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  1. Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction

    This monograph outlines the history of interactive fiction from its beginnings in the 1970s, through its commercial primetime in the 1980s, its community-based explosion in the 1990s and into the 21st century. Riddles are presented as the primary literary ancestor of interactive fictions, which allows Montfort too see IF as literary but as more than simply narrative.  The book provides a vocabulary and approach for describing the genre and also presents new interpretations of selected games and summarises previous readings and discussions of works.


    A critical approach to interactive fiction, as literature and game.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 26.02.2011 - 21:45

  2. My Mother Was a Computer: Digital Subjects and Literary Texts

    We live in a world, according to N. Katherine Hayles, where new languages are constantly emerging, proliferating, and fading into obsolescence. These are languages of our own making: the programming languages written in code for the intelligent machines we call computers. Hayles’s latest exploration provides an exciting new way of understanding the relations between code and language and considers how their interactions have affected creative, technological, and artistic practices.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 14.03.2011 - 21:07

  3. How Interactive Can Fiction Be?

    How Interactive Can Fiction Be?

    Jörgen Schäfer - 28.06.2011 - 16:56

  4. Writing as a Woman: Annie Abrahams' e-writing

    Is there such a thing as womens' writing? Or, for that matter, womens' media? Elisabeth Joyce moves through the work of Annie Abrahams and writes against restrictive domestications of electronic media.

    (Source: journal abstract)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 08.11.2011 - 10:28

  5. Interactive Fiction

    Interactive Fiction

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 03.03.2012 - 19:44

  6. The Material of Poetry

    Description from the new edition (2012):

    Poetry is philosophically interesting, writes Gerald L. Bruns, "when it is innovative not just in its practices, but, before everything else, in its poetics (that is, in its concepts or theories of itself)." In The Material of Poetry, Bruns considers the possibility that anything, under certain conditions, may be made to count as a poem. By spelling out such enabling conditions he gives us an engaging overview of some of the kinds of contemporary poetry that challenge our notions of what language is: sound poetry, visual or concrete poetry, and "found" poetry.


    Meri Alexandra Raita - 19.03.2012 - 15:13

  7. Feral Hypertext: When Hypertext Literature Escapes Control

    Feral Hypertext: When Hypertext Literature Escapes Control

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 26.03.2012 - 13:48

  8. Narrative and the Split Condition of Digital Textuality

    With computer games and avant-garde literary experiments, digital textuality has conquered
    both mass audiences and academic readers interested in theorizing digital art, but
    it has not yet reached the middle of the cultural spectrum, namely the educated public
    who reads primarily for pleasure, but is capable of artistic discrimination. This essay
    explores the possibility of curing this split condition by strengthening the narrativity of
    digital texts. After examining the conception of narrative that prevails at both ends of the
    spectrum, I investigate three types of interactive narrative that have been able to reach
    beyond the traditional audience of computer games and experimental literature: embedded
    stories, represented by Myst and mystery-solving games, emergent stories, represented
    by The Sims, and texts with a somewhat prescripted, but variable story, represented
    by Façade, Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern’s project in interactive drama. For each type
    of text, I suggest how to make the structure more appealing to a reader who engages

    Helene Helgeland - 01.09.2012 - 16:56

  9. Words Made Flesh. Code, Culture, Imagination

    Executable code existed centuries before the invention of the computer in magic, Kabbalah, musical composition and experimental poetry. These practices are often neglected as a historical pretext of contemporary software culture and electronic arts. Above all, they link computations to a vast speculative imagination that encompasses art, language, technology, philosophy and religion. These speculations in turn inscribe themselves into the technology. Since even the most simple formalism requires symbols with which it can be expressed, and symbols have cultural connotations, any code is loaded with meaning. This booklet writes a small cultural history of imaginative computation, reconstructing both the obsessive persistence and contradictory mutations of the phantasm that symbols turn physical, and words are made flesh.

    Johannes Auer - 08.11.2012 - 15:55

  10. Footnotes in Fiction: A Rhetorical Approach

    This study explores the use of footnotes in fictional narratives. Footnotes and endnotes fall under the category of what Gérard Genette has labeled paratexts, or the elements that sit above or external to the text of the story. In some narratives, however, notes and other paratexts are incorporated into the story as part of the internal narrative frame. I call this particular type of paratext an artificial paratext. Much like traditional paratexts, artificial paratexts are often seen as ancillary to the text. However, artificial paratexts can play a significant role in the narrative dynamic by extending the boundaries of the narrative frame, introducing new heuristic models for interpretation, and offering alternative narrative threads for the reader to unravel. In addition, artificial paratexts provide a useful lens through which to explore current theories of narrative progression, character development, voice, and reliability. In the first chapter, I develop a typology of paratexts, showing that paratexts have been used to deliver factual information, interpretive or analytical glosses, and discursive narratives in their own right.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 16.11.2012 - 15:43
