurally: the layout of the codex often resemble chatrooms, emails, or blog posts. 

    Jana Jankovska - 03.10.2018 - 13:54

  3. Digitizing the Novel, 1987-2010

    The novel is digital, it was digital, and it will be digital. Most authors have written on word processors and most publishers have made books with some form of desktop publishing software since the early 1990s. The first novels for digital display were written and published in the late 1980s. From a literary perspective, the question is whether such digital-born literature translates into palpable changes in the novel form, why, and how.

    Mads Bratten Myking - 19.09.2020 - 15:10

  4. The joy of text-the fall and rise of interactive fiction.

    he annual Interactive Fiction Competition is an institution that has endured for almost 20 years, with the goal of discovering each year’s best and brightest works in the world of text-based gaming. The genre is surprisingly broad and complex – and this year’s entries show how much text games have to offer modern audiences, even those who don’t ordinarily play computer games.

    The age of free and intuitive creation tools, combined with the explosion of mobile platforms, e-reader devices and an audience that’s comfortable reading screens, means a brand-new opportunity for fresh narrative experiences that stand to attract new types of players.

    Veteran gamers may remember the text-based adventures of history – titles like Adventureland, Zork and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Arriving in the late 1970s and early 80s, they were taut, forbidding puzzles of logic and language; proceeding the age of graphics on home computers, they made the most of constraints, using brief, carefully chosen prose and a limited list of terse commands to create the experience.

    Martin Li - 21.09.2020 - 16:54

  5. The Double, the Labyrinth and the Locked Room: Metaphors of Paradox in Crime Fiction and Film

    Traditional detective fiction celebrates the victory of order and reason over the senseless violence of crime. Yet in spite of its apparent valorization of rationality, the detective genre has been associated from its inception with three paradoxical motifs - the double, the labyrinth and the locked room. Rational thought relies on binary oppositions, such as chaos and order, appearance and reality or truth and falsehood. Paradoxes subvert such customary distinctions, logically proving as true what we experientially know to be false.
    The present book explores detective and crime-mystery fiction and film from the perspective of their entrenched metaphors of paradox. This new and intriguing angle yields fresh insights into a genre that has become one of the hallmarks of postmodernism.

    Alisa Nikolaevna Ammosova - 29.09.2021 - 16:28
