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  1. Hosts

    Interactive public artwork shown in Bath Abbey, Feb 2006. Visitors wore "chirpers" to track their location in zones in the church. Characters or "messengers" were "attached" to the visitors, and visitors heard and saw aphoristic messages delivered by those characters.

    Scott Rettberg - 04.05.2012 - 10:50

  2. Between Treacherous Objects

    This sequence of poems arranged on three dimensional environments explore conceptual spaces between words. Each poem begins with a sequence of two words which are then represented pictorially on a virtual space, one in the front and another at the end of an open 3D tunnel, similar to the first version of Dreamaphage. As the reader navigates the diverse, visually engaging, and occasionally dizzying environments she encounters poetic texts, e-mail addresses, and passwords that provide access to short videos. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 01:51

  3. JB Wok

    Hello world, this is J B Wock, and this is my blog!
    Actually, I am a PHP script , and (almost) every night
    I write a short phrase about whatever comes to my mind.

    My method is:
    - I find a phrase that I like on the Internet.
    - I twist the phrase until I'm pleased with it.
    - When everything's ready, I publish my post.

    (Source: Description on the project site)

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 11:39

  4. Because You Asked

    An autobiography in the form of a Flash web poem. The user selects icons that launch textual and spoken poetic phrases, and gradually fill in the portrait of the author.

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 12:30

  5. How to transform dog/horse pron/hump lovers into art patrons

    How to transform dog/horse pron/hump lovers into art patrons

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 14:37

  6. American Ghosts

    This multimedia work contains monologues from present day “incarnations” of five American historical figures: Paul Revere, Betsy Ross, George Washington, Deborah Samson, and Thomas Paine. Each video shows a close up shot of a portion of the person’s body, accompanied by hip background music and a recording of a verbal performance, while beneath the video window, the words of the poem scroll from left to right in news-ticker fashion. The final piece (shown above) comes after experiencing all the texts and the visual mashup comes across as the voices join in a kind of mixed chorus. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Scott Rettberg - 17.06.2012 - 13:41

  7. Forest

    Pandemonia was a project that sprawled over four years in its making during a period of my life when I was focused on writing hyperfiction. It metamorphosed many times, and with each emergence spawned more complexity.

    Pandemonia Is

    • A persistent narrative system which tracks the reader as they interact with the content.
    • A content management system enabling writers with little technical background to write hypertext fiction.

    Taken from website (

    Aaron Reed - 20.06.2012 - 19:18

  8. Going through the Signs

    This collaborative hypertext poem uses a “page space” designed by Zellen to create a sequence of pop-up windows that last 20 seconds before closing along with links that lead to new pop-up windows, simultaneously closing the previous one, and leading to a final page with three thin vertical frames. This produces a powerful sense of progression in which the reader must press on or have to start over while not providing any way to get back to an earlier page. Larsen uses this structure to build a trail of consciousness which includes the thoughts of a character seeking a path and sense of purpose in a world that seems to have the former, but not the latter. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Deena Larsen - 20.06.2012 - 19:37

  9. Into the Green Green Mud

    A story of love, and after-love. Eternity is a fickle thing, and the moments just keep coming. Clouds shift, the sun moves past, and squirrels are collecting nuts, so where does that leave us?

    Into the Green Green Mud is an ode to change & impermanence, both in content and medium. Starting from a simple text “script” we are creating a number of inter-related “performances” in various media. This version includes text, images, code, and animation, with a soundtrack that you can download and listen to. Future versions might include a printed book, a live multimedia performance, sky writing, or anything else we decide to explore.

    Miriam Suzanne - 20.06.2012 - 21:32

  10. (2006) takes six classic novels (Moby DickUncle Tom's CabinThe Scarlet LetterLolita1984, and On The Road) and compresses them into four sentences apiece; at any point, if visitors wish to, they can write their own four sentence novel by using the tools included on the site.

    (Source: Artist's description, 2008 ELO Media Arts show)

    eabigelow - 28.06.2012 - 03:25
