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  1. Geopoetics: Aesthetic Experience in the Works of Stefan Schemat and Teri Rueb

    Geopoetics: Aesthetic Experience in the Works of Stefan Schemat and Teri Rueb

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 31.01.2011 - 15:44

  2. The Possible Worlds of Hypertext Fiction

    Publisher's blurb: Written in hypertext and read from a computer, hypertext novels exist as a collection of textual fragments, which must be pieced together by the reader.The Possible Worlds of Hypertext Fiction offers a new critical theory tailored specifically for this burgeoning genre, providing a much needed body of criticism in a key area of new media fiction.

    Table of Contents: The Universe of Hypertext Fiction
    Hypertext Fiction and the Importance of Worlds
    Contradictions, World Views and the Nature of Truth in Michael Joyce's (1987) afternoon--a story
    Going, Going, Gone: the Slippery Worlds of Stuart Moulthrop's (1995) Victory Garden
    Is there a Mary/Shelley in this World? Parody and Counterparts in Shelley Jackson's (1997) Patchwork Girl
    The Colourful Worlds of Richard Holeton's (2001) Figurski at Findhorn on Acid

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 01.02.2011 - 11:43

  3. The Role of the Reader in Performative Digital Poetry

    The object of digital poetry has been claimed to be the process initiated by the user and therefore dynamic. What is processed and made visible on screen is what Philippe Bootz (2007) calls the “texte-à-voir”, what we are given to see and what is only a selection of the underlying artwork. For digital poetry the processes executed by a programming language is the material the artist uses. Following Burgaud (2006) the user is “reading a process”. With the focus on the processes instead of the “object” the description and analysis of digital poetry is facing the problem that what the reader can see on the screen is not enough to understand the art work. Especially the change from a conceptual verbal art read in front of a computer screen mostly by an individual reader to installation art, caves to performances on stage including text, music, and dance and to performances in virtual environments such as Second Life ask for descriptions that are able to deal with the dynamics of those processes.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 02.02.2011 - 15:09

  4. Endless Text: New Media Technologies in The Raw Shark Texts

    Since the digital revolution of the 1990’s, the ‘end’ of literature has been often proclaimed from both a utopian and apocalyptic perspective. While the former has imagined a release of the literary from the constraints of paper and print, in the animation of letters and words, the latter has lamented the end of reading and writing as ‘we’ know it. However, as clear as the opposition between the hopeful visions of theorists such as George Landow and the nostalgic lament of critics like Steven Birkerts may be, their respective stances are easily disclosed as two sides of the same coin: both the positive and negative presentations of the end of literature build on the subtext that literature ‘is’ something; an inside (a space, or a practice) that is either creatively challenged or threatened from the outside – as if it were a backward country or a country under threat, to be opened up and developed or protected respectively. This paper challenges such a distinction between inside and outside by reading ‘literature’ as an interface of other media technologies.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 02.02.2011 - 15:42

  5. The 2005 Association of Internet Researchers Annual

    The 2005 Association of Internet Researchers Annual

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 21:52

  6. Distributed Narrative: Telling Stories Across Networks

    A new kind of narrative is emerging from the network: the distributed narrative. Distributed narratives don’t bring media together to make a total artwork. Distributed narratives explode the work altogether, sending fragments and shards across media, through the network and sometimes into the physical spaces that we live in. This paper begins an investigation into this new narrative trend, looking at how narrative is spun across the network and into our lives. NB: Published under author's maiden name: Jill Walker.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 21:54

  7. For Thee: A Response to Alice Bell

    In an essay that responds to Alice Bell's book The Possible Worlds of Hypertext Fiction (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), Stuart Moulthrop uses the lessons of hypertext as both an analogy and an explanation for why hypertext and its criticism will stay in a "niche" - and why, despite Bell's concern, that's not such a bad thing. As the response of an author to his critic, addressed to "thee," "implicitly dragging her into the niche with me," this review also dramatizes the very productivity of such specialized, nodal encounters.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 03.02.2011 - 11:01

  8. Rev. of Beyond the Screen. Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres

    Rev. of Beyond the Screen. Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 04.02.2011 - 12:43

  9. Digital Orientalism: Japan and Electronic Literature

    Digital Orientalism: Japan and Electronic Literature: Alice Ferrebe
    In their 1995 essay ‘Techno-Orientalism: Japan Panic’, David Morley and Kevin Robins examined the contemporary construction of Japan as a potent and threatening Other, inscrutably encroaching upon the West through precocious technological genius and insidious business practices. For Japanophobes, they claimed, ‘the unpalatable reality is that Japan, that most Oriental of Oriental cultures, as it increasingly outperforms the economies of the West, may now have become the most (post)modern of all societies’. Of course, this imagining of Japan as the land of the future (a frequent cyberpunk strategy) stands in contrast to the more traditional Orientalist vision of the nation as a repository for the ancient and exotic – the Japan of an alien, exquisite aesthetic and of arcane martial practices, pre-modern rather than postmodern.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 12.02.2011 - 18:21

  10. The Strategy of Digital Modernism: Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries's Dakota

    from Project MUSE: A prominent strategy in some of the most innovative electronic literature online is the appropriation and adaptation of literary modernism, what I call “digital modernism.” This essay introduces digital modernism by examining a work that exemplifies it: Dakota by Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries. I read this Flash-based work in relation to its literary inspiration: the authors claim that Dakota is “based on a close reading of Ezra Pound's Cantos part I and part II.” The authorial framework claims modernism’s cultural capital for electronic literature and encourages close reading of its text, but the work’s formal presentation of speeding, flashing text challenges such efforts. Reading Dakota as it reads Pound’s first two cantos exposes how modernism serves contemporary, digital literature by providing a model of how to “MAKE IT NEW” by renovating a literary past.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 14.02.2011 - 10:27
