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  1. Hipertextualités


    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 10:29

  2. Hostages of the Ephemeral: A Preservationist View of Electronic Literature

    Throughout history, stewards of cultural heritage collections have advocated for technologies of external memory based on their proven ability to endure into the future. Despite studies that demonstrate how zeros and ones inscribed on digital media often stand up well to the ravages of time, the long-term preservation of the content they encode—particularly in the field of electronic literature—has proven to be a challenge. This is because the accessibility of electronic literature depends as much on the preservation of bit-streams as on the long-term viability of specialized computing environments and their constituent hardware and software components, thereby placing works of electronic literature at considerably greater risk of disappearance than their analog predecessors. Although authors of electronic literature have cultivated a growing awareness of best practices in digital preservation, they still lack tools designed with the posterity of their creations in mind. This paper explores these issues, as well as the question of ephemerality for electronic literature, by assessing contemporary digital formats within the broader history of preservation technologies.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 10:33

  3. Authorship and Autership in the Collaborative Development Process of Text-Based Games

    The collaborative development of text-based Multi-User Dungeons (MUDs) has afforded writers an electronic medium for the discussion, production, and publication of e-literature. A MUD is designed to provide an immersive and interactive experience, and is achieved by the creation of a code-based structure that supports a literary text. However, when multiple contributors are involved there is a tension between the inherently fixed nature of literature and the more fluid versioning of software. In many software development environments, ownership over a work is considered to be counter-productive, whereas authorship of literature is assumed more freely and, as a means of contextual explication, is actively encouraged. MUDs must therefore function under colliding principles of authorship and ownership. The production of a large MUD’s literary text is conceived similar to the cinematic production of a film, with the lead designer of a MUD assuming the role of a ‘director’. The production and proliferation of electronic literature presents new and unique challenges to both the longitudinal administration of a MUD and to the coherence of the literary text.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 12:04

  4. Spirals of Meaning: Exploring Nonlinearity through Prezi’s Infinite Canvas

    Our linear expectations of digital presentations (and the scorn associated with “Death by PowerPoint) have been transformed by the availability of tools such as Prezi, an editor that allows for the juxtaposition of images, text, and other media on a telescoping canvas that relies on linear paths for exploring nonlinear content. Prezi acts an infinite canvas, recalling Scott McCloud’s model for a future of sequential art on the web defined not by pages but by the screen as portal to an expanding and linked storyspace, allowing for continual layering of meaning and data using the methods of what Henry Jenkins describes as environmental storytelling. Alexandra Saemmer's use of Prezi as a space for experimenting with electronic literature breaks our expectations of a tool originally designed for presentations. The adaptation of tools of this kind towards the development of literary experiences reveals the fundamental transformations of procedural expectations and linked structures in online spaces: the co-location and linking of ideas to create meaning is now a matter of course.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 12:16

  5. Lift This End: Electronic Literature in a Blue Light

    Taking recent writings-of-internet as test cases, Stuart Moulthrop demonstrates the folly of deploying modernist compositional models, even avant-garde theories of citational and conceptual poetry recently popularized by Kenneth Goldsmith and the Flarf poets, to read born-digital writing. Though it may be fun, it's ultimately futile to interpret the contingent output of an "interface in process" as a poem existing in a fixed, terminable state. Perhaps, then, interfacing with databases is becoming integral to not just electronic literature and digital poetics but all forms of literary study and practice? (Source: EBR)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 12:37

  6. La double démesure de l'oeuvre textuelle métastable

    La présente contribution, dans le cadre de la thématique proposée par l’E.L.O., souhaiterait « chercher le texte » en interrogeant des œuvres présentant ce que nous appelons une double ouverture, ou encore une double démesure — double, eu égard à deux aspects que peuvent revêtir cette ouverture ou cette démesure : le premier aspect est de nature profondément technique et médiatique, le second pourrait se dire plus volontiers ontologique et téléologique.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 12:51

  7. Au seuil du livre : les œuvres hypermédiatiques d’Andy Campbell (The Rut, Surface, Paperwound)

    Avec l’avènement de la cyberculture, on aurait pu croire, sinon à la disparition du livre, du moins à son usure en tant que modèle. Mais, dans les faits, nous assistons plutôt sur le Web à une prolifération des figures du livre. À cet égard, les œuvres hypermédiatiques d’Andy Campbell sont révélatrices. Sur son site, intitulé Dreaming Methods, il élabore une véritable poétique de la figure du livre et du papier en hypermédia. Toutefois, on le démontrera, chez Campbell, le livre fait moins l’objet d’un hommage qu’il est une figure à déconstruire par l’hypermédia (Cf. Paperwounds, et Surface). Nous nous attacherons à l’analyse précise de The Rut, présenté comme : « A self published book that never get back the front cover ». L’œuvre est composée des quinze versions du péritexte du livre simulé de Max Penn. The Rut, apparaît dans un premier temps comme un livre sans contenu, où la narration est déportée dans la fictionnalisation d’un péritexte, dont le sérieux et le formalisme se délite à chacune de ses occurrences.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 13:31

  8. Pour une littérature cyborg : l'hybridation médiatique du texte littéraire

    Our thesis aims at exploring, through the cyborg metaphor, the part of the contemporary literature which produces texts that are the fruit of a hybridization between books and hypermedia. The cyborg enables us to draw a parallel between the connections that exist today between books and hypermedia, and the relationships made up of fears and fantasies, that people have with the technologies they create. Cyborg literature does not propose works within which books and hypermedia are opposed, but works born from the reunion of two material supports, thus offering a media hybridization of the literary text. New media have to be appreciated as a motor of evolution rather than as a threat. Indeed, contemporary literary and books have to take up the challenge imposed by new media. The book is at the core of our problematic. We have to consider it as a medium for text, a mediumthat is not neutral and that holds its own characteristics and potential.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.08.2013 - 13:53

  9. “Use the # & Tweet yr escape”: LA Flood as Mobile Dystopic Fiction

    A reading of LA Flood, written for the general audience of the Los Angeles Review of Books.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.08.2013 - 11:10

  10. Against Information: Reading (in) the Electronic Waste Land

    Andrew Klobucar argues that a new iPad app for The Waste Land demonstrates, despite the developer's intentions and Eliot's fears, that the symbolic form of the database is irrepressible. According to Klobucar, Eliot bemoans the cultural impact of new media and technological innovation, though his poem--particularly through Pound's editorial notes and Eliot's added annotations--employs the structure of a database. The app for The Waste Land attempts to mitigate this tension by promoting a single legitimate version of the poem, though the app's structure ultimately works against that model, as it frees readers from the imposed authority of singular narrative.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.08.2013 - 11:21
