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  1. About Time

    A digital interactive hypertext fiction in two braided paralell paths.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.05.2012 - 15:29

  2. We Descend: Archives Pertaining to Egderus Scriptor, Volume Two

    Every writing addresses someone; this someone is often said to be the author's Ideal Reader. But "ideal" connotes a conceptualized, even perpetrated entity that is an entirely different creature from the real person one addresses when speaking. Now it may be useful to make this distinction in order to discuss, in the abstract, the *process* of writing, but the *practice* is wholly different: in writing anything, you address a real person, and, by addressing, conjure that person into your presence — the "materiality" of this being is, well, immaterial. When a real reader (in contrast to an ideal one) takes up an author's writing, she encounters not a voice speaking to *her*, or not to her directly: she comes in on a conversation already in progress, between the author and the person he is addressing in the writing. Given a sense of the occasion she has just joined, she will wisely keep still at first and pay attention, not just to the author's voice, but also to the silence of the other person listening to him at that moment. Thus she comes to know them both.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 14.06.2012 - 16:09

  3. Katastrofetrilogien

    Katastrofetrilogien is a trilogy centered on themes of how stories of historic disasters impact contemporary conversations and relationships. Collaboratively and organically constructed, these three films call upon histories of deadly volcanic ash, great floods, and the plague to tell stories of present day longing, anxiety, and environmental change.

    "The Last Volcano / Det siste utbruddet"
    A story of a catastrophic volcanic eruption and its aftermath is retold by a woman to a man before the slowly turning image of contemporary urban landscape. Though the story seems to reference events of the distant past, its setting and telling raise anxieties related to cycles of memory and forgetting.

    Direction: Roderick Coover
    Writing: Scott Rettberg
    Translation by: Daniel Apollon, Gro Jørstad Nilsen, and Jill Walker Rettberg
    Voices: Gro Jørstad Nilsen and Jan Arild Breistein

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 15.06.2012 - 15:50

  4. The Princess Murderer

    "'The Princess Murderer,' a Flash fiction, was originally published in the Iowa Web Review in 2003 and deals with a number of formal and thematic issues that are of interest to scholars of digital fiction. Due to its satirical approach to intertextuality, it may be referenced as both a hypertext in the Genettian sense of being based on an earlier hypo-text (Charles Perrault's 'La Barbe bleue,' or 'Bluebeard') and a piece of fan fiction. Its distinctly ludic character is thematized and problematized by references to the fatal repercussions of clicking (clicking equals killing princesses) and by the tongue-in-cheek subversion of stereotypical melodramatic game endings (having to save the princess, but what if there are too many of them all of a sudden?). Of further analytical interest are, for instance, the text's focus on gender/pornography and technology, on Gothic fiction and media, and its multimodality (you need sound to read it)."


    Source: Electronic Literature Directory

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 00:45

  5. So Random

    "So Random" is a short digital fiction. It is algorithmically composed on each reading of discreet lexia that are arranged according to temporal and content-based tags. The story combines four first-person narratives to provide a multi-faceted exploration of event and character focusing on point of view, reliability, and causation.

    (Source: Iowa Review Web description)

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 01:42

  6. Clues

    Clues explores the nature of communication, knowledge, and identity through the language and postures of mystery fiction. It's a metaphysical whodunit that invites you to solve the mystery by uncovering clues linked to images throughout the work. The search becomes a game that leads you down wooded trails, back alleys, and empty hallways. Which characters should you pursue? Which objects should you investigate? To win the game, you must separate all the clues from the red herrings. Your final score determines the outcome of the text. But is the mystery really soluble? Is winning actually better than losing? Are the answers or the questions more revealing?

    (Source: 2002 State of the Arts gallery)

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 11:45

  7. My Summer Vacation

    This haunting narrative about a summer vacation turned tragic uses a slim strip of moving images as the background for a stream of language flowing from right to left as a series of voices tell a piece of the story. The sound of waves on the shore serve as a soothing aural backdrop to each character’s whispered voices, perhaps suggestive of what happens when the sea raises its voice. Each character involved with the tragic turn of events brings a different perspective to the situation, yet they are all so involved in their own affairs, much like the ending of Robert Frost’s poem “Out, Out.” In the final lines of the poem, as the speaker (whisperer) seeks to tie up the events in a neat little package that can provide closure, we realize that closure eludes all the characters in the story, who must continue to live on haunted by their memories and regrets.

    (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    My Summer Vacation was originally published via Adobe Flash in 2008. It was republished via HTML5 in 2020.

    Scott Rettberg - 17.06.2012 - 13:59

  8. Blue Lacuna

    Author description: Blue Lacuna is a long-form work of parser-based interactive fiction containing nearly 400,000 words of prose and natural language source code, an explorable novel telling a serious story about the nature of choice and happiness. Lacuna simplifies standard IF syntax with a unique interface: to advance the story, readers type highlighted keywords indicating objects of interest, directions to explore, or topics to pursue during conversation.

    Blue Lacuna’s story revolves around a complex reactive character, the castaway Progue, who evolves over the course of the story based on the reader’s interactions with him. The climax of the story and resolution of Progue’s character arc—whether he becomes a friend, a mentor, a lover, a sycophant, or one of eight other archetypes—is dependent on how the reader treats him in up to 70 distinct scenes and conversations over the work’s ten chapters. The structure of Blue Lacuna is thus best represented not by a branching tree but a braided rope, with countless ways each reader may braid the threads of story into a personal and meaningful narrative.

    Aaron Reed - 20.06.2012 - 18:59

  9. Modern Moral Fairy Tales

    Modern Moral Fairy Tales is a tale told in 18 (chai) nodes. The story has two main lines--an upfront fairy tale dealing with greed, isolation, Nigerian scams, and online learning.  The shadow story for this main line concerns a sentient internet cafe and a state run dissemination of information or suppression of information, depending on how you approach it.  MaJe thought this was waaaaay too dark, and hid an Official History of Salmon in Clear Water Ravines, which posits a much better society--under the waves. Her shadow story handles the day to day life of salmon, from financial news to recent literary acquisitions.

    Deena Larsen - 20.06.2012 - 18:59

  10. Opacity

    Opacity is a 4-part short interactive story.
    We live in an age of obsession with transparency especially in politics and business.
    But in our personal relationships, what is the point of being transparent to oneself and to others ? The following interactive narrative commends a kind of opacity which is meant as an in-between. It is the story of a journey from a dream of transparency to a desire for opacity.

    (Source: Author's description on work's website)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 08.07.2012 - 14:26
