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  1. Hva sier trærne?

    English title (What are the trees saying?)

    Kan man tenke seg at vindens sus i trekronene er trærnes måte å kommunisere på? Og at dersom vi klarte å dekode denne lyden og oversette den til vårt språk, så ville vi få vite hva trærne sier? Marte Aas' fortelling om trærnes språk kombinerer direkte online overføring, databaser og sanntids generering til et svært poetisk verk.

    Lansert 11. oktober 2005
    © Marte Aas, BEK/PNEK, NRK Ulyd 2005

    Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 00:05

  2. Hamnen

    English title "The Harbor."  52 statements are combined in a network structure. Authored in Hypercard.

    Scott Rettberg - 19.10.2010 - 00:33

  3. Twilight, A Symphony

    Michael Joyce's Twilight, A Symphony is a courageous and innovative exploration of home, family, and the nostalgia that can't ever quite replace them. At the heart of Twilight is erstwhile reporter Hugh Colin Enright. Estranged from his wife, on the run, and sequestered with his infant son on the shores of Pleasant Lake, Hugh is befriended by an eccentric Polish politcal refugee and his wife, Magda. Years later, Hugh and the ailing Magda are together again, on a macabre odyssey in search of the Twilight doctor, the only person who might be willing to help Magda end her life. In its fearless exploration of death and desire, Twilight, A Symphonytakes an unflinching yet deeply compassionate look at the fears and longings that haunt us all.Michael Joyce's Twilight, A Symphony is a courageous and innovative exploration of home, family, and the nostalgia that can't ever quite replace them. At the heart of Twilight is erstwhile reporter Hugh Colin Enright.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 13.01.2011 - 00:02

  4. Stagno

    Il lavoro interattivo e multimediale Stagno è il risultato di una esperienza di scrittura che l’autrice ha  avuto con una amica. Come il proprio padre, quello della amica era morto per una grave malattia. Per diverse settimane, si sono incontrate per parlare delle loro esperienze. Attraverso brevi testi che ruotano attorno a diversi temi, si cercano di riprodurre le reciproche esperienze. Questi testi sono stati pubblicati sulla rivista Lieu-dit 19 e  hanno ispirato un primo lavoro animato, anche se non interattivo, ospitato sul sito web di Mandelbrot, che è stato poi rimosso e distrutto dagli autori.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 13.01.2011 - 17:30

  5. Samplers: Nine Vicious Little Hypertexts

    Deena Larsen's Samplers: Nine Vicious Little Hypertexts was originally published on 3.5-inch floppy disk for Macintosh and PC computers in 1997; it was released later that year on CD-ROM for both platforms. Larsen reports that she produced the work on her Macintosh computer and had not seen the PC version until years later ("Interview"). The work was created with Storyspace 1.2C and requires 5.5 MB of space. It is the second major work by Larsen and follows two years after the success of her opus, Marble Springs(1993). Contained among the nine little hypertexts is Century Cross, a work that was published as a solo work two years after Samplers Version 1.0 was released.  

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:09

  6. True North

    This description comes from Rebooting Electronic Literature Volume 2:

    Stephanie Strickland's True North came out in 1997 in two formats. First, it was published as a print book of poetry by the University of Notre Dame Press and won––that same year––the Poetry Society of America's Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award and the Ernest Sandeen Poetry Prize. It also appeared as a hypertext poem released on floppy disk for both PC and Macintosh computers by Eastgate Systems, Inc. As Strickland states in her “Prologue,” work on True North began in 1995 at N. Katherine Hayles's National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar but originally was conceived over a decade earlier when, influenced by the writings of Simone Weil, she developed an interest in finding a woman’s language.

    The editions and versions include:

    Print Edition

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:11

  7. Hypertext Hotel

    A collaborative writing space using MOO technology that was used for Coover's writing workshops at Brown University, and that was active through much of the 1990s.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:27

  8. AlletSator

    “Alletsator” is a hypermedia work that is best defined as a quantum opera, or perhaps in the final analysis a game – interactive, three-dimensional – where the present and the virtual intersect and mix. A hybrid hypermedia, therefore, in which the “spectactor” (immersed in an environment that is intended to be cosmic, magical, fantastic, dreamlike ...) is challenged to traverse the surface of a sequence of drawings. The work is a journey without ending. “Alletsator” is a computer generated narrative that allows an infinite potential of combinations. It is also an object of the new media art. It is a product and agent of the cyber culture that promises to revolutionize the world as we know it. The dramaturgy it needs is already anticipated in the metaphor that better explains the work itself: a spacecraft of dispersed paths, of multilinear unexpected pathways.

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2011 - 18:22

  9. Tesão

    Minitel animated poem shown online in the group exhibition Brazil High-Tech (1986), a minitel art gallery organized by Eduardo Kac and Flavio Ferraz and presented by Companhia Telefônica de São Paulo. Words (in Portuguese) emerge and disappear through layers of lines and color masses, forming an ephemeral digital graffiti.

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2011 - 23:29

  10. Metamorphose


    Scott Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 14:35
