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  1. Urgent Request

    The work Urgent Request tells the story of a man, Kim, who left society and money behind to live an ascetic life in Seoul. By telling this story Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries asks the reader for money, as then the reader will have learned a valuable lesson and helped YHCHI at the same time. At the end of the work it is possible to click donate and the reader is directed to Paypal.

    The style of the work resembles that of a spam mail which promises a better life in exchange for a sum of money.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 12.10.2011 - 22:06

  2. Jean-Pierre Balpe ou les Lettres Dérangées

    Jean-Pierre Balpe ou les Lettres Dérangées was created as a homage to the poet and software developer Jean-Pierre Balpe. The title of the piece can be understood in a number of ways. In French, the word "letters" refers to the alphabet, mail correspondence, and also to the art of writing itself. The piece consists of a number of letters which are not all visible to the reader until the very end. The word "dérangé" has a number of meanings as well. One meaning is physical disturbance. The letters themselves are distorted, just as the meaning of letters and words became distorted when Balpe introduced the literary world to text generation. The word also means mental disturbance. Disturbed by the mouse passing over them, the letters unpredictably go in all directions without reason. The underlying algorithm brings the letters to madness. The actions of the reader turn the poem into a kind of game. The purpose of the game is to get to the end of the poem by playing with the letters without falling into any traps.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 08.11.2011 - 14:56

  3. Urbanalities

    A mash-up of Dadaist technique and VJ stylings, this Flash movie is the product of an "antagonist remix" by babel vs. escha. Seven scenes provide enigmatic observations on the nature of contemporary life, on seeing and being seen, understanding and miscommunication, destruction and creation. The texts in the piece are generated randomly as the piece runs, so the reader's experience of the piece is never exactly the same twice. 

    (Description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 08.11.2011 - 16:38

  4. Inanimate Alice, Episode 1: China

    Inanimate Alice depicts the life of a young girl growing up in the early years of the 21st century through her blog and episodic multimedia adventures that span her life from childhood through to her twenties. It has been created to help draw attention to the issue of electro-sensitivity and the potentially harmful pollution resulting from wireless communications.

    (Source: Author's description from ELC, vol. 1)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.11.2011 - 10:21

  5. Ja tornaré

    Ja tornaré

    Sandra Hurtado - 06.12.2011 - 13:10

  6. ID_Xor.cism_

    _ID_Xor-cism_ is a scrollable poem, that " invokes a reformatted body that simultaneously hijacks the dead visual space of the browser window and the "curling geo_edges" of sampled skin, reminiscent of the detached virtual flesh-ovoid we see in the old "floating finger trick."
    (Source Helen Burgess, University of Maryland.)
    _ID_Xor-cism_ featured as part of "Notes From the Underground" at Federation Square, Melbourne in 2009, as well as the online exhibition space for experimental digital work "Binarykatwalk".

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 03.02.2012 - 13:55

  7. Désir Insuffisant

    Désir Insuffisant est une œuvre inédite et non consultable. Créée à une date indéterminée, elle possède néanmoins un auteur en la personne de Philippe Bootz. Il s’agit même de sa première œuvre Web. Bien que non consultable, l’œuvre est d’un accès facile. Je me propose ici de vous donner les quelques réflexions qu’elle m’a suscitées.

    Davin Heckman - 03.02.2012 - 14:03

  8. Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database

    Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database is a DVD release with a movie series generated with the Soft Cinema software.

    The three films presented on the DVD reference the familiar genres of cinema, the process by which they were created and the resulting aesthetics fully belong to the software age. They demonstrate the possibilities of soft(ware) cinema - a 'cinema' in which human subjectivity and the variable choices made by custom software combine to create films that can run infinitely without ever exactly repeating the same image sequences, screen layouts and narratives.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 03.02.2012 - 16:42

  9. Kluge: A Mediation

    ulti-purpose digital text object. The text was written according to a basic constraint; each paragraph had to be 20-lines long, 60 characters across, with no words hyphenated and carried over to the next line. To read, the user scrapes away the letters with the mouse (be sure to click on the Flash app to make it active). Individual letter keys create algorithmically defined new texts based on the original 36 paragraphs. (Source: Author's website)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 19.02.2012 - 18:35

  10. db.11x8.5


    Meri Alexandra Raita - 23.02.2012 - 14:06
