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  1. Patchwork Girl

    Alternative Title: Patchwork girl, or, A modern monster by Mary/Shelley, & herself: a graveyard, a journal, a quilt, a story & broken accents

    Publisher's blurb:

    What if Mary Shelley's Frankenstein were true?

    What if Mary Shelley herself made the monster -- not the fictional Dr. Frankenstein?

    And what if the monster was a woman, and fell in love with Mary Shelley, and travelled to America?

    This is their story.

    (Source: Eastgate website)

    A retelling of the Frankenstein story where a female monster is completed by Mary Shelley herself.


    Electronic Literature Directory entry:

    Alternative Title: Patchwork girl, or, A modern monster by Mary/Shelley, & herself: a graveyard, a journal, a quilt, a story & broken accents

    Shelley Jackson’s Patchwork Girl was created in Storyspace, is distributed by Eastgate Systems, Inc., and ranks among the most widely read, discussed, and taught works of early hyperfiction.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 05.01.2011 - 12:59

  2. Pedro Barbosa

    Born in Porto, Portugal, in 1950. Received his Bachelor’s degree in Letters from the University of Coimbra, and finished his Ph.D. in Communication Sciences (Major: Semiotics) at the Universidade Nova, Lisbon. Has taught and done research in several national and international universities: Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto, University of Paris X (Nanterre), University of Siena (Italy), University Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg). At the University of Strasbourg developed with Abraham Moles a research project in the area of computer generated art.  He is the founder, at Fernando Pessoa University, of CETIC-Centro de Estudos de Texto Informático e Ciberliteratura (Centre of Cyberliterature Studies).

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.01.2011 - 16:58

  3. LYMS

    In the video lyms (which is a non-semantic word), I have solved the question of translation in a special way: words in different languages like spanish, french, german, english and scandinavian are put together.  None of them have the same meaning, the viewer may just taste on the words.  In the first part of the video all the words are starting with f.  In the beginning the f's are exposed in a way they constitute different pictures. The system of the expositions are based on how I made concrete poetry in the sixties. Instead of repeating them differently line by line, the new technology allows me to expose them differently through time.  Then more and more letters are shown, until all the words are exposed.

    Each viewer will have a different experience dependent upon their language background, and the ability to enjoy the poetic combination of the words and the visuality together with the music.  

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.01.2011 - 18:22

  4. The Experience of the Unique in Reading Digital Literature

    Traditionally in literary criticism, importance has been laid on the uniqueness of the expression (the author says something that nobody else has said before, or, says something in a way that nobody else has done before) and the uniqueness of experience (my reading of a book is always different compared to any other readings). With digital literature we are facing a wholly new situation. Cybertextual literature possesses devices for creating a different textual whole for each reader and reading session. Even though the piece of computer code underlying the work remains the same, the surface level may be different on each and every run. In this situation the reader may truly face a unique text, something that nobody else may ever see.

    I will ponder the consequences of this new textual condition, especially from the perspective of personal reception and interpretation. I will also present some examples of this sort of works, and classify certain main categories, such as truly unique vs. pseudo unique text, and text where uniqueness is created through programming alone, and such where (one or several) reader(s) is partly responsible.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.01.2011 - 20:40

  5. Reading Moving Letters: Digital Literature in Research and Teaching

    Digital media is increasingly finding its way into the discussions of the humanities classroom. But while we have a number of grand theoretical texts about digital literature we as yet have little in the way of resources for discussing the down-to-earth practices of research, teaching, and curriculum necessary for this work to mature. This book presents contributions by scholars and teachers from different countries and academic environments who articulate their approach to the study and teaching of digital literature and thus give a broader audience an idea of the state-of-the-art of the subject matter also in international comparison.(Source: Publisher's abstract)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 14.01.2011 - 01:39

  6. Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace

    Murray discusses the unique properties and pleasures of digital environments and connects them with the traditional satisfactions of narrative. She analyzes the dramatic satisfaction of participatory stories and considers what would be necessary to move interactive fiction from the formats of childish games and confusing labyrinths into a mature and compelling art form.

    (Source: Publisher's description)

    Published in paperback by the MIT Press, 1998.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:17

  7. Hypertext 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology

    Hypertext 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:19

  8. Robert Coover

    Robert Coover

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:24

  9. Sunshine '69

    In this hypertext novel Bobby Rabyd [Robert Arellano] explores the pop-cultural shadow-side of 1969—from the moon landing to the Manson murders, from a Vietnam veteran's PTSD to a rock star's idolatry, from the love-in at Woodstock to the murder at Altamont—by relating intermixed stories and emphasizing graphics and music.

    (Source: Electronic Literature Directory)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:54

  10. Anders Fagerjord

    Anders Fagerjord

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 17.01.2011 - 14:30
