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  1. Embodied Algorithms: On Space and Mobility as Structural Metaphors

    This short paper proposes the concept of "embodied algorithms" to describe the use of models borrowed or derived from other disciplines as structural metaphors in works of art. The models may originate in fields as diverse as phenomenology, linguistics, or computer science, and while they may not themselves be computational or procedural, their cross-disciplinary/cross-modal implementation imbues them with a symbolic dimension that suggests a hermeneutical methodology (hence, “algorithm”) for constructing interpretive narratives. The paper examines the constitutive role played by space and mobility in interpreting a series of the author’s own artworks. For the sake of brevity, it focuses primarily on a single interpretive model derived from the writing of phenomenologist Georg Gadamer, and relates it to a number of digital models, or algorithms, employed in the works.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 27.08.2012 - 13:42

  2. DIWO: Do It With Others – No Ecology without Social Ecology

    In an age of post-industrial revolution, the acceleration of technological development has had a direct impact on our everyday lives, in which our behaviours and relationships are modified via our interactions with digital technology. As artists, we have adapted to the complexities of contemporary information communication technologies, initiating different forms of creative, network production. Another set of societal factors has also become equally significant as concerns about climate change and the economic crisis pose questions about how we adapt, as people and as artists. As imaginative practitioners exploring the possibilities of creative agency that these networks and social media offer, we need to ask ourselves about our role in the larger conversation. What part do we play in the evolving techno-consumerist landscape which is shown to play on our desire for intimacy and community while actually isolating us from each other.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 27.08.2012 - 13:50

  3. Re-reading the Digital: An Inquiry Through Practice

    Digital reading is not the same as reading a book, for several reasons. The main focus of this short piece brings together two of them: varying and implicit but usually hidden technological relationship/s; and a new and more complex construction of the reading Subject/ivity.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 27.08.2012 - 15:14

  4. Authorial Scholarship 2.0: Tracing the Creative Process in Online Communities

    The age of letter writing is coming to an end, just as an era of e-mail, blogs, online groups, and social networks is emerging as a new mode of communication. The work of scholars interested in what writers have to say about their work has simultaneously become easier and more challenging, depending upon the technologies used by these writers. How do we conduct authorial scholarship in an age of digital media? This paper address this question through a case study: Flores' own research on Jim Andrews and his work, focusing on the challenges and affordances offered by the current media ecology.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 27.08.2012 - 15:18

  5. Evaluating Digital Literature: Social Networks, Selection Processes and Criteria

    The first experiments in digital literary forms started as early as the 1960s. From then, up to the mid-90's, was a period that, according to Chris Funkhouser (2007), can be considered as a “laboratory” phase. The rise of the Internet has resulted in the proliferation of creative proposals. The first involves indexing creative works in the form of databases, sometimes giving access to hundreds of works without any hierarchical order. Since 2000, digital literature has been experiencing a new phase, marked by the creation of anthologies. Over the years, the evaluation and selection criteria have proved to be as problematic as they are necessary for these projects. The main issue of this paper is to provide a critical discussion of these criteria.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 27.08.2012 - 15:44

  6. Thinking in Networks: Western/non-Western Interaction

    This paper discusses artists' practices that in aesthetical-technical ways intervene into computer networked environments. The author is interested in Japanese media artists who, in interactive installations, rethink the use of technology that we encounter in the industrially-culturally compressed spaces of the metropoles, like Tokyo. These technologically saturated spaces have created super-density as a new cultural form of the present. The focus of the discussion is on artists' interventions in networks that in different ways make us aware of the possibilities for approaching and reflecting upon our behaviour in such media-cultural and ubiquitous mediascapes.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 27.08.2012 - 15:51

  7. Derivative Writing: E-literature in the World of New Social and Economic Paradigms

    This paper seeks to broaden the conceptual field of e-literary studies by exploring the social and economic context that shapes e-literature as an emerging field of textual practice in new media. It is also an attempt to analyse the current positioning of e-literature in the broader field of algorithmic culture and to explore its interactions with new media art. Our research is driven by the idea that e-literature and its institutions might also be explained by applying some key concepts taken from the social sciences (including economics). E-literary text is viewed as a social event: It needs the presence of the audience, and the process of its creation is embedded in its social context.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 27.08.2012 - 16:00

  8. Remediating English Pedagogy: Nurturing Immersive, Complex and Creative Literary Experiences for Students in Contemporary Times

    In the past decade there has been a significant uptake of new forms of storytelling in a multimedia digital communication culture (Alexander, 2011; Page, 2010; Wardrip-Fruin & Harrigan, 2004; 2009; 2010). The examples reported in this paper both provide new opportunities for schooling to offer children opportunities for critical understanding and participatory capacity development in this shift in the cultures of the new media age. A number of studies have recognised that schooling has some way to go to offer students the kinds of practices with new media which they are frequently engaged in during their out of school activities (Chandler-Olcott & Mahar, 2003; Lankshear & Knobel, 2004; 2006; Thomas, 2007). Both examples are discussed in light of demonstrating how a technology enhanced, new media infused, reconceptualisation of English teaching can prepare children for their roles as both creators and consumers in participatory interactive fictional narratives for the future.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 27.08.2012 - 16:24

  9. The Assimilation of Text by Image

    Jhave's wide-ranging history and prospectus alerts us to cognitive, material, and mythic dimensions of the nexus of image and text. By showing how text evolved into image, the essay traces a new malleability, dimensionality, and embodiment of writing. The contemporary image-text is a quasi-object with experimental literary qualities as well as an almost organic media dynamism.
    (Source: ebr Electronic Book Review)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 09.10.2012 - 11:04

  10. Tecnopoeticas argentinas. Archivo blando de arte y tecnología

    Tecnopoeticas argentinas. Archivo blando de arte y tecnología

    Claudia Kozak - 16.10.2012 - 22:06
