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  1. To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism

    To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism

    Chiara Agostinelli - 23.09.2018 - 23:46

  2. What Makes Life Worth Living: On Pharmacology

    What Makes Life Worth Living: On Pharmacology

    Chiara Agostinelli - 23.09.2018 - 23:59

  3. Genre: Bot. I Love E-poetry

    Genre: Bot. I Love E-poetry

    Ana Castello - 02.10.2018 - 23:47

  4. A Book Itself Is a Little Machine: Emily Short’s Interactive Fiction.

    A Book Itself Is a Little Machine: Emily Short’s Interactive Fiction.

    Ana Castello - 09.10.2018 - 12:02

  5. Dwarven Epitaphs: Procedural Histories in Dwarf Fortress

    Dwarven Epitaphs: Procedural Histories in Dwarf Fortress

    Ana Castello - 09.10.2018 - 13:03

  6. Report on PO.EX’70-80

    Funkhouser describes the PO.EX’70-80 project and highlights several elements of the database, praising the taxonomy and preservation/representation of works.

    Hannah Ackermans - 07.12.2018 - 10:07

  7. Reconfiguração do conhecimento no espaço hipermediático. Análise e avaliação de cinco arquivos digitais

    Esta dissertação é um dos resultados da participação como bolseiro de investigação no projecto "PO.EX'70-80 – Arquivo Digital da Literatura Experimental Portuguesa" e tem como pano de fundo a problemática dos arquivos digitais para conteúdos variáveis e multimodais. A partilha é hoje em dia uma palavra contestada por muitas causas, e é esse mesmo facto que está na base desta dissertação. Isto é, através da distribuição de informação e obras de arte em diversos arquivos digitais. Com essa partilha pretende-se dar a conhecer autores e formas artísticas distintas, tornando-os presentes num mundo onde a integração multimodal e a diversidade cultural parecem andar juntos, mas também caracterizado pela efemeridade das suas produções. Partindo do princípio de que os arquivos digitais são fundamentais para a preservação e divulgação de conteúdos artísticos e literários, será objectivo desta dissertação dar a conhecer esse mundo da cultura participativa, multimediático e hipertextualizado, acabando com uma visão geral sobre as formas de arquivamento que hoje em dia o meio digital torna possíveis.

    Hannah Ackermans - 07.12.2018 - 10:29

  8. Networks without a cause: A critique of social media

    Networks without a cause: A critique of social media

    Hannah Ackermans - 06.08.2019 - 10:36

  9. At the Time of Writing

    At the Time of Writing" considers the role of proprioception and the embodied memory of writing and gesture as a critical component of readerly practices. Anna Gibbs and Maria Angel examine a series of works of born digital literature that use representational techniques to evoke an "ethos of touch" that is critical to the experience of the work. Gibbs and Angel conclude that feeling is key to the process of meaning-making, and that experimental interfaces foreground the importance of the body in literature.

    Pablo Uribe Valero - 24.09.2019 - 15:29

  10. CELL Roundtable on Naming Authority and Interoperability

    At meetings in Siegen (2009), Sydney (2010), Provincetown ( 2010), Bleckinge (2010), Bergen (2011), and Morgantown (2011), the editors of the Electronic Literature Directory have established and developed a Consortium on Electronic Literature (CELL). The related database projects originating in each of these locations, is committed to the development of bibliographic standards, interoperability, and data-sharing to ensure the broad reach and wide range of literature and criticism that new media literary scholars are obligated to document and cultivate. In Paris this year, present members will meet to discuss the achievement of interoperability across our various platforms. First on our agenda, will be a report on progress toward the establishment of a "naming authority" for authors and works in the field of electronic literature, and we will continue towards our goal of institutionalizing basic bibliographic practices consistent with the emerging norms of the field.

    Ole Samdal - 25.11.2019 - 14:47
