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  1. Reconstructing Mayakovsky

    Inspired by the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky who killed himself in 1930 at the age of thirty-six, this hybrid media novel imagines a dystopia where uncertainty and discord have been eliminated through technology. The text employs storylines derived from lowbrow genre fiction: historical fiction, science fiction, the detective novel, and film. These kitsch narratives are then destabilized by combining idiosyncratic, lyrical poetic language with machine-driven forms of communication: hyperlinks, "cut-and-paste" appropriations, repetitions, and translations (OnewOrd language is English translated into French and back again using the Babelfish program.) In having to re-synthesize a coherent narrative, the reader is obliged to recognize herself as an accomplice in the creation of stories whether these be novels, histories, news accounts, or ideologies. The text is accessed through various mechanisms: a navigable soundscape of pod casts, an archive with real-time Google image search function, a manifesto, an animation and power point video, proposals for theatrical performances, and mechanism b which presents the novel in ten randomly chosen words with their frequencies.

    Scott Rettberg - 15.04.2011 - 15:38

  2. Sooth

    Sooth is a set of love poems interactively triggered phrase-by-phrase to fly in flocks over original video. Sounds associated with each phrase are mapped to audio which pans and volume shifts in space as the phrase flies. Easing equations are randomly shuffled to create a sense of behavior to each phrase. Text-code-video-audio all original and released under a Creative Commons 2.5 License. It was created while I was artist-in-residence at La Chambre Blanche web-lab in Quebec city. Bilingual: French-English in same interface.

    (Source: Author's description from the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume Two)

    Scott Rettberg - 20.04.2011 - 12:46

  3. Interstitial

    David Jhave Johnston’s video-based "Interstitial" is a meditation on terminal anxiety. The title of the piece, which refers generally to that which occupies an “empty interval,” takes on a specific connotation when one considers its popular use in web development contexts for the commercial “pre-loaders” that hawk their wares while one waits for the site to open. The video, which is minimally edited, features three views arranged in triptych form: a cat decomposing in a river, tidal pools, and a bug undergoing metamorphosis. These events, as witnessed by Johnston, are unaltered and unmodified, simply captured where they occurred using handheld equipment. According to an artist’s statement published on Tributaries and Text-fed Streams (, the web presentation of the files was formatted through the process of naming the discrete video, audio, and poetic text files and allowing software to assemble these pieces into an endless loop.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 06.05.2011 - 14:19

  4. Grafik Dynamo

    Grafik Dynamo is a net art work by Kate Armstrong & Michael Tippett that loads live images from the internet into a live action comic strip. From the time of its launch in 2005 to the end of 2008, the work used a live feed from social networking site LiveJournal. The work is currently using a feed from Flickr. The images are accompanied by narrative fragments that are dynamically loaded into speech and thought bubbles and randomly displayed. Animating the comic strip using dynamic web content opens up the genre in a new way: Together, the images and narrative serve to create a strange, dislocated notion of sense and expectation in the reader, as they are sometimes at odds with each other, sometimes perfectly in sync, and always moving and changing. The work takes an experimental approach to open ended narrative, positing a new hybrid between the flow of data animating the work and the formal perameter that comprises its structure.

    (Source: Project site)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 25.05.2011 - 10:46

  5. Underbelly

    Underbelly is a playable media fiction about a woman sculptor, carving on the site of a former colliery in the north of England, now landscaped into a country park. As she carves, she is disturbed by a medley of voices and the player/reader is plunged into an underworld of repressed fears and desires about the artist’s sexuality, potential maternity and worldly ambitions, mashed up with the disregarded histories of the 19th Century women who once worked underground mining coal. 

    Christine Wilks - 03.08.2011 - 16:53

  6. Searchsonata 181

    Die SearchSonata 181 ist der letzte Teil der SEARCH TRILOGIE (search lutz!, 2006 - searchSongs, 2008 - searchSonata 181, 2011), die algorithmisch generierte Texte aufführt. Konstante dieser Trilogie ist die Verwendung von Worten, die gerade in Suchmaschinen wie Google & Co. eingegeben werden. Diese Suchworte werden algorithmisch verarbeitet. 
    Im ersten Teil, bei searchLutz!, zu Texten, im zweiten, bei searchSongs, zu Tönen und im letzten, der searchSonata 181, zu Lauten, die ja die akustische Brücke bilden zwischen Text und Ton. Das Webinterface der searchSonata 181 ist nur Mittel zum Zweck. Das Eigentliche entsteht, wenn die algorithmisch generierten Texte live durch eine Sprecherin performt werden. Die Botschaft muss durch den Algorithmus hindurch, ohne dort hängen zu bleiben.

    Beat Suter - 01.10.2011 - 13:46

  7. Disclaimer


    Disclaimer is non-linear and reshuffles every 7 seconds to form a new disclaimer. Every text field is independent. Arrays of words and phrases recombine to keep the eternal threat of censorship ever-fresh.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.10.2011 - 13:16

  8. The Walking Man

    "Obstacles become playgrounds, playgrounds obstacles." A study of the pedestrian's everyday encounters with the city.

    (Source: Author's website)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 27.01.2012 - 11:56

  9. _:terror(aw)ed patches:_

    _:terror(aw)ed patches:_ is a “collaborative fiction that utilizes through live concurrent editing in Google Wave that results in expressive output[s]”

    (Source: SpringGun Press, v. 2)

    In _:terror(aw)ed patches:_(2009), Shane + Mez create a new method of collaborative “fiction” through _live concurrent editing_ in Google Wave. 

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 28.01.2012 - 13:48

  10. Requiem

    Requiem is an augmented reality poem in which digital imagery and sound is superimposed on a physical object -- in this case the card with the black and white marker. Simply hold the marker up to the webcam to begin experiencing the piece. Click the 'next scene' button to move through the poem.

    The architecture for Requiem was created by Andrew Roth, under the direction of Caitlin Fisher, as part of the ongoing work of the Augmented Reality Lab at York University. This work is based on the LGPL license of FLARManager and FLARtoolkit and the source is therefore made available to you under the GPLv3 license. Requiem is part of a larger, much more fragmented work by Caitlin Fisher, "Cardamom of the Dead", a novel in fragments built using a tabletop augmented reality storytelling machine (custom software created in the lab called SnapDragon). Cardamom is a wide-ranging spatial piece about collections, hoarding and the things we save when people die, including this poem written by my father.

    (Source: Author's description)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 03.03.2012 - 19:21
