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  1. Rui Torres

    Rui Torres holds a Ph.D. in Luso-Brazilian Literature (UNC -Chapel Hill, USA, 2002), was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Foundation for Science and Technology (COS - PUC-SP, Brazil, 2005-07), and has Habilitation in Information Sciences - Multimedia Studies (UFP, Porto, 2013).

    Professor of Communication Sciences at University Fernando Pessoa (UFP), teaching seminars for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in semiotics, literature and hypermedia. Visiting Professor in M.A. programmes of the NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal), University of Santiago de Compostela and Granada (Spain), UNAM (Mexico) and University of Tallinn (Estonia). Lecturer in the Erasmus Intensive Program in European Digital Literatures at the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain).

    Director of the book series Cibertextualidades (UFP Press) and co-editor of the Electronic Literature Series (Bloomsbury Publishing). Member of several editorial boards and scientific committees of academic Journals and Conferences.

    Secretary and Member of the Board of Directors of the ELO-Electronic Literature Organization.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.01.2011 - 17:16

  2. Eduardo Kac

    Eduardo Kac is internationally recognized for his telepresence and bio art. A pioneer of telecommunications art in the pre-Web '80s, Eduardo Kac emerged in the early '90s with his radical works combining telerobotics and living organisms. His visionary integration of robotics, biology and networking explores the fluidity of subject positions in the post-digital world. His work deals with issues that range from the mythopoetics of online experience (Uirapuru) to the cultural impact of biotechnology (Genesis); from the changing condition of memory in the digital age (Time Capsule) to distributed collective agency (Teleporting an Unknown State); from the problematic notion of the "exotic" (Rara Avis) to the creation of life and evolution (GFP Bunny).

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.01.2011 - 17:24

  3. Modern Language Association (MLA)

    Founded in 1883, the Modern Language Association of America provides opportunities for its members to share their scholarly findings and teaching experiences with colleagues and to discuss trends in the academy. MLA members host an annual convention and other meetings, work with related organizations, and sustain one of the finest publishing programs in the humanities. For over a hundred years, members have worked to strengthen the study and teaching of language and literature.

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2011 - 14:56

  4. Peter Lang

    Peter Lang - International Academic Publishers publish a diverse range of academic books, from monographs to student textbooks. Their main offices are located in Bern, Brussels, Frankfurt, New York and Oxford.

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2011 - 15:44

  5. Jason Nelson

    An Oklahoma native, Nelson teaches and researches Net Art and Electronic Literature at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. He exhibits widely in galleries and journals, with work featured around the globe in New York, Mexico, Taiwan, Spain, Singapore and Brazil, at FILE, ACM, LEA, ISEA, ACM, ELO and elsewhere.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 13.01.2011 - 17:02

  6. Elli Mylonas

    Elli Mylonas is the Director of the Center for Digital Scholarship in the Brown University Library, as well as being a subject liaison to several departments. Previously, she was the Senior Digital Humanities Librarian. Her work focuses on identifying, developing and implementing a variety of digital projects with Brown faculty, and providing DH outreach in the form of workshop series and consultations. In these overlapping roles, she has to discover productive collaborations between librarians in traditional roles and the emerging digital activities. Elli serves on the Technical Council of the Text Encoding Initiative and has been involved in Digital Humanities since her participation in the Perseus Project.  She is a graduate of Harvard University and did graduate work in Classics at Brown University.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 11:52

  7. Edward Falco

    Edward Falco

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:05

  8. Stuart Moulthrop

    Born 1957 in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. Stuart Moulthrop is a writer, cybertext designer, and Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His early work, Victory Garden (1991), has been mentioned among the "golden age" of hypertext fiction. Later works, including Hegirascope (1995), Reagan Library (1999), and Under Language (2007), pertain more closely to our current age of artificial fibers. Moulthrop is the author of many essays on hypertext and digital culture, including some that have been multiply anthologized and translated.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:14

  9. Patrick-Henri Burgaud

    Patrick-Henri Burgaud was born in 1947 in France. In 1992, he left education to devote all his time to artistic practice -- monumental poetry, land art, visual poetry -- his early work focuses on the visual impact of the alphabet, the word. In 1996 he began exploring the potential of data processing. Computer generated poetry and animated poetry opened up a new dimension in his work. Since then, as technology developed, his research has turned to programmed art, generative art, interactivity and net art. He was the artistic director or e-poetry2007 Paris.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 14.01.2011 - 16:58

  10. Renée Turner

    Renée Turner is an American artist and writer living in the Netherlands. In 2006 she was awarded a scholarship from the Institute of Creative Technology and received her MA in Creative Writing and New Media from De Montfort University. Since 1996 she has worked with Riek Sijbring and Femke Snelting under the collective name, De Geuzen: a foundation for multi-visual research. Their collaborative projects have showcased in Manifesta, Rhizome and Mute. Whether writing digital narratives or working collaboratively, Turner’s work often engages with feminist issues and online media ecologies. Currently she is teaching fine art and design at the Willem de Kooning Academy (Rotterdam) and St. Joost Art Academy (Breda).(Source: Author-submitted bio).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 17.01.2011 - 14:32
