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  1. ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base

    The ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base is a research resource for electronic literature. An open-access, contributory database developed in Drupal 7, it provides cross-referenced, contextualized information about authors, creative works, critical writing, events, organizations, publishers, teaching resources, and databases and archives.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 13.04.2012 - 15:48

  2. Electronic Literature Directory

    The Electronic Literature Directory (ELD 2.0) is a collection of literary works, descriptions, and keywords. As the Web evolves, the work of literature co-evolves in ways that need to be named, tagged, and recognized in a Web 2.0 environment. For this purpose, the ELD is designed to bring authors and readers together from a wide a range of imaginative, critical, technological, and linguistic practices.

    Both a repository of works and a critical companion to e-literature, the ELD hosts discussions that are capable of being referenced and revised over years of use. In this respect, Directory content differs from blogs and wikis in that each entry, once it is approved by a board of editors, is unchanging. The submission of entries and their evaluation is open to anyone, and any entry can be supplemented if a later reader can successfully advance an alternative vision of the work and its context.

    (Source: ELD, About the Directory)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 13.04.2012 - 17:28

  3. Writing Digital Media Collection

    Writing Digital Media Collection

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 13.04.2012 - 18:24

  4. Rhizome Artbase

    Founded in 1999, the Rhizome ArtBase is an online archive of digital art containing over 2,500 art works. Encompassing a vast range of projects from artists all over the world, the ArtBase provides an online home for works that employ materials such as software, code, websites, moving images, games and browsers towards aesthetic and critical ends. The mission of the ArtBase is to provide free, open, and permanent access to a living and historic collection of seminal new media art objects.

    The ArtBase includes two types of art objects: Linked Objects and Archival Copies. Both, Linked Objects and Archival Copies, include information about an artwork ("metadata"), such as the artist's name, the date the project was created, the project's title, original URL, keywords, technologies used, an artist's statement and a thumbnail image. Artists who submit artworks as Linked Objects or Archival Copies provide us with such metadata, which we may then edit to ensure completeness, consistency and accuracy.


    Elisabeth Nesheim - 27.02.2013 - 13:28

  5. ADA - Archive of Digital Art (former Database of Virtual Art)

    The Database of Virtual Art documents the rapidly evolving field of digital installation art. This complex, research-oriented overview of immersive, interactive, telematic and genetic art has been developed in cooperation with established media artists, researchers and institutions. The web-based, cost-free instrument – appropriate to the needs of process art – allows individuals to post material themselves. Compiling video documentation, technical data, interfaces, displays, and literature offers a unique answer to the needs of the field. All works can be linked with exhibiting institutions, events and bibliographical references. Over time the richly interlinked data will also serve as a predecessor for the crucial systematic preservation of this art.

    (Source: Database of Virtual Art website)

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 27.02.2013 - 14:59

  6. Art and Electronic Media Online

    The Art and Electronic Media Online Companion emerged as a project of an intensive one-week MA seminar at the compArt Center for Excellence in Digital Art at the University of Bremen.  Seventeen students worked together to develop the web interface and initial content based on the 2009 print publication Art and Electronic Media. Indeed, content creation and website design mutually informed each other, so the site has emerged - and will continue to emerge - from a highly collaborative process. The lead Drupal developers were Walter Jenner and Tim Mundt. Cristina Botta, Marten Müller, Ryan Scoville, Jan Smeddinck

    (Source: Art and Electronic Media Online website)

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 07.03.2013 - 15:19

  7. Media Art Net


    Alvaro Seica - 03.05.2015 - 23:38

  8. CELL Search Engine

    The CELL Search Engine allows users to search for Electronic Literature across a worldwide network of member databases. Developed with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, The CELL Search Engine harvests records from partner databases using a set of common metadata standards, making it the first comprehensive global resource for the study of electronic literature.

    Hannah Ackermans - 24.09.2018 - 13:56

  9. ADEL (Archive of German Electronic Literature)

     Das Archiv der deutschsprachigen elektronischen Literatur (ADEL) dokumentiert die Entwicklung der Elektronischen Literatur in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz seit den 1960er Jahren. Dazu ist in einem ersten Arbeitsschritt eine Datenbank mit den wichtigsten Werken angelegt worden, später sollen auch textgenetische Materialien dokumentiert sowie nicht mehr lauffähige Werke durch Emulatoren nachgebildet werden. Die Bestände werden zum einen über ein webbasiertes Content Management System zugänglich gemacht, zum anderen soll ein Sammlungsschwerpunkt aufgebaut werden, der Hardware, Software, Dokumente, Sekundärliteratur etc. für wissenschaftliche und kuratorische Zwecke bereitstellt. Das ADEL ist ein Projekt der Forschungsstelle Literatur in elektronischen Medien (LEM) an der Universität Siegen. Es ist Mitglied des Consortium on Electronic Literature (CELL) und über die Website mit vergleichbaren Archivprojekten in anderen Ländern verbunden.

    Hannah Ackermans - 23.11.2018 - 10:21