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  1. Autostart: A Festival of Digital Literature

    Celebrating the release of the Electronic Literature Collection, volume 1 presented by the MACHINE reading series. Conversation about writing and literature in the digital age, featuring poets: Charles Bernstein, Jena Osman, Bob Perelman, Ron Silliman. Workshops, readings, and performances, along with an "Electronic Writing Slam": A time to collaboratively write and to informally discuss forms, techniques, and technologies.

    Source: Festival Website

    Patricia Tomaszek - 03.02.2012 - 14:17

  2. New Directions in Digital Poetry Launch Party

    A celebration of Chris Funkhouser's New Directions in Digital Poetry, featuring presentations by Francisco J. Ricardo, editor of the Continuum book series, "International Texts in Critical Media Aesthetics," in which Funkhouser's book appeared, and other e-lit figures including John Cayley, Angela Ferraiolo, Mary Flanagan, Alan Sondheim, Stephanie Strickland, and others.

    Sound recordings are available from PennSound:

    Patricia Tomaszek - 05.02.2012 - 12:43

  3. Digital Media Poetics presents Patricia Tomaszek

    Digital Media Poetics presents Patricia Tomaszek

    Patricia Tomaszek - 14.02.2012 - 23:13

  4. Interrupt 2008

    Interrupt is an international festival celebrating writing and performance in digital media. In computing, an interrupt is a command sent to the processor to get its attention, indicating a need for change. We understand the interrupt as a general paradigm for imagining the role of digital writing practices in contemporary society.

    The Festival events include three scholarly roundtables, an “Interruptheque” featuring unconventionally-situated screens displaying works of digital literature, a reading, three fringe performance events, a public lecture by Erkki Huhtamo and a workshop with Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries.

    Source: event website

    Patricia Tomaszek - 14.02.2012 - 23:39

  5. Reading by Michelle Teran: Work-in-Progress Guest Lecture

    New media artist and researcher Michelle Teran will present work-in-progress on her Folgen project

    Folgen (2011), draws on the existing narratives of amateur video makers found on YouTube to build a multi-layered media landscape of Berlin.  My subjective approach combines fragments of images and sound from the videos with my own narration, using the traces video makers have left in the public sphere of the internet to follow people throughout the city. A large table, roughly shaped like the city of Berlin is covered with drawings, texts and documentation from videos. It emerges as a temporary tactile media archive and becomes a physical environment for the re-playing of personal histories, which are then performed live. The many protagonists involved in the making of the work create the stories told during the performance.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 12.03.2012 - 16:54

  6. Digitale Kunst in der Bibliothek - Digital Art in the Library

    Das Ende des Gutenbergzeitalters ist längst ausgerufen und Medienhistoriker konstatieren eine Entwicklung von Medien des Sinns (Schrift, Buch) zu Medien der Sinne (Fotografie, Film). Der Computer erschien in seiner textbasierten Anfangszeit als Revanche des Wortes am Fernsehen. Inzwischen gibt es Fernsehen auch im Internet. Schlechte Zeiten für den Text? Die neuen Medien führen auch zu neuen Formen der Textnutzung: interaktiv, effektvoll, dekorativ, oft eher darauf aus, mit dem Text zu spielen als ihn zu lesen. Die Ausstellungsreihe "Digitale Kunst in der Bibliothek" zeigt einige davon, beginnend mit "Overboard", einem Beispiel für animierte konkrete Poesie.

    Mittwoch 28. März um 18:15 Uhr 
    im Katalogsaal der UB: Ausstellungseröffnung "Overboard" von John Cayley und Buchvernissage: "Textmaschinen - Kinetische Poesie - Interaktive Installation" von Prof. Dr. Roberto Simanowski. Anschliessend Apéro.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 24.03.2012 - 14:28

  7. PW12 Performance Writing Weekend

    The weekend comprises performances, readings, a workshop on Writing & Mapping, ‘events on the plinth', an exhibition and discussions about multi- and inter-medial writing. We will be considering how, as the printed book comes under threat, new writing will be made, displayed and talked about. See attached PDF full details.


    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 02.05.2012 - 16:21

  8. A Night at the Cybertexts

    This electronic literary reading was arranged as short films are on a festival reel. Each of the works briefly presented in this "reel-time" event was written since DAC 2000. The authors reading came from diverse backgrounds, having begun their electronic writing endeavors in StorySpace (Jackson, Moulthrop, Strickland), on the Web (Coverley, Gillespie, Memmott, Rettberg), in cybertext poetry using HyperCard (Cayley), in commercial gaming (Swigart), and in interactive fiction forms (Montfort).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2012 - 17:03

  9. A Multimedia Reading by Stephanie Strickland and Judd Morrissey

    A Multimedia Reading by Stephanie Strickland and Judd Morrissey

    Patricia Tomaszek - 31.05.2012 - 20:04

  10. Interactions: Newspoetry

    About Newspoetry

    Newspoetry is an alternative online news source that presents a poem or prose every day responding to current news. The Urbana, Illinois-based writing collective's efforts produce a unique and ongoing form of social history, commentary, satire, and poetry. An ensemble reading will be performed by a group of newspoets including founder William Gillespie, editor-until-chief Joseph Futrelle, singer-songwriter Paul Kotheimer, Nicolle Ruth Neulist, Anne Bargar and others. Following the reading a discussion of the work will be led by Notre Dame University Associate Professor of English Steve Tomasula.

    About the respondent, Steve Tomasula

    Steve Tomasula's fictions and essays are forthcoming or have appeared most recently in Fiction International, The Iowa Review, New Art Examiner, Kuntsforum, Circa: The Journal of International Visual Culture, Leonardo, American Book Review, The Review of Contemporary Fiction, Emigre and Black Ice. He received his Ph.D. in English from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He serves on the editorial board of ebr, the electronic book review where he guest-edited issues on narrative theory and image.

    Scott Rettberg - 27.01.2013 - 21:55
