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  1. Case Study: Analyzing I ♥ E-­Poetry via Visualizations from ELMCIP Knowledge Base Data

    Case Study: Analyzing I ♥ E-­Poetry via Visualizations from ELMCIP Knowledge Base Data

    Patricia Tomaszek - 21.08.2013 - 19:38

  2. Remediation of French Digital Poetry

    Remediation of French Digital Poetry

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 22.08.2013 - 15:07

  3. Remediation of French Digital Poetry

    Remediation of French Digital Poetry

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 22.08.2013 - 15:10

  4. La littérature numérique: un patrimoine à pérenniser

    La littérature numérique: un patrimoine à pérenniser

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 22.08.2013 - 15:16

  5. Authorship and Autership in the Collaborative Development Process of Text-Based Games

    The collaborative development of text-based Multi-User Dungeons (MUDs) has afforded writers an electronic medium for the discussion, production, and publication of e-literature. A MUD is designed to provide an immersive and interactive experience, and is achieved by the creation of a code-based structure that supports a literary text. However, when multiple contributors are involved there is a tension between the inherently fixed nature of literature and the more fluid versioning of software. In many software development environments, ownership over a work is considered to be counter-productive, whereas authorship of literature is assumed more freely and, as a means of contextual explication, is actively encouraged. MUDs must therefore function under colliding principles of authorship and ownership. The production of a large MUD’s literary text is conceived similar to the cinematic production of a film, with the lead designer of a MUD assuming the role of a ‘director’. The production and proliferation of electronic literature presents new and unique challenges to both the longitudinal administration of a MUD and to the coherence of the literary text.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 12:04

  6. Scripts for Infinite Readings

    Material representations and simulations of reading motions can be embodied and enacted through expressive uses of formal devices in programmable works. These interactions between reading self and embodied codes are reflexively choreographed in ways that illuminate the performativity of cognition and interpretation. Meaning production through acts of reading that become scripted in the textual field will be analyzed in 'The Readers Project' by John Cayley and Daniel Howe.

    Scott Rettberg - 06.09.2013 - 11:53

  7. Poesia Experimental e Ciberliteratura: por uma literatura marginal izada?

    Rompendo com “a literatura dominante, oficial, consagrada, académica e mesmo clássica”, a poesia experimental (concreta, visual, sonora ou cibernética) não peca por “menos estruturação, menos elaboração estética, menos conceptualização, ou menos ambição cultural”. Mas parece ser, continuando a adaptar a proposta de Arnaldo Saraiva ao assunto de que nos ocupamos, marginalizada por razões de “ideologia literária” e de “economia do mercado editorial”. Na verdade, mais do que uma literatura marginal, a poesia experimental tem sido uma literatura marginalizada: pela cultura literária, pois o experimentalismo promove “o desrespeito das leis clássicas, a novidade nas técnicas ou nos motivos, a contaminação dos géneros, (...) a complicação estrutural”; e pelo marketing literário, pois este não consegue compartimentar, nos formatos convencionados pelo mercado, poesia que vai sendo publicada em folhetos, catálogos, registos de acontecimentos, graffitis, fotocópias, objectos, jardins, CD-ROMs, na Internet ou em outros espaços virtuais e artificiais.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 11.09.2013 - 09:57

  8. Nature’s Agents: Chreods, Code, Plato, and Plants

    In “Nature’s Agents,” Lisa Swanstrom discusses the agency of objects operating within networks. Specifcally, Swanstrom addresses works which allow nature to correspond with humans in a shared environment, posing provocative questions about the idea of agency itself as expressed in an ecology of action.

    Theresa Marie Sperre - 12.09.2013 - 22:36

  9. Roundtable on remediation of French literature

    Syntonie is a project of digital review for ipad that would prefigure an anthology of French digital poetry. Only 3 works originally designed for a computer will be carried on ipad. The choose of the works, the new computing and the semiotics design will be done at the laboratory Paragraphe in relationship with the publisher. We will examine here the questions that this remediatisation asked: what is lost? What is preserved? What is changed? What balance between mediation for present audience and fidelity to the work? Are they facets of the work we can only document (semiotic representations inside the original program for instance)? Is remediatisation an act of preservation?

    All these questions will be asked in technical, semiotics, literary and publishing points of view. The project will only begin in February and we will document all the process.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 10:42

  10. Conduit d'Aération : un projet de recherche et création

    Conduit d'Aération : un projet de recherche et création

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 11:01
