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  1. Noise

    Noise was made for thetextisthetext (Patriothall Gallery, Edinburgh, 2011). It is a concrete poem which offers a representation of computer noise, shown as a series of 0s and 1s randomly flipping back and forth. As the noise increases, the typefaces begin to change. Noise is a lo-fi piece, essentially a flip book animation transferred from page to computer screen: the image had to be moving in order to represent noise, and I could see no reason why a concrete poem had to be a still image. The content was gathered using Word before transferring it over to Director for the animation. Whilst referring to computer noise, this piece is not a mimetic representation. The layout was set to resemble that of a poem on a page rather than the usual images of binary code on screen which signify computer. Likewise, instead of machine-readable fonts I used Times New Roman as the main typeface. The poem on the page provided the reference point and this was to show that, like most remediations, the computer progresses partly by denying itself. (Source: author)

    Gerald Smith - 02.11.2011 - 16:50

  2. A Slow Year: Game Poems

    A collection of four one kilobyte games for the Atari Video Computer System, one for each season, about the experience of observing things. Neither action nor strategy, each game requires a different kind of sedate observation and methodical input. Accompanying the game are essays about the commonalities between videogames and poetry and 1,024 machined haiku—poetry generated by computer—8 bits worth for each season. (Source: Open Texture catalog description)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.11.2011 - 09:46

  3. Amor-mundo, ou a vida, esse sonho triste (cn)

    Amor-mundo, ou a vida, esse sonho triste [World-love, or life, that sad dream] is an animated text which proposes generative schemes of both visual and audio animation. Building on metaphors and images from the works of the Portuguese poet Florbela Espanca, and using as its starting point the Actionscript code of Jared Tarbel, this work includes five poems: Part 1 - Deixa-me ser a tua mais triste mágoa; Part 2 - Eu queria ser o mar alto; Part 3 - Passo no mundo a ler o misterioso livro;  Part 4 - Sou o vento que geme e quer entrar; Part 5 - Horas mortas. The reader can add to these poems random spatial layers that allow the creation of multiple constellations of meaning.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 19:35

  4. Mar de Sophia

    Mar de Sophia é um conjunto de poemas virtuais apresentados em formato hipermédia, nos quais o texto animado na tela é gerado automaticamente a partir do léxico da poeta Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen, previamente estudado em termos de frequência. Esse léxico-base, que (re)constitui a obra de Sophia, e a classifica e mapeia na rede, está indexado em listas codificadas em linguagem XML, acessíveis ao leitor de vários modos, o qual as pode alterar ou adicionar novos vocábulos ou unidades de sentido. A animação do texto está ainda inscrita na componente sonora das variações combinatórias que deste processo resultam. Sempre que uma palavra se altera, o poema activa uma busca em bases de dados de som, com leituras do texto-base de que se aproveitou a sintaxe e a estrutura formal. Desse modo, o leitor pode recriar, no eixo combinatório da linguagem, um poema de Sophia, adaptando-o ao seu gosto, bem como enviar algumas das suas realizações, tanto sonoras quanto verbais, para um servidor PHP instalado num servidor da Internet. Aí, ficam arquivadas as várias versões de todos os leitores que participam na (re)leitura do poema.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:03

  5. Poemário - Blog de poesia combinatória

    Community of readers that use the text-generator software Poemário. This software allows for real-time publication of several user-generated poems by the readers of Rui Torres' works.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:14

  6. Poemário - Editor de poesia combinatória

    Software for poetry and prose generation based on combinatory principles

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:21

  7. Húmus poema contínuo

    Text generator and combinatory poem based on Húmus by Herberto Helder (1967) and Húmus by Raul Brandão (1917).

    Also published in CD-ROM with the book: TORRES, R. (2010). Herberto Helder Leitor de Raul Brandão. Porto, Ed. UFP. ISBN 978-989-643-063-4.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:24

  8. Amor de Clarice (v. 2). Versão Combinatória

    Combinatory version of Amor de Clarice (2005), based on texts and words by Clarice Lispector.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:41

  9. Streamflow conditions

    Work created for Subito Press and Streamflow Conditions event, org. by Judd Morrissey. This combinatory text constituted the basis of a performance using Twitter. Texts by Rui Torres, Sophia Andersen and Fernando Pessoa.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:46

  10. Do Peso e da Leveza

    Trabalho realizado por encomenda das Oficinas do Convento de 2009, Conversas à Volta do Peso e da Leveza, Montemor-o-Novo. Textos e léxico de Fernando Pessoa e Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:57
