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  1. E-poetry: the Palpable Side of Signs

    In his famous essay entitles “Linguistics and Poetics” (1958) Roman Jakobson asserted that the “[poetic function] stresses the palpable side of signs”. Paul Valéry states that “a poem […] should create the illusion of an indissoluble compound of sound and sense”.

    We traditionally call poetry an artistic experience related to the word both in oral and written form, whose composition unity is the verse line (alexandrine verse, free verse, etc.). The oral medium should be normally richer. The written poetry, in fact, translated into the page only the segmental part of a text, but it is not able to show the over-segmental part as the tone, modulation, etc. However, we can say that this discrepancy has been cancelled: for instance, emphasis, oral procedure concerning duration, has its graphic form highlighted.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 27.01.2011 - 15:55

  2. On Lionel Kearns

    A binary meditation on the work of a pioneering Canadian poet contemplating digital poetics from the early sixties to the present. All texts are from the work of Lionel Kearns except where noted.

    (Source: Author's abstract at Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1)

    Scott Rettberg - 07.03.2011 - 23:07

  3. 10 Poemes en 4 Dimensions

    10 POEMES EN 4 DIMENSIONS a été créé sur et pour PC, sous Internet Explorer.

    Son point de départ est un dialogue platonicien, "Le Cratyle", dans lequel Socrate débat avec Cratyle et Hermogène de l'origine des noms.

    Sont-ils, comme le pense Cratyle, formés de l'essence des choses. Ou bien sont-ils, comme l'avance Hermogène, pure convention?

    En mêlant textes, graphismes et animations, l'écriture en langage HTML permet d'aborder ce débat, et de lui apporter sinon des éléments, du moins des échos.

    Un clic sur le côté gauche de la bannière fait apparaître une barre de navigation. Un double clic la fait disparaître. Un clic sur le côté droit de la bannière fait progresser jusqu'à la page suivante.

    En haut et à gauche de chaque page, un autre lien vous est proposé, qui donne un autre de lecture différent.

    D'une façon générale, cet ensemble se découvre autant avec les yeux qu'avec les mains. Cliquez et doublecliquez partout sur la page où un lien apparaît: chaque page recèle de nombreuses surprises.

    La lecture est une exploration.

    (Source: Author's description from the project site)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.03.2011 - 14:42

  4. Saving the Alphabet

    This subtly haunting poem tells the story of how each letter from the alphabet disappeared, or was made to disappear, by corporations obeying a secret agenda. The conspiracy theory overtones are underscored by the use of sound, a short loop of metallic whispering wind or water and a handful of soft musical notes. Clicking on each letter on the left hand column will take you to the corresponding letter and narrative of its disappearance, with the large letter disappearing as you read the accompanying text, but it also starts a slower, almost imperceptible, fading process of those letters in the entire work. If you click through quickly and read the whole poem you may not even notice, but step away for a minute and you’ll find that the letters you have read have disappeared from all the language in the poem and the result may be challenging to read (see image below). This more than anything provides a visceral impact, as we try to read a barely functional language mutilated by loss of letters.

    (Source: Leonardo Flores)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 26.05.2011 - 14:02

  5. Fashionable Noise: On Digital Poetics

    The book collects various writings centered around the theme digital poetics. It is based on earlier publications of the author and often accompany an element of language game to the chapters.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 11.11.2011 - 18:02

  6. New Directions in Digital Poetry

    As poets continue to use digital media technology, functionalities of computing extend aesthetic possibilities in documents focusing attention on crafting verbal content. Utility of these machines and tools enables multiple types of compounded articulation (combinations of verbal, visual, animated, and interactive elements). Building larger public awareness of the mechanics of digital poetry, New Directions in Digital Poetry aspires to influence the formation of writing with media in literary society of the future, specifically as a record of a particular technological era.

    Scott Rettberg - 24.01.2012 - 13:52

  7. Passage Sets

    Passage Sets is a generative visual poem. It includes an interactive poem generator. The users of the system can position themselves in front of the screen and select words and/or phrases from four lists that become visual as they enter into differing proximities in relation to the screens. Moving forward and/or backward, then stopping in the center of the field, enables the participants to make selections from specific lists authored by Seaman. These words then flow across the screen and become part of an ever-changing line of text at the bottom of the screen.

    Stig Andreassen - 20.03.2012 - 14:23

  8. pianographique

    "pianographique" is a "multimedia instrument" created in 1993 on CD-ROM and made available on the Web in 1996 by a French webarts collective. "pianographique" is a work of "programmatical literal art," a term coined by John Cayley. Letters are "literal" here: they tumble and morph automatically, and they can also be manipulated on occasion by the reader-interactor and/or generated by the program. The user of this work is presented with a keyboard on the screen that corresponds to the keyboard beneath her fingertips. Each letter of the user's keyboard, when pressed, produces a distinct sound score and an animation that can be displaced by the hand of the user working a mouse. Playing the "piano" of graphics and sound bites, the user can create an infinite number of verbal visual-aural collages, while hitting the space bar effaces all that has come before.

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 13:31

  9. Sonne Ordklip

    "Netudstillingen SONNE ORDKLIP er delt op i 14 serier, hvoraf nogle er tematiske eftevanlige egensindigt encyklopædiske principper, mens andre mere direkte flugter langs et enkelt, gennemgående klip-ord, følgende står fast: DK-KULTUR-SOC, EGO-PSYK, GA, LITT, ZOO, ORD, BØ, BØRN, LIG, UD, SPROG, KUNST, MAD, LYRISK NATUR Det er tekster - eller hvad man nu skal kaldet det - der i deres insisterende overstadige leg med sprogets betydning og visualitet ikke kender deres lige i nyere dansk poesi. Vi skal helt tilbage til de gode, gamle dadaisters collager og montager - Kurt Schwitters’ f.eks. - for at finde konkurrencedygtige paralleller." -

    Melissa Lucas - 28.09.2012 - 13:33

  10. The Assimilation of Text by Image

    Jhave's wide-ranging history and prospectus alerts us to cognitive, material, and mythic dimensions of the nexus of image and text. By showing how text evolved into image, the essay traces a new malleability, dimensionality, and embodiment of writing. The contemporary image-text is a quasi-object with experimental literary qualities as well as an almost organic media dynamism.
    (Source: ebr Electronic Book Review)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 09.10.2012 - 11:04
