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  1. Mobile Bodies, Zones of Attention and Tactical Media Interventions

    Mobile Bodies, Zones of Attention and Tactical Media Interventions

    Carolyn Guertin - 20.06.2012 - 19:15

  2. Interactive Poetry - New Poetry for New Technologies

    Interactive Poetry - New Poetry for New Technologies

    Jeneen Naji - 20.06.2012 - 19:30

  3. Hyperrhiz 08: Open Issue

    Hyperrhiz 08: Open Issue

    Helen Burgess - 20.06.2012 - 20:02

  4. Comments on Comments in Code

    Where in source code do we locate the "extra-functional significance" that Critical Code Studies calls us to critique? One starting point is in code comments. In most programming languages, comments are simple marks that set aside text for humans to read but computers to ignore. The act of "commenting" and "uncommenting" circulates this text into and out of the code per se, which is to say into and out of the purview of the compiler / interpreter. Like footnotes or endnotes, code comments are paratexts — continuous with and yet set apart from the source. Where they serve as actual *commentaries*, these paratexts enabling programmers to signal intentions, record histories, and render aesthetic judgements: comments enable the vital processes of software development culture.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 07.07.2012 - 22:36

  5. Taxonomies and Folksonomies in Databases

    Taxonomies and Folksonomies in Databases

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.09.2012 - 14:42

  6. Review of Mark Bernstein and Diane Greco, Reading Hypertext

    Review of Mark Bernstein and Diane Greco, Reading Hypertext

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 09.10.2012 - 21:50

  7. Imagem Máquina: A era das tecnologias do virtual

    Coletânea de 24 textos que giram em torno dos problemas colocados pelas novas tecnologias da imagem. Entre os autores brasileiros, canadenses, franceses, italianos e norte-americanos figuram nomes como Paul Virilio, Jean Baudrillard, Antonio Negri, Félix Guattari, Jean-François Lyotard, Arlindo Machado, Nelson Brissac e outros.

    (texto informado pela editora)

    Luciana Gattass - 14.10.2012 - 11:38

  8. Poesi för en liten grupp

    This article briefly discusses the works of three Swedish poets (Emil Boss, Anna-Maria Ytterbom, and Johannes Heldén), and ultimately finds them confusing and tedious. The third piece, Entropi by Heldén, is a work of ELit. Dahlerus criticizes it as "Mycket svår poesi för ovana lyrikläsare" [Very difficult for inexperienced poetry readers]. He complains that the work forces him to become "något slags lyrikdetektiv" [some kind of poetry detective] to discover clues to the meaning of the poetry. Though he acknowledges that there is a place for "oläsbar poesi" [unreadable poetry], he asserts that too much of this kind of poetry causes him to wish for a new poetry - one that "vågar vara tydlig, vågar kommunicera" [dares to be clear, dares to communicate]. The three reader comments following the article indicate that they all strongly disagree with Dahlerus.

    Melissa Lucas - 16.10.2012 - 11:48

  9. The Readers Project: Procedural Agents and Literary Vectors

    The Readers Project: Procedural Agents and Literary Vectors

    Daniel Howe - 06.11.2012 - 09:42

  10. Cartographies of Digital Fiction: Amateurs Mapping a New Literary Realism

    Cartographies of Digital Fiction: Amateurs Mapping a New Literary Realism

    Jörgen Schäfer - 08.11.2012 - 13:46
