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  1. Lys-Mørke

    English title "Light-Darkness." Description by Hans Kristian Rustad: a remediation of a play with the same title. Moving the work into a digital environment Næss makes use of written and verbal text, pictures, graphics, and animations to create a quite different work than the original. She also explained in an interview that the play not really was meant for the stage, but that she was waiting for its right medium. So she utilises facilities of the medium to make the text appear as she first intended. 

    The work is interactive in the sense that the reader need to move the mouse courser over the screen to make something happen. The narrative is divided into three different and independent stories, and which of the three stories that appear, depends on where on the screen the reader holds his mouse cursor.

    Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 16:16

  2. Enter the Plains

    Heldén utforskar kartans möjligheter för litterär navigering med ett verk som kopplar texter till platser på den flygbildsliknande kartbild läsaren måste navigera. Genom att klicka på ’hotspots’ i bilden frammanas en text till vänster. Geografi och en känsla av platsen genomsyrar texterna som bygger upp en klaustrofobisk text där de öppna vidderna blir ett hot. De neutrala kartkoordinater och tidsangivelser som man normalt navigerar efter ställs jämte högst personliga berättelser, kanske handlar det om soldatens upplevelser av krig. Berättelserna är fragmentariska och låter oss bara ana vad som händer, vem som berättar.

    [Maria Engberg, ELINOR.]

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 21:23

  3. Entre Ville

    Entre Ville was commissioned in 2006 by OBORO, an artist-run centre in Montréal, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Conseil des Arts de Montréal. J. R. Carpenter writes: "Although I had lived in Montréal for 15 years at the time of the commission, Entre Ville was my first major work about my adopted city. It took me that long to learn the vocabulary. I don’t mean French, or Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Yiddish or any of the other languages spoken in my neighbourhood. I refer, rather, to a visual, tactile, aural, sensorial vocabulary. My home office window opens into a jumbled intimacy of back balconies, yards, gardens and alleyways. Daily my dog and I walk through this interior city sniffing out stories. Poetry is not hard to find between the long lines of peeling-paint fences plastered with notices, spray painted with bright abstractions and draped with trailing vines.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.02.2011 - 20:09

  4. New Word Order: Basra

    New Word Order: Basra [NWO] is a mod for the game Half-Life, consisting of a playable map and custom textures. Gaming is the largest demographic of new media usage, and Half-Life stands out for its combination of first-person shooter action and compelling story. It remains the most popular online multiplayer game. Every object in Half-Life is either shootable or background. What if the objects are words? How does language play into your interactions in the violent world of the game? The text in NWO is composed of phrases from "Introduction to Poetry," a short poem from former US Poet Laureate Billy Collins. The thematic violence in Collins' poem resonated through the creation of NWO in early 2003, during the second invasion of Iraq. When you enter the map you see words hanging in the air. You can jump and climb on them, you can run along the tops, you can keep playing and wandering in the space. You soon attack the words. You use the broken words as a reduced and processed writing. Break the words, destroy the letters. NWO, along with every game and every image, is about the re-circulation of bodies and interpretive agendas.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.02.2011 - 10:13

  5. The Mandrake Vehicles

    The Mandrake Vehicles consists of three "vehicles," each one surfaced with a large text block concerning the biological development, folklore, occult ritual, magical association, and homeopathic usages of the mandrake plant. The surface text blocks can be read linearly from one to the next. However, each surface text also conceals a depth of two additional poems (as well as liquid layers, when the letters are in a transitional state). In each vehicle, both of these inner poems have technically been visible all along in the top layer, but remain undetected because of the presence of the other letters and characters. The inner poems of each vehicle are unearthed as letters drift off the surface of the poem and the remaining letters solidify into new poems. In addition to the relationships created between the contents of the three poems of each vehicle, relationships are also forged between words of the different layers that share the same letter(s). In the liquid layers, letters cast off scales of themselves which fall down the screen, colliding with other cast-off scales to form the detritus words, the trash cast off by the process.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.02.2011 - 14:30

  6. The Sweet Old Etcetera

    Author description: The Sweet Old Etcetera is an interactive web project based on the poetry of e.e. cummings. e.e. cummings' poetry is highly visual, playful and experimental. "The Sweet Old Etcetera" interprets selected poems for a new media context and introduces additional layers of meaning through the use of motion, graphics, sound and programming. The project hopes to offer a fresh response to the print poetry, aiming to release it from the confines of the physical page and bring it into a digital environment in a playful way.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 15:20

  7. Book and Volume

    An interactive fiction written in Inform and running on the Z-Machine, Book and Volumes simulates an eventful day in a near-present factory town. The interactor is not offered adventure, monsters to defeat, or treasures to find, but a chance to perform the routine tasks of an information-technology worker. As Brian Kerr wrote, "It's about a sysadmin in the weird, charming cyber-Gotham of nTopia who spends the last working day of his/her/its life rebooting servers and reacting to frantic pages from an unseen supervisor. ('Net extremely hoseled. Engine team being hideously masticated by this outage. Demo rapidly approaching. Get to the cages. Reboot the servers. Hasten. Do not rest. Please. All five of them.') What’s the game really about? Knut, a resident of nTopia, pegs it: 'Reality. Illusion. Theme is reality versus illusion. Must discern reality. And illusion.

    (Source: Author's description from the Electronic Literature Collection, volume 2)


    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 08.03.2011 - 14:45

  8. Plaintext Performance

    It's a live writing performance over the net combining 1) keyboard writing, 2) machinated, algorithmic writing, and 3) feeds from the processes surrounding the writing (like system monitoring, net connection monitoring, ftp log, etc). All in realtime and plaintext. It was performed live at the BIOS symposium, Center for Literary Computing, West Virginia University, September 2006, with a unix ytalk session as a sideshow. The static version shown here is based on the exhibition "e and eye - art and poetry between the electronic and the visual" at Tate Modern, London, October 2006. It's part of a series of work called "protocol performances". 'Protocol' is meant both as a lower level set of rules of the format of communication, and as statements reporting observations and experiences in the most fundamental terms without interpretation, relating it to phenomenological 'noemata' - thought objects, and thus identifying a data stream with a stream of consciousness. 'Performance' is meant both as a data protocol's physical performance as much as its play on the meaning as an artist-centric execution of work.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 16.03.2011 - 10:31

  9. Stud Poetry

    Author description: Stud Poetry is a poker game played with words instead of cards. Your goal is to build as strong a poetry hand as you can and, of course, to win as much money as you can. Stud Poetry is a game of courage and faith, and a bit of luck too. To become a great master of Stud Poetry, you need to believe in the power of words, their magic capability to move mountains, minds, and souls. Surely it won't be easy, but when you finally have won all the money with your wonderful five-word poetry hands, you'll know it's worth it.

    (Source: Electronic Literature Collection, Vol. 1).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.03.2011 - 09:52

  10. The Hugo Ball

    The Hugo Ball, subtitled Algorithmic Improvisations on the 74 unique words of Gadji Beri Bimba is exactly that. Using Hugo Ball’s Dadaist poem as a source this piece remixes the 74 unique words of the poem to generate – on the fly – countless variations.

    (Source: Author's description from his site)

    Scott Rettberg - 24.03.2011 - 17:30
