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  1. Digital Literature in France (conference presentation)

    The presentation briefly retraces the history of electronic literature in France, emphasizing the various literary and aesthetic tendencies and the corresponding structures (groups, magazines, etc.). The focus then shifts to French electronic literature communities. The presentation notably provides an account of a study that Bouchardon did in 2004-2007 for the Centre Pompidou in Paris (study included in the book "Un laboratoire de littératures", He analyzed a "dispositif" (mailing list, website, meetings) called e-critures, dedicated to electronic literature, with the hypothesis of the co-construction of a "dispositif", a field and a community. The presentation concludes with the possible characteristics of electronic literature in France (which might not be specific to France), both from a literary and from a sociological point of view.

    Serge Bouchardon - 22.09.2010 - 07:50

  2. The ELO and US Electronic Literature in the 2000s

    The Electronic Literature Organization was founded as a literary nonprofit organization in 1999 after the Technology Platforms for 21st Century Literature conference at Brown University. Today, the ELO is one of the most active organizations in the field, central to the practice of literature in the United States and its establishment as an academic discipline. This presentation will briefly outline the history of the organization, the ways that its mission, profile, and focus of has evolved and changed over its first decade, and offer some tentative insights into the ways that an institutionally structured community can facilitate network-mediated art practice.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 15.10.2010 - 17:21

  3. ELMCIP Electronic Literature Publishing Seminar

     In 2010-2011, the University of Jyväskylä conducted a survey and produced a report on European electronic literature publication and distribution. The final report will be published by November, 2012. This seminar was organized, in part, to provide a forum in which to discuss the findings on electronic-literature publishing in Europe.

    Day 1
    The first day of the seminar focused on the draft of the survey report. Following a presentation of the report, the seminar offers an invited commentary by Mark C. Marino (U. of Southern California). In the afternoon, there were presentations by Marko Niemi,one of the editors of the Finnish portal for electronic poetry, Laura Borras Castanyer, founder and director of the Vinaròs Prize for Electronic Literature (Spain), and Nia Davies from the non-profit organization Literature Across Frontiers (UK). The day ended with a workshop on using the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base led by Eric Dean Rasmussen (Norway). 

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 22.10.2010 - 11:53

  4. Electronic Literature as World Literature; or, The Universality of Writing under Constraint

    Electronic literature is not just a “thing” or a “medium” or even a body of “works” in various “genres.” It is not poetry, fiction, hypertext, gaming, codework, or some new admixture of all these practices. E-literature is, arguably, an emerging cultural form, as much a collective creation of terms, keywords, genres, structures, and institutions as it is the production of new literary objects. The ideas of cybervisionaries Paul Otlet, Vannevar Bush, and Ted Nelson, foundational to the electronic storage, recovery, and processing of texts, go beyond practical insights and can be seen to participate in a long-standing ambition to construct a world literature in the sense put forward by David Damrosch (2003: 5): “not an infinite ungraspable canon of works but rather a mode of circulation and of reading...

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 06.01.2011 - 12:57

  5. The New Media Reader

    The new media field has been developing for more than 50 years. This reader collects the texts, videos, and computer programs—many of them now almost impossible to find—that chronicle the history and form the foundation of this still-emerging field. General introductions by Janet H. Murray (author of Hamlet on the Holodeck) and Lev Manovich (author of The Language of New Media), along with short introductions to each of the selections, place the works in their historical context and explain their significance.

    The texts are from computer scientists, artists, architects, literary writers, interface designers, cultural critics, and individuals working across disciplines. They were originally published between World War II (when digital computing, cybernetic feedback, and early notions of hypertext and the Internet first appeared) and the emergence of the World Wide Web (when these concepts entered the mainstream of public life).

    Patricia Tomaszek - 11.01.2011 - 14:22

  6. German Net Literature: In the Exile of Invisibility

    German net literature had an early and very public start through competitions organized in 1996-8 by the major newspaper Die Zeit and IBM, but was declared dead or stillborn immediately afterwards. Consequently, net literature became a subject of controversy between artists, theorists, and literary critics from which not only a strong community evolved but also a literary system. In this system, competitions served as public, peer-reviewed mediators for net literature and became an important feature of “post-processing.” Since the end of the 90s however, German net literature became slowly invisible. The lack of public awareness of net literature is common to many countries. Post-processing is a key for public visibility and according to Siegfried J. Schmidt et al. an important component in a literary system. In search of reasons for the state of invisibility of German net literature, I analyze mechanisms of post-processing in our community, which I regard as a literary system. This descriptive synopsis is the first paper in an upcoming series that opens up questions towards the role of peer-review, public reception, and artists' community-building.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.01.2011 - 17:15

  7. The ELMCIP Knowledge Base and the Formation of an International Field of Literary Scholarship and Practice

    The paper provides an introduction to the HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) collaborative research project ELMCIP: Developing a network-based creative community: Electronic Literature as a model of creativity and innovation in practice, and in particular details the Knowledge Base component of the project. The Knowledge Base is a new platform for developing and sharing bibliographic records about works, critical writing, events, publishers, organizations, and authors in the field of electronic literature, with a particular emphasis on the European context. The paper further introduces the collaborative activity of CELL: an international Consortium for Electronic Literature organized by the Electronic Literature Organization.

    Scott Rettberg - 12.01.2011 - 20:04

  8. Digital Arts and Culture 1998 Conference

    Digital Arts and Culture 98 was an international conference which aimed to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of theoretical and artistic developments in digital arts, media and cultures. Through paper presentations and ample space between sessions, as well as an informal social program, the conferenced aimed to create a good atmosphere for strengthening the links between the many different players and subfields within the rapidly expanding field of digital culture and aesthetic studies.

    Digital Arts and Culture  was the first iteration of what has become an annual conference, commonly referred to as DAC.

    The first conference was organised by Espen Aarseth at the Department of Humanistic Informatics at the University of Bergen. Humanistic Informatics is now the program for Digital Culture.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 12.01.2011 - 23:54

  9. Editorial Process and the Idea of Genre in Electronic Literature in the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1

    The article focuses on two subjects: the process of editing the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1 (2006), and the idea of genre in electronic literature. The author was one of four editors of the first volume of the Collection, along with N. Katherine Hayles, Nick Montfort, and Stephanie Strickland. The Collection, which will be published on a regular basis, is intended to distribute contemporary electronic literature to a wider audience, and to provide a contextual and bibliographic apparatus to make electronic literature more accessible to audiences and educators. In the past decades, the forms of literary artifacts described as electronic literature have diversified to the extent that it is difficult to continue describe them using traditional terms of literary genre. The essay addresses some of the problems involved in classifying digital artifacts by genre, and suggests some avenues of addressing these epistemological challenges. The essay calls for a contextual understanding of works of electronic literature, based both on their nature as procedural artifacts and on their position within a historical continuum of avant-garde practices.

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2011 - 15:49

  10. Patterns of Hypertext

    The apparent unruliness of contemporary hypertexts arises, in part, from our lack of a vocabulary to describe hypertext structures. From observation of a variety of actual hypertexts, we identify a variety of common structural patterns that may prove useful for description, analysis, and perhaps for design of complex hypertexts. These patterns include: Cycle Counterpoint Mirrorworld Tangle Sieve Montage Split/Join Missing Link Feint

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 11:59
