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  1. Saving the Alphabet

    This subtly haunting poem tells the story of how each letter from the alphabet disappeared, or was made to disappear, by corporations obeying a secret agenda. The conspiracy theory overtones are underscored by the use of sound, a short loop of metallic whispering wind or water and a handful of soft musical notes. Clicking on each letter on the left hand column will take you to the corresponding letter and narrative of its disappearance, with the large letter disappearing as you read the accompanying text, but it also starts a slower, almost imperceptible, fading process of those letters in the entire work. If you click through quickly and read the whole poem you may not even notice, but step away for a minute and you’ll find that the letters you have read have disappeared from all the language in the poem and the result may be challenging to read (see image below). This more than anything provides a visceral impact, as we try to read a barely functional language mutilated by loss of letters.

    (Source: Leonardo Flores)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 26.05.2011 - 14:02

  2. Cityscapes: Social Poetics / Public Textualities

    Cityscapes is an exploration of how to integrate e-poetry into the realm of social and urban poetics. This work began to germinate in 2002 during my artist's residency in Tokyo at the time. Immersed in a world of moving/electronic signs, ever changing, flickering and in flux, I wanted to be able to reproduce this experience of linguistic signs devoid of semantic meaning –as a non Japanese reader- and consequently transform them into textual images, by use of digital technologies. I became excited by the idea of a new calligram, the calligram of the city, and how this would change from city to city; what poetics every city would offer?

    Scott Rettberg - 22.09.2011 - 17:27

  3. Super Smile

    The work was published on Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries' web page in 2005 according to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 02.10.2011 - 13:56

  4. Le Rabot poète

    Le rabot-poète appartient à la série des « petits poèmes à lecture inconfortable ». Le lecteur doit en permanence déplacer la souris d’avant en arrière s’il veut  « raboter » l’aplat qui se reforme continuellement et ainsi accéder à la lecture de l’animation qui se déroule sous ce dernier. Qui, du texte ou du lecteur, contrôle l’autre ? Le ridicule ou le jeu ne l’emportent-ils pas sur le littéraire ? Que lit-on quand le zapping et l’action sont ainsi forcés ? Mais finalement, raboter la couleur de l’eau pour revenir sur l’eau dans l’animation, n’est-ce pas tout simplement réaliser une figure de rhétorique dont le lecteur est l’instrument ? Alors : immersion dans le texte ou, au contraire, le texte s’immerge-t-il jusque dans le lecteur ?

    Poésie du dispositif, de la relation plus que de l’écrit ; un texte à voir et à lire qui n’est plus pensé ni comme un ensemble de mots, ni en termes d’image.

    Philippe Bootz - 04.10.2011 - 01:36

  5. Miss DMZ

    The work was published on Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries' web page in 2005 according to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 05.10.2011 - 13:41

  6. What Now?

    What Now?

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 05.10.2011 - 13:47

  7. The Last Day of Betty Nkomo

    This 2005 piece distinguishes itself from most of YHCHI's earlier work in two ways: it is brief (about 2 minutes long) and it uses an Okinawan folk song (perhaps a version of "Asadoya Yunta") rather than jazz. This compelling story is perfectly synchronized to the music, powerfully narrating the thought process of a woman who seems to by dying on the floor, trying to get up, but unable to. The chords played on the sanshin set a regular tempo for the song and poem, but its heartbeat-like rhythm slows down into an abrupt silence at the end of the song, marking Betty Nkomos' death.

    For a more detailed reading of this poem, read pgs. 157-161 of Giovanna Di Rosario's dissertation, "Electronic Poetry: Understanding Poetry in the Digital Environment."

    (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 05.10.2011 - 13:51

  8. Sans Titre

    "Anonymes version 1.0 is an online fiction made of twenty-four scenes that can be accessed sequentially or nonsequentially. Each scene deals with the theme of anonymity and the building of identity, an each scene is interactive: it is through the gesture of the reader/interactor that the scene can unfold." (Bouchardon 2014, 167)

    (Source: Bouchardon, Serge. 2014. "Figures of Gestural Manipulation in Digital Fictions." In Analyzing Digital Fiction, edited by Alice Bell, Astrid Ensslin and Hans Rustad, 159-75. Routledge.)

    Scott Rettberg - 06.10.2011 - 11:12

  9. Silent Conversation

    A casual game in the platform style based on simple reading of texts.

    Scott Rettberg - 06.10.2011 - 16:23

  10. La Huella de Cosmos

    Hypermedia novel.

    In the collective novel La huella de Cosmos [The Trace of Cosmos] which Domenico Chiappe directed in 2005, we differentiated between the space dedicated to the novelistic work written for the reader, and the zone in which participants discussed and offered their ideas. In the discussion forum every proposal was offered up for debate. And it was from this zone that the hypermedia texts which would be published as chapters of the said novel emerged. In this project, the free participation of all the interested parties was combined with the existence of a director who could suggest the development of certain plot-lines and who edited the definitive texts, seeking to give them a unified style.

    Scott Rettberg - 06.10.2011 - 17:08
