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  1. All Tomorrow's Parties

    A plenary presentation for the biennial conference of the Electronic Literature Organization focused on the circumstances of the founding of the organization and on the work of novelist Robert Coover on the occasion of his retirement from teaching, delivered in a scripted and parodic style appropriate to the subject. Co-presented with Rob Wittig.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.02.2011 - 15:59

  2. Mobilizing the Poli

    A detailed review of Judd Morrissey and Mark Jeffery’s The Precession. Published July 14, 2011.


    Judd Morrissey’s newest work, is a website that redefines the act of reading literature on the internet in order to draw attention to the ways that reading is changing in our world. The website truly functions as the new book, with chapters that organize his intentions within the project into discrete capitulations of his ideas. My paper is mostly an analysis of the centerpiece of the website, POLI, because of its time-based nature: it uses real-time data capture and provides an extended period of time for the reading of the piece itself. POLI is a significant piece of contemporary literature because of its consciousness becomes political comment through the uses of our various languages.

    Scott Rettberg - 22.07.2011 - 13:08

  3. Eccentric Gameplay: Simulating the Digital Any-Space-Whatever

    Our paper will address issues related to aesthetic gaming and the way in which concepts of the literary are being reconfigured in a new genre of videogames that we have termed eccentric games. Using games such as Achron (forthcoming 2010), Braid (2008), Cursor*10 (2008), Echochrome (2008), levelHead (2008), Game-Space (2008-09), and Portal (2007), we suggest this genre can be characterized by game mechanics which manipulate space and time in such a way that the player must access a logic indigenous to digital environments. Eccentric games can be further described through their reliance on filmic interface as an apparatus for modeling eccentricity, tutorialized presentations of gameplay, and its common classification within the overextended "puzzle" genre.

    Audun Andreassen - 14.03.2013 - 15:22

  4. The magnificent 7

    The aim of this paper, titled “The magnificent Seven” as an echo of the homonymous film, is to introduce the works of different authors that have been included in the Electronic Literature Collection (vol. II) and that are not in English. Following the panel that the ELO introduced in Maryland that opened the e-lit works in languages other that English, here the step has moved convincingly forward since 12 authors from countries such as Brazil, Portugal, France, Israel, Belgium, Colombia, Germany, Perú, México, Catalonia and Spain have been introduced in the vastest English corpus. Some of these authors write in English or have had their works translated into English (Tisselli, Berkehenger, Kruglanski, etc.) but this paper, included in a specific panel that deals with e-lit works non written in English, will analyze in an exercise of “close-reading”, this “magnificent seven” works in Romance languages on the collection: Isaías Herrero’s La casa sota el temps and Universo molécula, Doménico Chiappe’s Tierra de extracción, Ton Ferret’s The fuguebook, Chico Marinho et al. Palavrador and Amor de Clarice and Poemas no meio du caminho by Rui Torres.

    Audun Andreassen - 14.03.2013 - 15:46

  5. Giving form to choice: tree-structures and the question of notational systems in multimedia.

    A selection of exercises de style based on Raymond Queneau’s Un Conte à Votre Façon shall serve to analyze the transitions from written text, to tree-structure, to multimedia, dialogic form. Queneau’s own rendering of the paths contained in his text is a rectangular, closed shape; it evokes both a constellation and an abstract painting, flattening out the horizon of choice. Others have diagramed “Un Conte à Votre Façon” quite differently, with metaphors that suggest alternative ways of revealing elements of Queneau’s text during an interactive “wreading”.

    Annotating gesture is linked to the larger issue of how to represent interlocutors in a complex dialogic chain. Un Conte à Votre Façon includes, among others, Queneau the “scriptor”, who answers our “yes” or “no”; imaginary characters, with whom we may identify and who lend their voice to some of our choices; a more or less tacit programmed “intelligence” that determines the evolution of the interface; not to mention our own inner-voice, anticipated by Queneau but shaped by a multimedia incarnation that transforms the status of his text to that of a score.

    Audun Andreassen - 14.03.2013 - 15:57

  6. Into the Deep End: An Approach to Generation of Formal Poetry

    Depth-first searches (DFS) have enabled computers to beat human opponents at chess for decades. By constructing a search tree of future board states and evaluating them against a given rubric, chess-playing machines guide themselves toward a desirable outcome. In my paper, I examine how a DFS-based algorithm can be used to generate formal poetry (meaning verse that exists under metrical and phonological constraints) by advancing one word at a time through a library of potential choices and "scoring" the results based on formal characteristics, backtracking as necessary.

    Audun Andreassen - 14.03.2013 - 16:01

  7. Cyborg Tactics and Perilous Hermeneutics in Lexia to Perplexia Shifts in materiality across space.

    Cyborg Tactics and Perilous Hermeneutics in Lexia to Perplexia Shifts in materiality across space¬—from monitor to cell phone screen, from private bedroom to public bus—alter experience and sway meaning. But time also entails an expectation of change that sometimes never comes: works of electronic literature often go without the steady updates to security, appearance, and functionality that corporate software enjoys, turning into strange ruins that, if not broken, carry that possibility. Eight years after the publication of Katherine Hayles’s Writing Machines, my paper returns to one of the book’s case studies, Talan Memmott’s Lexia to Perplexia, with the goal of investigating the effects of the passing years on the hermeneutics instilled in the user by the text. Focusing on the instability that time and software evolutions have sown, I argue that in this uncertain environment, the recourse of the user is a heightened emphasis on investigation, experimentation, and attempted recovery. With these motivations in mind, I turn to various palimpsests in the text, features of Lexia that straddle the divide between the literary technique and the glitch.

    Audun Andreassen - 20.03.2013 - 09:24

  8. Reclaiming the 'Golden Age': The Second Person in Digital Fiction

    Since the demise of the 'Golden Age' of literary hypertext (Coover 1999) and the theoretical debates surrounding online and offline electronic literature that followed in its wake, the study of digital fiction in particular has undergone a significant paradigm shift. Recent research has moved from a 'first-wave' of pure theoretical debate to a 'second-wave' of close stylistic and semiotic analysis. While the theoretical intricacies of second-wave digital fiction theory have been well debated (e.g. Ciccoricco 2007, Ensslin 2007, Ensslin and Bell 2007, Bell 2010 forthcoming), the discipline and practice of close-reading digital fiction require a more systematic engagement and understanding than offered by previous scholarship.

    Audun Andreassen - 20.03.2013 - 10:12

  9. Bitwise: The Logic of the Digital

    This paper explores the ontology of the digital. Specifically I argue that digital technologies, digital aesthetics, and digital culture express characteristics of the binary code. The binary code, which defines the digital, balances between ideal and real; tied always to some material substrate, the binary code nevertheless operates according to a logic of perfectly specified 0s and 1s. And it tends to bring this idealized perfection into the real, dividing up the world into neat, discrete categories, offering predefined choices with predictable outcomes, and shaping not only the materials of the machine but also the bodies and habits of users according to this binary logic. The binary code is an apotheosis of abstraction, but it is an operative abstraction, which becomes effective even while retaining its pure formality. Brief examples will elaborate this overarching argument, considering the digital’s ontological relationships to temporality, space, material, virtuality, uniqueness, identity, determinism, and language.

    (Source: Author's abstract for ELO_AI).

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 09:45

  10. Mining the Arteroids Development Folder

    In September 2008 Jim Andrews shared with me the “Arteroids Development Folder:” a collection of drafts, versions, source files, and other materials that document the work that led to the publication of his “poetic shoot 'em up" Arteroids (

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 09:54
