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  1. E-lit From a Librarian's Perspective

    E-lit From a Librarian's Perspective

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 19.08.2011 - 14:17

  2. Is There a Message in the Medium? The Materiality of Language

    The initial argument of this essay is absurdly simple, obvious, literal: language must be embodied and thus its particular medium is—literally, ontologically—the matter, the flesh, the materiality of any message that it articulates. Marshall McLuhan urged us to recognize that media signify, that the matter in which the message is embodied also traces differences that were already what we have come to call ‘writing’ in a poststructuralist, Derridean sense: grammatological practices. However, McLuhan’s copula was not ontological. It expressed a concern that these other, parallel messages were more significant than any linguistic message they embodied. This same anxiety has reached a kind of apotheosis in recent criticism of digital literature—from Christopher Funkhouser and Roberto Simanowski—revenant as no less than our ancient fear of cannibalism. The message of the medium literally consumes the materiality of language: its own body, flesh of its flesh. But this cannibalism would only be literal—and thus taboo, thus truly terrifying—if McLuhan’s copula were ontological.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 30.08.2011 - 12:34

  3. On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature: Preliminary Reflections

    Note: Tabbi's essay was posted on July 22, 2009, on the online forum On the Human, hosted by the National Humanities Center where it generated 35 additional posts. It was reprinted, along edited versions of these responses, in Beyond the Screen: Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres (Transcript, 2010). These responses are archived separtedly in the ELMCIP Knowledge Base As "Responses to 'On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature: Preliminary Reflections.'"

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 31.08.2011 - 15:55

  4. Responses to "On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature: Preliminary Reflections"

    Responses to "On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature: Preliminary Reflections"

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 31.08.2011 - 16:22

  5. Hyperfiction: Novels for the Computer

    Coover's second significant New York Times' Books article reviewed contemporary hypertexts most substantially including Stuart Moulthrop's Victory Garden, as examples of works that have "printbound analogues" but suggested that new narrative forms were beginning to emerge.

    Scott Rettberg - 06.09.2011 - 13:38

  6. Reading Digital Literature

    A curtain of tiny screens quoting from live Internet chat; stories generated by computer programs; narratives generated by their readers; words that disappear or reveal themselves depending on their readers’ position, text that peels off the wall and requires the 'reader' to push it back. How shall we read such moving letters? How do we catch their meaning? How might they make us feel? The conference convenes ten specialists from the USA and Germany to explore these and other questions in depth.

    The conference resulted in the collection, Literary Art in Digital Performance: Case Studies and Critical Positions, edited by Francisco J. Ricardo (Conitinuum, 2009).

    (Source: Conference website)


    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 28.09.2011 - 14:29

  7. The Digital Poem against the Interface Free

    Recent e-literature by Judd Morrissey and Jason Nelson represents a broad movement in e-literature to draw attention to the move toward the so-called “interface free” – or, the interface that seeks to disappear altogether by becoming as “natural” as possible. It is against this troubling attempt to mask the workings of the interface and how it delimits creative production that Judd Morrissey creates “The Jew’s Daughter” – a work in which readers are invited to click on hyperlinks in the narrative text, links which do not lead anywhere so much as they unpredictably change some portion of the text. Likewise working against the clean and transparent interface of the Web, in “game, game, game and again game,” Jason Nelson’s hybrid poem-videogame self-consciously embraces a hand-drawn, hand-written interface while deliberately undoing videogame conventions through nonsensical mechanisms that ensure players never advance past level 121/2. As such, both Morrissey and Nelson intentionally incorporate interfaces that thwart readers’ access to the text so that they are forced to see how such interfaces are not natural so much as they define what and how we read and write.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 05.10.2011 - 09:09

  8. Seven Types of Interface in the Electronic Literature Collection Volume Two

    Seven Types of Interface in the Electronic Literature Collection Volume Two

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 05.10.2011 - 10:16

  9. RAW (Reading and Writing) New Media

    RAW New Media builds on the first decade of work in new media research within English studies, following (and also breaking from) the longer history of hypertext theory. The book defines new media only in as much as the individual chapters do so, setting the field as materially rich, ever-changing and remediating itself, and kairotic. What is “new” has no fixed boundaries. Because new media is constantly changing, it must be constantly historicized, theorized, and situated within cultural and social (as well as time-based and spatial) contexts.

    Scott Rettberg - 30.10.2011 - 20:26

  10. Electronic Literature Reading at the Richard Hugo House

    An evening of e-lit readings and performances at the Richard Hugo House in Seattle, Washington. The event was organized as part of the Electronic Literature Exhibition at the 2012 MLA Conference.

    Note: The actual line-up at the event different slightly from both the online description of "Readings & Performances" and that in the PDF/printed catalog for the Electronic Literature Exhibition.

    Content of 1st video: 1:50 Jason Nelson with PLAY with the last days of DRAG RACING PUPPETS, 8:11 John Cayley with Pentameters for the Disillusion of the Vectoralists, 19:30 Jim Andrews with Seattle Drift, 25:55 Erin Costello & Aaron Angello with Poemedia, 36:38 Ian Bogost with A Slow Year: Game Poems.

    Content of 2nd video: 0:01 The Good Fortune Land, 10:45 Stephanie Strickland with The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot, 19:58 Stephanie Strickland and Nick Montfort with Sea and Spar Between, 26:00 Nick Montfort with Taroko Gorge, 29:10 Mark Sample with Takei, George, 31:00 Flourish Klink with Fred & George.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.11.2011 - 11:57
