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  1. Amor de Clarice (v. 2). Versão Combinatória

    Combinatory version of Amor de Clarice (2005), based on texts and words by Clarice Lispector.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:41

  2. Jardins de plàstic I

    Jardins de plàstic I

    Sandra Hurtado - 06.12.2011 - 13:57

  3. Eidola Kosmos

    Eidola Kosmos

    Sandra Hurtado - 07.12.2011 - 18:06

  4. The Walking Man

    "Obstacles become playgrounds, playgrounds obstacles." A study of the pedestrian's everyday encounters with the city.

    (Source: Author's website)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 27.01.2012 - 11:56

  5. Map of a Future War

    Described by the author as a "Spatial narrative./Repeated access of a character set as data." In New Directions in Digital Poetry, Chris Funhouser notes that the author "...engineers, usning Flash and Javascript, a visually demanding poem that reflects the refined attributes ow WWW-based literary hypermedia." Funkhouser writes "Map of a Future War . . . does not limit itself to existing as an artwork about the injustices of business or to the deception and complexities of numbers, the miasma of trade. Ferrailo also acknowledges human failings and grief outside the realm of commerce, thereby suggesting that these collapses may be related."

    (Source: Chris Funkhouser, New Directions in Digital Poetry)

    Scott Rettberg - 03.02.2012 - 12:03

  6. Without a Trace

    In July 2007 I began saving the daily image from the online version of the comic strip "Real Life Adventures" removing the text from its panels, so all that was left were the empty thought bubbles. I think of this collection as "Empty Thoughts from Real Life." My reason for doing this was to create an archive of generic comic strip images stripped of their original text so that later both the text and its container could be used for other content. 

    In addition to altering the comic, one of my other ongoing daily rituals has been to make hand-drawn tracings from the newspaper. In these drawings I bring elements from different pages of the paper together. I often trace what appears on the front and backsides of a single page by holding it up to a window and drawing over selected images and texts. My hand drawings are quirky and purposely imprecise. They become a distilled interpretation of the news. 

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 03.02.2012 - 13:30

  7. endings eventually end

    A collection of 25 countdown clocks and the cataclysmic prophecies associated with each end times scenario. Published under the imprimatur of Singularity Watch! and the Ecumenical Eschatology Working Group, these prophecies depict the many ways that life as we know it will come to an end.  Whether due to catastrophic stage magic to orgiastic overeating, clouds of interstellar fog to giant fish, Nelson and Heckman's work suggest that our days are numbered. 

    Scott Rettberg - 03.02.2012 - 14:08

  8. Promise

    Structured in four acts, Maguire offers a personal narrative reflecting Ireland, its culture, and its myths.

    Scott Rettberg - 03.02.2012 - 14:23

  9. Ten Mobile Texts

    Five stories, an aubade, an epic, a sestina, a lipogram, and a ballad for Short Message Service. Mouse into the space after a text to read the note about that text.

    Scott Rettberg - 03.02.2012 - 14:29

  10. Shadows Never Sleep

    Shadows Never Sleep is a visual poem made for the Apple iPhone that can also be viewed on a web browser. The reader can move on to different pictures by clicking on certain points on the screen. The poem is non-linear and the stanzas can be read in any order on each picture. It describes different kinds of shadows using black and white text and images. Annotated by Kevin Chen.

    (Source: Description from the Electronic Literature Exhibition catalogue)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 03.02.2012 - 16:26
