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  1. Look at me

    Look at me

    Maud Ceuterick - 14.07.2020 - 17:20

  2. Living Pages

    Imagine your body literally immersed in a book. The letters of the alphabet, the punctuation marks have escaped the limits of the page. They seem to have an autonomous life, forming clouds all around you. Reacting to your amazed gaze, the letters find their order to form a sentence. You turn around, abstract shapes float: we don't know if they are images or objects. An omniscient voice is speaking to you. Everything gravitates with joy. Above, lines of code scroll like rain curtains: you are immersed in LIVING PAGES. LIVING PAGES is an original poem that is expressed at the same time as it is contemplated. It is a work of virtual reality based on unconscious interactivity. It is a new form that materializes, in real time, the mental images generated by the user and conveyed by words.

    Sebastian Soleng Borge - 02.09.2020 - 11:39

  3. Please, Don't Touch Me!

    Don't Touch Me! (2019) makes the bullying dilemma of social media immediate and immediately perceptible, as the user harasses the avatar with every movement and triggers an emotional uneasiness that cannot be avoided. Like the analogue, the digital is ultimately about control, and thus the AI gets quickly annoyed and consequently commits suicide and thus becomes a will-less plaything. And with this a new avatar and serf for your enjoyment is born.

    Solange Saballos - 10.09.2020 - 01:04

  4. beauty routine, from The Offline Website Project

    beauty routine, from The Offline Website Project

    Alex Saum - 18.09.2020 - 21:12

  5. We Knew The Glass Man

    We Knew The Glass Man

    John McDaid - 05.10.2020 - 22:41

  6. Standing By The Wall

    Standing By The Wall

    John McDaid - 05.10.2020 - 23:00

  7. The Renewable Sonnets of William Shakespeare (Volumes 1 & 2)

    The larger project is my first foray into digital poetry that uses a relatively large data set, in this case, the complete sonnets of William Shakespeare.

    In Volume 1, the user has the ability to stir lines from Shakespeare’s original 154 sonnets into their “own” creation and to render a screenshot of any particular stirring by pressing the “collect the ephemera” button. The user also has the option to “defeat the ephemera” and return the text to one of Shakespeare’s originals.

    In Volume 2, the user does not have the ability to stir Shakespeare’s texts into their “own” creation as the texts are generative or “self-stirring.”  Instead, the user has the opportunity to “read the ephemera” by pressing the “Thou shouldst print more, not let that copy die” button rendering a screenshot of any particular stirring. “Thou shouldst print more…” is the last line of Sonnet XI.


    Lucila Mayol Pohl - 09.10.2020 - 11:01

  8. We Descend: Archives Pertaining to Egderus Scriptor, Volume Three

    Work on We Descend began in 1984, when five words came unbidden into my mind: “If this document is authentic…” I had no idea what the phrase signified: Who’s saying this? What document? Why wouldn’t it be authentic? How would it be authenticated? By what authority? How would that authority be established? Where did the document come from in the first place? As I pondered these questions, a clutch of fragmentary writings began to appear under my hands — via the standard tech at the time: fountain pen, notebook paper, clipboard.


    Lucila Mayol Pohl - 09.10.2020 - 11:18

  9. Shadow Trees

    Shadow Trees compiles and animates images of urban nature. Focusing on shadows cast by trees onto walls, buildings, pavement, and the trunks of other trees, Jody Zellen is able to investigate places where natural and built environments overlap and touch.

    The short video disrupts audience expectations of nature films and photography, which are often framed to limit or erase the presence of humans, so that trees are shown to exist in forests, not in city blocks. In so doing, such photographic conventions comfort us by removing our role in the precariosness of their existence, particularly in large metropolitan places like Los Angeles where carbon emissions choke human and nonhuman life alike.


    Lucila Mayol Pohl - 09.10.2020 - 11:36

  10. Rozsypne

    ROZSYPNE is een literaire non-fictievertelling, gebaseerd op een werk van de Nederlands-Oekraïense schrijver Lisa Weeda. In ROZSYPNE brengt Studio ZZZAP je terug naar de zomer van 2014, het moment waarop het gewapende conflict stevig op gang kwam. Je stapt de wereld van de oude Nina binnen. Zij probeert zo goed en kwaad als het gaat haar dagelijks leven op de rit te houden. Nina vraagt je een moment mee te draaien in haar huishouden, aan de vooravond van de MH17-crash.

    Siebe Bluijs - 28.01.2021 - 10:09
