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  1. The US political poetry generator

    American politics isn’t usually poetic, but what happens when you throw in actual poetry? Behold, our political poetry generator. We’ve gathered the transcripts of the latest Republican and Democratic presidential debates, and programmatically stirred in hundreds of lines of classic poetry. Pick a candidate, poet, and style below, and see what beauty you can generate.

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.04.2016 - 10:06

  2. samen dichten

    samen dichten is een poëziemachine waarbij mens en computer elkaar kunnen versterken. zo ontstaat er een gedicht dat de gebruiker niet zonder computer en de computer niet zonder deze specifieke gebruiker had kunnen schrijven.
    het idee achter dit project is om poëzie toegankelijk te maken voor een breder publiek. de poëziemachine laat mens en machine samenwerken, maar belangrijker: iedereen kan zo de kracht van taal ontdekken.


    Hannah Ackermans - 13.04.2016 - 17:32

  3. Naamlozer


    Hannah Ackermans - 16.08.2016 - 08:42

  4. Hours of the Night

    Hours of the Night, a collaboration between M.D. Coverley and Stephanie Strickland, is the most recent of their joint explorations. It arose from a concern for the portability of software in the current platform-rich e-lit environment, particularly because many of the tools they used in the past (Director, Flash) are no longer supported or have limited reach. Wishing to make use of a widely available and easily managed tool, they chose PowerPoint, believing it to be a popular, standard, authoring system, the products of which could be read on any desktop computer, tablet, or smart phone. Making and porting PowerPoint work turned out to be more difficult than anticipated. Fortunately the latest version of PowerPoint allows one to export MP4s from the PowerPoint file. Thus available in this exhibit is the truly portable MP4 and as well the PowerPoint file itself (as a slideshow). The latter is viewable only on a Windows machine equipped with PowerPoint for Windows and with the requisite fonts downloaded on it. The aesthetics of the piece are of course not those of a bit of a film but of a series of slides.

    Julianne Chatelain - 25.08.2016 - 15:38

  5. Dérivepedia

    A "recyclopedic" generator of contextually resistant associations Dérivepedia is a combinatory and recyclopedic text generator that recombines sentence fragments from 400 Wikipedia entries to generate specious entries for subjects ranging from Tadpoles And The History Of Weather Satellites To Pliny The Elder: Constructing Ambiguous Witch Trials; from Jimi Hendrix And The Psychology Of Cowpox To Ada Lovelace In The Age Of Cool-Weather Aromatherapy.

    (Source: Dérivepedia, Talan Memmott)

    Nikol Hejlickova - 25.08.2016 - 15:53

  6. Read for us ... and show us the pictures (Version 2.0)

    Based on an earlier installation, Read for us … and show us the pictures, which debuted at ISEA 2015, The Readers Project presents the work of a software entity that generates digital video montage, with visual content sourced through live image search.
    The Montage Reader analyses its text and first establishes a overall visual grammar based on closed-class words that underlie linguistic structure.
    The reader then searches for images corresponding to phrases – ‘longest common phrases’ whenever possible – finally composing a sequence of still and animated images and video, that corresponds with the written language of the text both structurally and also semantically – at least in so far as contemporary image search proposes a correspondence that is meaningful for the human user-readers of network services and their aggregation of crowd-sourced indexing. The chief text read by the Montage Reader is ‘Some Thing We Are,’ a short story by Daniel C. Howe.

    (Source: Artists' statement)

    Erik Aasen - 22.09.2016 - 15:08

  7. Sheila Carfenders, Doctor Mask, & President Akimbo

    VR novel for Oculus Rift

    Sheila Carfenders, Doctor Mask & President Akimbo is a novel translated into virtual reality (for Oculus Rift) – a political fable of robots, sex work, hallucinogens and the consequences of power. The viewer is transported through mental hospitals, taxis, hotels and palaces mostly on rails, but with some space to explore the scenes in sandbox mode, enabling an encounter with hundreds of archival photographs and pencil sketches and found audio from across asia. The narrative – disturbing and comical and haunting and revelatory – is encountered through the spoken word of a single narrator.

    Experience the troubling, bizarre and absurd life of Sheila Carfenders, a 22-year-old mental patient who is abducted by her abusive San Francisco psychiatrist, Doctor Mask. With the Oculus Virtual Reality system, go with Doctor Mask as he takes Sheila to an impoverished Asian country decaying from a violent insurgency. The Mask hopes to build his own experimental psychiatric institution after making deals with the corrupt regime’s delirious leader, President Akimbo.

    Sheila’s fate?

    Unexpected amid a coup.

    Erik Aasen - 22.09.2016 - 15:25

  8. Playing with Rose: Exploring a New Conceptual Language

    To understand desire, one needs language and flesh.
    ― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other

    This physical installation explores hypertext on a granular level: playing with the DNA of the English language: letters with Rose, a symbolic written language based on roman characters. In Rose, each letter takes on a concept, and permutations of that letter indicate various aspects of the concept. This influences word choice and inflection: you can choose to put one letter into Rose or entire words. Toy blocks emblazoned in QR codes [1] allow participants to explore Rose and connect with the explanation of each letter on the site.

    Erik Aasen - 22.09.2016 - 15:36

  9. Colour Yourself Inspired

    Color Yourself Inspired™ is a generative artwork that creates unpredictable poetic phrases from Benjamin Moore’s paint color database; it is an interdisciplinary exploration of sound, color and language. An online collection of over 1000 unique color names are poetically sequenced using phonetic analysis and parts of speech analysis in a computer program designed by the artists. Instead of labeling color with language as the marketing team has done in the original database, Color Yourself Inspired (a marketing slogan from the Benjamin Moore website) inverts this relationship and uses language to generate visual information. (Source:

    Nikol Hejlickova - 22.09.2016 - 15:38

  10. Untrace

    Détrace est un court récit interactif sur le thème de la trace.

    Un personnage se penche à la fois sur les traces dont il/elle dispose dans la vie et sur celles qu’il/elle laisse.

    Le récit est l’occasion d’un jeu sur les traces numériques laissées par le lecteur/la lectrice,
    volontairement et involontairement, ainsi que sur celles laissées par les autres lecteurs/lectrices.


    Susanne Dahl - 13.10.2016 - 15:24
