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  1. The Company Therapist

    An early web-based collaborative fiction writing project, where contributors played the role of employees at a large computer company who all see the same therapist. Ran from 1996-1999, and was billed as a collaborative hyperdrama. Produced by Christopher and Olga Werby, but many more authors contributed.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 05.01.2011 - 13:30

  2. Diagrams Series 6: 6.4 and 6.10

    Diagrams Series 6 is the latest in a life-long series of Diagram Poems, the earliest experimentations for which began in 1968. Although I have been making interactive works since 1988, Diagrams Series 6 is actually my first work written in a fully interactive way: from beginning to end in one interactive environment where the word object is playable at every stage of its development, from temporary unassembled scrap all the way to its final location in a finished piece. This environment is part of an ongoing project which I call Hypertext in the Open Air, implemented in a programming system called Squeak. It allows the works to be played on all popular computing platforms, including Macintosh, BSD, Linux, and Windows. Diagrams Series 6, consisting of the works 6.4 and 6.10, strives to return to the intense diagrammicity of some of my earlier non-interactive works, Diagrams Series 4 and Diagrams Series 3. The diagram notation acts as a kind of external syntax, allowing word objects to carry interactivity deep inside the sentence. Interactivity, in turn, allows for juxtapositions to be opened so that the layers in cluster can occupy the same space and yet be legible.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 11.01.2011 - 12:42

  3. Modern Language Association (MLA)

    Founded in 1883, the Modern Language Association of America provides opportunities for its members to share their scholarly findings and teaching experiences with colleagues and to discuss trends in the academy. MLA members host an annual convention and other meetings, work with related organizations, and sustain one of the finest publishing programs in the humanities. For over a hundred years, members have worked to strengthen the study and teaching of language and literature.

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2011 - 14:56

  4. Peter Lang

    Peter Lang - International Academic Publishers publish a diverse range of academic books, from monographs to student textbooks. Their main offices are located in Bern, Brussels, Frankfurt, New York and Oxford.

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2011 - 15:44

  5. Poemas no meio do caminho

    This  is a combinatory text. There are two versions of the text – two ways of reading it: horizontally and vertically. Both versions allow the reader to save her own textual production, and then to send that production to a weblog. The reader can recombine the text according to the paradigmatic axis of language: the reader selects, the machine morphs/combines. However,  some “obligatory” options resist. By quoting Dante, Poemas no meio do caminho is a metaphor of the reading practice: “poemas no meio do caminho da leitura” (“poems midway upon the journey of reading”). It suggests an ephemeral poetic construction that appears and vanishes in a click. On the one hand these poems destroy the sacredness of the poetic language; on the other they realize the poïesis.This work has won (ex-aequo) the 4t Premi Internacional "Ciutat de Vinaròs" de Literatura Digital.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 13.01.2011 - 17:49

  6. Forward Anywhere

    Originally written under the auspices of the Xerox PARC Artist in Residence Program, and published in 1996  by Eastgate Systems, Forward Anywhere is a hypertextual narrative written by new media poet Judy Malloy and then Xerox PARC hypertext researcher Cathy Marshall. Created when Malloy was an artist in residence at PARC, beginning in 1993, the collaborative narrative -- an exchange of the details of the lives of two women who work with hypertext -- unfolded via email over a year or so and then was somewhat fictionalizd and recontextualized into Forward Anywhere.  "...each emerges from a particular history and sensibility, Malloy's from the postwar suburbs of Boston, Marshall's from California and the sixties. To pass from one of these moments to the other is to recognize the almost-repetition of emergent or autopoetic pattern, an experience that touches something very deep in the instinctual repertoire, perhaps demonstrating that software does speak to human identity after all," Stuart Moulthrop wrote in "Where to?", Convergence 3:3, Fall, 1997: 132-38.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:04

  7. Sea Island

    This hypertext containing ten poems explore memory, desire, solitude, and loss. This is a work that uses poetry to pan a passion out of words as we progress through Falco’s “crazy sea of language” which allows the reader to follow the words and phrases many paths. This work enables the reader to create their own route through the words and allows poetry to explore new ways.

    “What this is about, for me at least, is a desire to do something different with language, to make it jump with the power of magic” (Falco, Edward)

    Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext 2(1)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:07

  8. A Dream with Demons

    Publisher's catalog copy:

    In A Dream with Demons, Edward Falco invents a world where bruised adults attempt, over and over, to rewrite the violent scripts of their childhood. Preston Morris is an accomplished lawyer and novelist who writes painful, provocative stories to shore up fragments of his own desperate life. One of Preston's works, which forms the core of A Dream with Demons, tells of a sadly streetwise adolescent named Missy who struggles to come of age during the short space of a weekend when her mother finally leaves her tortured, brilliant lover, the artist Val Rivson.

    Preston's genius -- or is it Falco's? -- is the accuracy with which he portrays the sublime compulsions of several tortured yet resilient people. Holding everything together is the unique hypertext structure of A Dream with Demons, which dramatizes a theme evident throughout: how the past can compel the present, through the fragmentary, unreliable, but ultimately persistent medium of memory.

    (Source: Eastgate catalog copy)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:08

  9. Victory Garden

    The Gulf War and its media frenzy serves as the backdrop for this Dickensian tale of campus politics, seduction, burglary, dissent, unsafe driving, and war.

    (Source: Victory Garden - Eastgate Systems)

    Victory Garden is a hypertext novel which is set during the Gulf War, in 1991. The story centres on Emily Runbird and the lives and interactions of the people connected with her life. Although Emily is a central figure to the story and networked lives of the characters, there is no one character who could be classed as the protagonist. Each character in Victory Garden lends their own sense of perspective to the story and all characters are linked through a series of bridges and connections.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:15

  10. Online Caroline

    Online Caroline is a story told to and, importantly, with its reader. It's built around a database that collects the information you feed it as you read. The reader answers questions about him or herself and the program uses that information to generate personalised emails from Caroline. When you visit Caroline's web site the version you see depends on how much of the story you've read. Each day the reader is limited to one episode consisting of an email and the appropriate version of the web site. In addition to the daily webcam segment, the web site regularly updated diary section similar to a web diary or personal home page. It takes a minimum of 24 days to experience the drama.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:48
