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  1. 4079

    a poem written in a country distant from permanent residence, distance is obvious


    Interactive poem 4079 is programmed in Processing using JavaScript. Both text and graphic user interface bring the theme of distance, moving between conditions, it questions connectedness and separation, physical and psychical proximity, remoteness and attachment. Poetics of the piece lies in the perception of individual lines of the poem as well as in interacting

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    with the dynamics of the dots and their layers. There is no set sequence of reading, so the beginning and the end may be any of the eleven

    Dan Kvilhaug - 14.03.2013 - 12:09

  2. Scrittura industriale collettiva

    Scrittura industriale collettiva

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 30.06.2013 - 13:13

  3. Lost in Google

    Lost in Google

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 30.06.2013 - 13:18

  4. Stories Unbound

    "Stories Unbound" is an application commissioned by the Melbourne Writers’ Festival that allows anyone to read and write stories about anything they choose, and tag them with GPS coordinates. Locations are the places where the writer/participant happens to be located geographically. Connections between stories and place happen accidentally. Stories Unbound does not create a curated space for literature."

    Source: Berry, Marsha, and Omega Goodwin. 2013. Poetry 4 U: Pinning poems under/over/through the streetsNew Media & Society September 2013 vol. 15 no. 6 909-929 (

    Editor's note: cannot find more info about this.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 18.11.2013 - 16:10

  5. TheCoevasIo interactive novel

    TheCoevasIo interactive novel

    Daniele Giampà - 10.04.2015 - 11:43

  6. Coeva: Il romanzo / The novel

    Coeva: Il romanzo / The novel

    Daniele Giampà - 10.04.2015 - 12:13

  7. Extremo IO

    Extremo IO

    Daniele Giampà - 10.04.2015 - 12:18

  8. The Human Mystery

    The Human Mystery

    Daniele Giampà - 19.04.2015 - 17:42

  9. Unknown Territories

    An interactive series about the exploration, exploitation and transformation of the American West.

    Following works by John Wesley Powell and Edward Abbey, filmmaker Roderick Coover creates actual and virtual explorations into the places they wrote about, the landscapes they imagined and contemporary land use.

    When John Wesley Powell first navigated the Colorado River in 1869, much of the great American desert was marked on U.S. government maps as an "unknown territory" -- unmapped lands known only to native cultures. His works name, narrative and mythologize the West and his encounters within it. Ironically, later, as U.S. Geographer, Powell came to recognized perils of unsustainable development, but his calls to restrict growth to natural watersheds were rejected.

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.03.2016 - 15:18

  10. Occupy London (with Cartoons)

    During the Occupy protest at St Pauls Cathedral in London, there were many drawings and paintings sellotaped to the walls; the area became a public Art gallery. Works full of slogans and messages, full of passion.

    While visiting the site, it occurred to me that many people want to express their views in this way, and contribute their own art work to share with Occupy London, to express their support and solidarity; but they couldn’t physically be there.

    I built an online cartoon tool to makes it easy to make political cartoons to support Occupy London. Once a week I printed them, went to St Pauls and put them on display. I also exhibited the cartoons in other places, such as cafes and bookshops, to get wider exposure.

    Well known artists contributed work, and we built up a big stock of ‘ready-made’ fantastic drawings and cartoons – for everyone to remix.

    The project is a collectively authored and networked satire, giving everyone a chance to participate/ support/ speak out/ in a creative way.

    Dave Miller - 10.11.2016 - 15:41
