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  1. Digital Literature and the Digital

    In this article, the approach to the Digital is based on the distinction between three levels: a theoretical level, an applicative level and an interpretative level. Now digital literary works play on the tensions between the three levels and allow these tensions to be highlighted. Studying the conjunction of the Digital and of literary creation – by analysing digital literary works – thus proves to be relevant. Looking into the specific properties of the Digital can throw light on the potentialities of digital literature; in the same way, digital literature can act as a revealer for the Digital.

    Serge Bouchardon - 17.06.2011 - 12:09

  2. Is e-literature just one big anti-climax?

    Is e-literature just one big anti-climax?

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 19.08.2011 - 12:15

  3. Beyond the Book: François Bon and the Digital Transition

    Beyond the Book: François Bon and the Digital Transition

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.08.2011 - 08:21

  4. The Machine in the Text, and the Text in the Machine

    "The Machine in the Text, and the Text in the Machine" is a review essay on Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame, 2008), by N. Katherine Hayles, and Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2008), by Matthew G. Kirschenbaum. Both works make remarkable contributions for the emerging field of digital literary studies and for the theory of digital media. While Hayles analyses the interaction between humans and computing machines as embodied in electronic works, Kirschenbaum conceptualizes digitality at the level of inscription and establishes a social text rationale for electronic objects.

    (Source: DHQ)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 13.09.2011 - 14:23

  5. eLiterature questa (s)conosciuta. Storia e stato dell’arte, definizione e sistemi affini, generazioni e classificazione dei generi

    Questo contributo profila il fenomeno della letteratura elettronica chiarendo alcuni equivoci e indicando le caratteristiche salienti che rendono una forma letteraria digitale ascrivibile a tale fenomeno. Esso offre inoltre una breve storia e l’attuale stato dell’arte della letteratura elettronica, analizza le condizioni necessarie per ascrivere un’espressione digitale all’ambito della eLiterature e descrive le interazioni che avvengono tra eLiterature, Net Art, Game Theory e Computer Science. Esso offre infine una panoramica sulle generazioni e i generi di letteratura elettronica, mostrandone le caratteristiche salienti.

    Fabio De Vivo - 20.10.2011 - 16:12

  6. European eLiterature Collection

    The European eLiterature Collection is a project developed as part of The eLiterature Research Project. The aim of the collection is to provide an essential tool to assist in formalizing e-Literature in Europe.

    In this respect, the European eLiterature Collection Board of Editors, evaluates, reviews, and publishes on the web works of Electronic Literature by European authors.

    Fabio De Vivo - 22.10.2011 - 12:16

  7. Performing Digital Texts in European Contexts

    Performing Digital Texts in European Contexts: collecting, recollecting and commenting on digital texts and contexts operating in the inter-zones where digital media, literature, visual art and performance practices meet.

    J. R. Carpenter - 25.11.2011 - 13:02

  8. Kac, Cayley, and Kargl on Translation

    Kac, Cayley, and Kargl on Translation

    J. R. Carpenter - 25.11.2011 - 13:19

  9. Paradoxical Print Publishers TRAUMAWIEN

    Paradoxical Print Publishers TRAUMAWIEN

    J. R. Carpenter - 25.11.2011 - 14:02

  10. Collecting digital literature in Europe

    Collecting digital literature in Europe

    J. R. Carpenter - 25.11.2011 - 14:10
