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  1. From (Command) Line to (Iconic) Constellation

    From (Command) Line to (Iconic) Constellation

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2013 - 14:02

  2. A Cross-Medial Close Reading of Swedish Digital Poetry

    In the work with my thesis on digital poetry I aim to highlight the following three axes

    1) A theoretical reflection considering language in interaction with the visual and auditory modalities as well as an investigation of the relation between language and technical media, using theorists such as N. Katherine Hayles and Friedrich A. Kittler.

    2) An analytical, methodical approach, which investigates digital works of poetry and their intermedial relations and effects of meaning.

    3) Putting into perspective the historical concrete poetry and avant-garde movements – primarily from Scandinavia.

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 13:44

  3. From Concrete to Digital Poetry: Driving Down the Road of Continuity? A Personal Report from Norway

    In this contribution I discuss my practice as concrete and visual poet with a special mode of creation from paper-based works to digital video-poems. I trace my path through the paper by describing some of my earlier works that built the basis for the concepts behind the animated works svevedikt (2006), LYMS (2009), when (2011), and natyr (2013). My aim is to express my artistic position at the time I visited the E-Poetry Festival in Paris 2007, and thereby entered the “e-lit-family” for the first time.   It is my wish to explain how I experienced the festival in several ways: the relation between the presentation of papers and works, the variety of the works and performances, the impressions of meeting a well-established community, and a comparison between the festival and arrangements in the late sixties from an ideological perspective.  To accomplish this, I will (after a short discussion of terms and contextualization) provide a description of my background as visual artist, and the different sorts of poetry I have created before I entered the electronic literature community in 2007. Then I want to focus on how I was influenced by the festival and the community.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 29.04.2013 - 16:03

  4. Creative Practice and Experimental Method in Electronic Literature and Human Experimental Psychology

    This article discusses issues arising from the relationship between practitioners in Electronic Literature and researchers in the field of Human Experimental Psychology, including the possible emergence of new communities that cross over this boundary. The introduction (1) considers the possible drivers of this process, including technology, interdisciplinarity and research funding policy, after first explaining the source of the article in an interdisciplinary project, Poetry Beyond Text: Vision, Text and Cognition (2009-11). This project involved literary critics, psychologists and creative artists and studied works that combine (poetic) text with images, including digital poetry, concrete poetry, artists’ books, visual poetry and poetry-photographic works. In section 2 we discuss the concept of the “experimental” in aesthetic and scientific contexts, identifying the relatively universal model of the subject constructed through experimental procedure in Psychology and contrasting it with the radical idea of the subject implied by avant-garde aesthetic practice.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.06.2013 - 13:52

  5. Literacy between book, page and screen – on Between Page and Screen by Amaranth Borsuk and Brad Bouse

    The aim of the speech will be to show that e-literature realizations not only could be a renovation of avant-garde or even earlier tradition, but also in many cases provoke the same kind of questions which were made by theoreticians of (e.g.) formalism or structuralism in relation to avant-garde or modern text. Looking at electronic texts we re-ask about a literacy of those works and have to renovate our conception of literary communication, re-thinking not only the category of the text (as Aarseth did), but also the character of signs and code used in this kind of communication.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 10:26

  6. Concrete poetry as a test case for a nominalistic semiotics of verbal art

    Concrete poetry as a test case for a nominalistic semiotics of verbal art

    Alvaro Seica - 27.08.2013 - 14:37

  7. Animated Concrete Poetry Between Stillness and Motion - a Close-Up on Ottar Ormstad's Oeuvre of Works

    Throughout the last seven years, Ormstad experimented with both moving images and letters, conceived narratives, and styles that according to him reflect a continuum of the printed work he created in the 60’s. If the continuum also holds true for concrete poetry and poetry-films in general is a question addressed in my talk.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 19.11.2013 - 13:46

  8. Poesia Digital: Reflexões em Curso

    Este trabajo analiza la recepción de la poesía digital basada en la producción de Mallarmé, Apollinaire, Pound, Joyce y Cummings, con el objetivo de señalar la influencia de estos poetas en su construcción. A través del análisis de los poemas en un medio electrónico, encontramos algunos elementos de literariedades digitales, identificando algunas de sus características. Algunos poemas digitales instan al lector a una relación más interactiva, otros permiten una lectura de menos dispersión interpretativa, y hay poemas que explotan exhaustivamente los recursos del computador, y la postura del lector es la que determina la construcción del significado, independientemente de los medios de circulación de la producción.

    Alvaro Seica - 02.12.2013 - 11:52

  9. Visuality and Material Expressiveness in the Portuguese Experimental Poetry

    Visuality and Material Expressiveness in the Portuguese Experimental Poetry

    Rui Torres - 03.12.2013 - 23:37

  10. Concrete and Digital Poetics

    I argue that there is an intrinsic connection between concrete poetics as a theory of the medium (i.e., of language, of written language, and of poetical forms) and digital poetics as a theory of poetry for the digital medium. This link is clearly seen in the use of concrete poems as storyboards and scripts for electronic texts, both in composing text for graphic interface static display and for animation. This essay deals with the adoption of electronic media by concrete poets, with examples from the work of Brazilian poet Augusto de Campos (1931-), and Portuguese poets E.M. de Melo e Castro (1932-) and Tiago Gomez Rodrigues (1972-).

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 05.12.2013 - 16:09
