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  1. The Dead Tower

    Explore a dark, mountainous landscape dominated by a gigantic tower. 

    Set in a dark and abstract dream world that revolves around a crashed bus, the atmospheric literary game environment The Dead Tower can be freely explored at full-screen with the mouse and keyboard. Leonardo Flores says about the project: “This narrative poem is arranged on a darkly atmospheric virtual world designed to both creep you out and pull you in…“. Like the proverbial moth, the reader’s attention is drawn towards the brightest things around: white words float in the air, static or rotating. And the lines of mezangelle verse both heighten the dread by telling fragments of a ghostly narrative prefigured by the bus crash site the reader finds herself in and soften the tone with hints about the interface that nudge the fourth wall. (Source: GalleryDDDL description)

    Andy Campbell - 15.07.2012 - 19:03

  2. R

    A young man experiences a recurring dream about a labyrinth in such high detail that he is able to draw a detailed map of it. Rendered as a 3D world in WebGL and best experienced in Google Chrome, 'R' explores the story of the dream - both past and present - through a series of on-screen narratives, puzzles and text-sculptures. A regularly written short story also accompanies the work.

    Andy Campbell - 08.08.2012 - 20:40

  3. Labylogue

    Labylogue est un espace de conversation.

    Dans trois lieux différents reliés par Internet, Bruxelles, Lyon , Dakar , les visiteurs déambulent dans un labyrinthe virtuel en quête de l’autre.

    Deux à deux ils dialoguent en français.

    A mi-chemin entre le livre et la Bibliothèque de Babel de Borgès, les murs se tapissent de phrases générées en temps réel, qui sont autant d’interprétations du dialogue en cours. A son tour le texte fait l’objet d’une interprétation orale qui anime l’espace du labyrinthe tel un choeur de synthèse qui vagabonde sur les rives de la langue en action.

    La médiation numérique introduit dans la communication des couches d’interprétation qui échappent à l’intention brouillant parfois le sens. La parole reprend alors ses droits. Elle glisse sur l’interprétation de la machine en privilégiant le contact là où la trace écrite dérive.rive.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 23.08.2012 - 13:20

  4. cave.cubes

    cave.cubes, originally developed for the Brown CAVE environment, employs virtual physics and three-dimensional geometries to define writerly constraints in embodied virtual space. Like the grammars employed in natural language, 3-D geometries support specific types of recombination. By leveraging this (virtual) physical grammar within a dynamic physics simulation, a set of organic constraints emerge to challenge the writer in embodied literary space.

    The Brown CAVE is an 8x8x8ft room in which high-resolution stereo images are projected onto the walls & the floor & are synchronized with shutter glasses to provide the illusion of a fully three-dimensional physical space. A magnetic tracking system monitors user movements, allowing natural interactions with the virtual environment.

    Source: author's description

    Patricia Tomaszek - 03.10.2012 - 14:33

  5. Partially Buried University

    Robert Smithson realized one of his first works of Land Art at Kent, Ohio in January 1970. Partially Buried Woodshed was an example of the process he called entropy made visible. At the time, Smithson said he had always wanted to bury a building. For my part, I have always wanted to unearth a Smithson. Smithson never had the time to bury other buildings. He died in a plane crash in 1973. Or did he? What if a 70 year-old man going by the name of Robert Smithson were to show up here in Europe? Is he an impostor? Amnesiac? Suppose that Nancy Holt recognizes him as her husband and the James Cohan Gallery organizes an exhibition of his new work and the Art School at the University of Paris 1 invites him to realize an earthwork on its campus... The centre Saint Charles (University of Paris 1) has a problem with rain water collecting on the roof and infiltrating the lecture hall just below. Inspired by two of Smithson's projects, Partially Buried University involves creating a garden on the roof terrace to absorb the residual water, reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to sustainable development.

    Karen O'Rourke - 02.02.2013 - 20:48

  6. Zone

    With both protagonists of the story dead, only 90 seconds of (un)consciousness remain. Dark, immersive and fleetingly short-lived, Zone is situated within a vivid 3D world that lingers hauntingly between literature and game.

    Andy Campbell - 24.02.2013 - 11:57

  7. #Carnivast

    #Carnivast is an interactive electronic literature application for desktop computers and Android devices that explores code poetry as a series of beautiful and complex 3D shapes and textures.

    Andy Campbell - 04.05.2013 - 14:46

  8. [phage]

    Description from Marie-Laure Ryan's article "Cyberspace, Cybertexts, Cybermaps":

    A Director program created by the digital artist Mary Flanagan. [Phage] browses the hard drive of the computer, collecting bits and pieces of data, and throwing them back at the user (or should one say throwing them up ?) as a collection of decontextualized fragments that blow, rotate, and swirl on the screen like pieces of trash on a windy day at the dump

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 15:21

  9. Beyond Manzanar

    Within an enclosed darkened room, the image of Beyond Manzanar's 3-dimensional space is projected onto a large, wall-sized screen. The life-sized image fills your field of view and gives you a feeling of immersion within the virtual space. A joystick mounted on a pedestal in the middle of the room allows you to move your viewpoint at will through the virtual space. Speakers mounted on either side of the screen provide stereo sound. Although only one person at a time can control movement in the space, others can watch and share the experience. We have combined techniques of computer games and theater design to create a highly symbolic, often surreal environment with a poetic reality stronger than photorealism. The mountain panorama that defines the Manzanar site forms a constant backdrop for shifting layers of superimposed context. Open doors lead viewers through spaces that react to their presence, shifting between home and prison, between paradise and wasteland, to investigate Manzanar as a layering of contradictory and complementary images and emotions for two groups of immigrants.

    Anders Fagerjord - 20.08.2013 - 11:19

  10. BwO

    BwO (Body without Organs): All the words of the text from 'Mille Plateaux' are floating in space, disembodied from their pages, interconnected by a luminous thread; the code follows each word in its reading order, embodying a meta-body-without-organs in 3d space, charting diffuse abstract paths united by generative's logic thread. (Source: Author's homepage)

    Alvaro Seica - 11.09.2013 - 11:00
