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  1. Aomori Amori

    The work was published on Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries' web page in 2006 according to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 05.10.2011 - 14:27

  2. Cultural Identity, Nothingness and Loneliness

    This work is a presentation held at Columbia University Teachers College at February 11th 2006.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 11.10.2011 - 15:59

  3. Confucius Say

    Confucius Say deals with chinese immigration to the US. The work plays with Confucian proverbs, as can be seen in the opening of the work. The main body of the work consists of an e-mail sent from a person who attended a family funeral. The text in the e-mail tells of family relations and describes the persons who attended the funeral.

    This work was found via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine and is not availabe directly from

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 26.10.2011 - 13:00

  4. svevedikt ("poetry floating in the air")

    "svevedikt" ("poetry floating in the air") consists of seven parts, each in a loop. Every poem is created out of Norwegian words, fixed in the same position all through the animation, but exposed in different degrees. Each poem starts up exposing a few letters. The number of letters is increasing until all of them are seen. Then the number of letters is reduced in a new way. The words are selected in a non-semantic way, and each viewer will experience this differently. Both the images and the sound of the letters when read are important for the experience. The positions of the words have much in common with how the poet made concrete poetry in the sixties.

    (Source: Author's description)

    In “svevedikt” he [Ormstad] goes further on with an animation of a poem that moves continuously and will never stay still for its reader. In her extensive catalogtext on “svevedikt” Karen Wagner presents the poem in context of Ormstads authorship. (Source: Hans Kristian Rustad, ELINOR)

    David Prater - 09.11.2011 - 13:38

  5. Slaaplied (Lullaby)

    Dit gedicht is als het ware geboren uit een Sinfonia van Johann Sebastian Bach, hypnotisch gespeeld door Glenn Gould. De lezer wordt verplaatst naar een ziekenhuis of een verzorgingshuis, waarin een oud iemand de laatste uren van zijn leven is aangekomen. Hij bevindt zich in een staat tussen waken en slapen.  OPGEPAST: ZEER ONTROEREND! Slaaplied is verschenen in het Nederlands, Engels, Duits en Tsjechisch.

    David Prater - 09.11.2011 - 15:25

  6. Je liegt en je filtert ... (You're lying and you filter ...)

    A dictation exercise. Girls in an educational black & white setting. Sentences (well-pronounced but sloppily) read by a male voice at dictation speed. The reaction of the girl in focus colors the content.

    David Prater - 09.11.2011 - 15:32

  7. Amor-mundo, ou a vida, esse sonho triste

    Amor-mundo, ou a vida, esse sonho triste [World-love, or life, that sad dream] is an animated text which proposes generative schemes of both visual and audio animation. Building on metaphors and images from the works of the Portuguese poet Florbela Espanca, and using as its starting point the Actionscript code of Jared Tarbel, this work includes five poems: Part 1 - Deixa-me ser a tua mais triste mágoa; Part 2 - Eu queria ser o mar alto; Part 3 - Passo no mundo a ler o misterioso livro;  Part 4 - Sou o vento que geme e quer entrar; Part 5 - Horas mortas. The reader can add to these poems random spatial layers that allow the creation of multiple constellations of meaning.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 19:20

  8. Amor-mundo, ou a vida, esse sonho triste (cn)

    Amor-mundo, ou a vida, esse sonho triste [World-love, or life, that sad dream] is an animated text which proposes generative schemes of both visual and audio animation. Building on metaphors and images from the works of the Portuguese poet Florbela Espanca, and using as its starting point the Actionscript code of Jared Tarbel, this work includes five poems: Part 1 - Deixa-me ser a tua mais triste mágoa; Part 2 - Eu queria ser o mar alto; Part 3 - Passo no mundo a ler o misterioso livro;  Part 4 - Sou o vento que geme e quer entrar; Part 5 - Horas mortas. The reader can add to these poems random spatial layers that allow the creation of multiple constellations of meaning.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 19:35

  9. Poemas encontrados

    Dynamic collage-poem based on newspapers RSS feeds.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:12

  10. Like Stars in a Clear Night Sky

    Like Stars in a Clear Night Sky takes advantage of an elegant interface to present the type of lore often passed from parents to children. A voice, speaking Arabic, is paired with text in English, asking readers if they would like to hear a series of stories. Clicking blue stars in the night sky gives access to sparse stories. The reader is able to access these stories by clicking on certain stars in the night sky that appear to be brighter than the rest. These stories, which read more like poems, have to do with personal experiences with Ezzat's life and most have an open ending suggesting that it is up to the subject of the poem to decide how it will end. The use of the night sky works to make a connection with the audience in that just as we share the stars we look up at every night, Ezzat wishes to share his stories and experiences.  

    (Description from Electronic Literature Collection, Vol. 1)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 05.12.2011 - 09:46
